First of all, I would like to thank LanDarr for his work with the Recall Mining macro. Here is his post and where I got my inspiration for the Razor Lumberjacking Macro. I created a macro to recall lumberjack. It is not much but it saves the player hours of clicking and pointing. The macro is fairly easy to setup and requires minimal coding. For this macro to work, you will need a few key items 1). A 100% LRC suit (I did not add a restocking feature in this macro but LanDarr did in his) 2). A spell channeling Axe 3). At least 70 Magery for recall 4). A hatchet in your backpack 5). A runebook filled with 16 safe spots for trees 6). A rune marked to your house with a container on the steps. 7). A container inside your container on the steps. 8). Strength of 100 or more The macro allows the player to recall from spot to spot and then when the player reaches max weight, it will recall the player back to the player's house to convert the logs into boards then places them inside the container. This is my character with the spell channel axe This is my backpack prior to the start of the macro My front steps and the location of the container. The actual location does not matter but the container needs to be on the steps. Make sure your home recall rune is next to the container. Inside the container is the drop off container for the boards This is the starting of the macro. This code will recall the player to the first spot in the runebook. Here is where you have to do your own coding. This line in the code and all the lines that are the same need to be changed to your runebook Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickAction|1091808346|8901. To find out the ID of your own runebook, all you have to do is make a junk macro. Make a new macro, press record and then double click your runebook. You will find the line of code in the macro folder in UO Razor. Code: // Runebook Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:03 Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickAction|1091808346|8901 Assistant.Macros.WaitForGumpAction|89|False|5000 Assistant.Macros.GumpResponseAction|50|0|0 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:05 This chunk of code will check your max weight and if you are over weight then it will use the hatchet in your backpack to convert logs into boards. A couple lines of code will need to be changed based on your character. This line need to be changed : Assistant.Macros.IfAction|5|1|515 This is the line that checks your max weight, I have a max weight of 527 stones. Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickAction|1103417809|3907 This line double clicks your hatchet Assistant.Macros.TargetTypeAction|False|7133 This line targets the logs in your pack My macro will chop trees 20 times or until your backpack is full Code: // Start Chopping Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:03 Assistant.Macros.ForAction|20 // Check Weight Assistant.Macros.IfAction|5|1|515 Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickAction|1103417809|3907 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:02.5000000 Assistant.Macros.TargetTypeAction|False|7133 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:05 Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickAction|1103417809|3907 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:02.5000000 Assistant.Macros.TargetTypeAction|False|7133 Assistant.Macros.ElseAction This section of code will use the Assistant.Macros.ForAction|20 from the code group above to chop the trees until full Code: // Chop Tree Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickTypeAction|3912|True Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:02.5000000 Assistant.Macros.TargetRelLocAction|-1|0 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:02.5000000 Assistant.Macros.EndIfAction Assistant.Macros.EndForAction After your backpack becomes full, the macro will then recall the player back to their home, convert the logs in the backpack into boards, and drop off the boards inside the secure container. You can modify this section to use the bank if you would like it too. See LanDarr's macro for reference. Code: // Recall Home Assistant.Macros.ExtCastSpellAction|32|4294967295 Assistant.Macros.WaitForTargetAction|30 Assistant.Macros.AbsoluteTargetAction|0|0|1104937031|69|91|0|7956 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:05 // Drop in Box Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickTypeAction|3709|True Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:05 Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickAction|1103417809|3907 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:02.5000000 Assistant.Macros.TargetTypeAction|False|7133 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:05 Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickAction|1103417809|3907 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:02.5000000 Assistant.Macros.TargetTypeAction|False|7133 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:05 Assistant.Macros.LiftTypeAction|7127|396 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:04 Assistant.Macros.DropAction|0x4099DD33|(-1, -1, 0)|0 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:04 Assistant.Macros.LiftTypeAction|7127|396 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:04 Assistant.Macros.DropAction|0x4099DD33|(-1, -1, 0)|0 // End First location This ends the first chunk of code for the first rune in the book. This will loop for the the rest of the runebook. Attached is the full macro, have fun and happy chopping.
LRC suits, spell channeling weapons, over 100 strength, multiple types of wood other than oak... did you wander in from Age of Shadows or something?