How To: run a dominant IDOC guild on UOR v.010

Discussion in 'Guides' started by TrojanCow, May 9, 2016.

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  1. Caska VS Trees

    Caska VS Trees Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2016
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    *posts drama-inviting thread*
    *gets angry about drama in thread*
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  2. Erza Scarlet

    Erza Scarlet Well-Known Member
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    May 24, 2015
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  3. Punt

    Punt Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
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    You posted In this thread admitting bestial was your alternate forum account, I then posted a thread that you started on your Trojancow account selling an item then in that thread your self admitted alternate forum account bid on it. It doesn't get any more cut and fucking dry than that. Game, set, match. But please go on and keep trying to tell everyone TT members are a bunch of conspiracy lunatics. lol
    wylwrk, Eugen, Hydrox and 3 others like this.
  4. EndlessMike

    EndlessMike Member

    Sep 28, 2015
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  5. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    wow... who needs soap operas and american wrestling?

    This is the most awesome dramatic post ever!
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  6. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 16, 2013
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    A lot of this is not rocket science nor inventing something new. This has been done for years! As a matter of fact, there's 3 or 4 or 12 things which can and have been done more efficiently by others before.

    HOWEVER, the level of structure/organization/harmony that existed in this group for the amount of time it did is to be comended.
    PaddyOBrien, Hydrox and BlackEye like this.
  7. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    of course you did bid on your own auctions constantly so that was pretty neat
    I never heard anyone had a problem with kane's fort. Around that time Cynic had sold a fort for 15+ mil and that's what was being suggested kane pay for his and I said that wasn't a fair price. (Actually we didn't believe Hydrox had paid 15mil, he told people that O^S members gave him gold to beat kane on the auction). Apparently there were 4 parties that deserved a split of that fortress and they were erl, xeg, drak, and one person from UO (if I remember correctly.) Once the SL people chose to not take a cut of the house, it became pretty cheap. Basically it went for deed+ some split to one UO guild member. I never heard that a complaint came from that person, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen.

    Here's how our alliance ended, by the way:

    Session Start: Sat Sep 26 23:38:07 2015
    Session Ident: [UO]Bixby_Legbone
    [23:38] Session Ident: [UO]Bixby_Legbone (CHAT4ALL, Mes) (
    [23:38] <[UO]Bixby_Legbone> Hail
    01[23:38] <Mes> hello
    01[23:38] <Mes> what's new Bixby?
    [23:39] <[UO]Bixby_Legbone> I come bearing bad news. In that I must end our formal alliance.
    01[23:40] <Mes> Haha, ok. What does this mean for erlkonig?
    [23:41] <[UO]Bixby_Legbone> As far as I am concerned, he is welcome to remain in both groups so long as he likes
    01[23:41] <Mes> Was there some event that happened that I wasn't aware of? Truth be told I haven't seen much from UO players since the harrower was cancelled.
    [23:43] <[UO]Bixby_Legbone> In general, I have had multiple members tell me that they get grief from players for our alliance, even to the point of one member stating 'it's almost kind of cool to be percieved as one of the bad guys' just by virtue of the word of our alliance
    [23:45] <[UO]Bixby_Legbone> I invited a person to join my guild tonight, he's a new player but I knew him from uosa when we both played there. He was immediately bringing up how shocked he was to hear of my guild's alliance with the shadowlords
    [23:46] <[UO]Bixby_Legbone> To be honest, you're a great person from all the contact I have had with you.
    01[23:48] <Mes> I'm not a griefer. 'We're' not griefers. I think griefer is kind of a silly word so I'll clarify to say that I don't target new or weak players. We specifically target the strong people and unfortunately they are also influential and have a lot of pull with staff
    01[23:49] <Mes> I don't begrudge you for wanting nothing to do with us. It's our cross to bear and we earned it proudly over the last couple years by being a winning team imo.
    01[23:49] <Mes> And we won't target you because of ending the alliance.
    [23:50] <[UO]Bixby_Legbone> Thank you very much, I had high hopes and if anything I was misguided and should have realized that my focus is primarily on PvM and associating myself with just one, or any faction guild, would have been bound to alienate others
    [23:51] <[UO]Bixby_Legbone> I really do not want people who are considering our guild, not because of word of mouth, nor do I want the people who choose to stay around in my guild to have to do so in spite of our reputation.
    [23:52] <[UO]Bixby_Legbone> you sent me willie, and in my opinion he is a great guy and I am so happy and honored to be able to play with him. and for that I am grateful. You also invited my guildmembers to those holiday scrolls and probably other stuff that I was not around for, and again that shows your personal good character
    [23:52] <[UO]Bixby_Legbone> Unfortunately, I have not had time to play much with the others beyond sugar and xeg. and I believe it's fine we have our differences and want to do different things in the game sometimes, or all the time.
    [23:53] <[UO]Bixby_Legbone> I am soon going to go from working 5 days a week to 7, and I won't be here in game nearly as much as I would like.
    01[23:54] <Mes> Well you have to do what is right by your guild I suppose - if this had to end I'm glad it could atleast end amicably. For about a year now my guild/faction have been personally attacked by zealous enemies. I truly believe our repuation is undeserved. Noone has ever been scammed by me or my guildmates. We stand up for new players and non pvpers and are a long standing ally of every RP guild
    01[23:55] <Mes> And as you start your next chapter on the server I'm glad atleast you'll personally know that we were hospitable and honest with you.
    01[23:55] <Mes> atleast I hope you feel that way - that's what we tried to be.
    [23:56] <[UO]Bixby_Legbone> You very much were. I just got back from a 6 mile walk where this conversation was at the forefront the entire time. Ultimately it came down that I decided I would know for sure based on how you responded.
    [23:57] <[UO]Bixby_Legbone> I will be happy to always defend your reputation as needed, and if the occasion ever arises I will send people looking for factions or pvp your way.
    Session Close: Sun Sep 27 00:00:01 2015

    Tbh we were never idocers. There were UO idocers and they received help from some very few interested sl people. If a house dropped after our people were home from work and before we went to bed we would show up and chase reds around. For myself I saw the UO guild as a chance to make some friends because our reputation was quite low - and there was nothing really to regret about it. I met Erl and invited him into my own guild. Before Bixby formally cancelled our alliance I had been hearing that there was pressure in their guild to end it. They were being told they would be harassed off the server if they didn't.

    (on Gideon and ending the alliance)
    <[UO]Dyne> prolly just the TT affiliation...he was the one i talked about, when we discussed the 2 year grudge.
    <[UO]Dyne> Gideon was at the center of breaking up the TT/UO alliance, it was ALL there in the spreadsheet.
    <[UO]Dyne> he hatched the plan to make fake dank nuggets, join SL's and start rez killing and doing shit to make them look bad.
    <[UO]Dyne> Bixby didn't really either. (want to end the alliance)
    <[UO]Dyne> I pretty much forced his hand lol

    (on alternate forum accounts)
    <[UO]Dyne> he got ahold of their spreadsheet with 2 years of idoc data.
    <[UO]Dyne> it had every conversation that O^S guys have ever had with myself, Bixby, everyone.
    <[UO]Dyne> pasted for all of them to read
    <[UO]Dyne> that's why attila isn't Iago...its ALL of them. They all use the attila account for forum selling. Everyone thinks its Iago, but its really a shared account that all of them have access too to sell their warez.
    <[UO]Dyne> it's actually more often than not Gideon. Gideon uses it 75% of the time.

    In the google doc that Trojan Cow linked there was already a section for the members to bid on items. It doesn't look to me like they needed to bid on the forums on their own auctions unless they were being fraudulent. In my opinion, the whole alternate forum account bidding on your own auctions scam would have been blown out of the water except Telamon went to great lengths to protect the O^S idocers whenever it came up. Even if we couldn't prove who was who it would have made a lot of people nervous to bid on those auctions if they were allowed to be made aware of what was happening and the special permissions they were given. Telamon could have jumped in and let the community know he was letting one guild use alt accounts to bid on their own auctions because it was their guild policy.

    Take a recent thread like this for example:
    They post the item for sale and even tag the guy they intended to sell it to because they knew he wanted it. Then they bring in another guy to drive the price up. The OP even states he doesn't care or need or want gold. So why not just sell or give it to his friend/guildmate in the first place? (For what it's worth their own side of the story is in the thread. They say it was a legit bid and I think it was shady, but decide for yourself of course.)

    @TrojanCow In one of your posts in your guide you specifically name my guild and make a joke about us. No, we won't just leave your thread. Yes, you can get Telamon to delete our posts.
  8. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    The plot thickens...
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  9. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    In my conversation with Meridan I pointed out how the TT/UO alliance was a problem and it would be great to expedite it's demise. I pointed out a variety of hypotheticals and then immediately, within the same breath, pointed out how I would never do any of them and instead I figured the alliance would end anyway because TT/UO seemed pretty tired of IDOCing as it was. It was just days later you guys ended your alliance. All without my involvement. I never attacked any UO people, that's for damned sure.

    Please leave me out of your character assassination attempts.

    I don't shill bid, impersonate other players, engage in conspiracies to breakup alliances, blah blah blah.

    The only reason I used an alt account to sell shit on these forums is for the exact reason this thread illustrates - to avoid you guys constantly attacking me. Not in game - in irc and forums. Your only goal is to drive me away so I took actions to go stealth. Those actions obviously failed, sue me. I'm sure you guys use your alt forum accounts to sell stuff for the exact same reason.

    The incident with the blaze robe is actually a funny story. So TrojanCow was sorting like he typically was, and accidentally dropped his blessed blaze anni robe into the trash can and it insta poofed. Knowing TC, who isn't to be trifled with when he wants something (as we've seen in several recent auctions), he decided he needed to replace said robe, and do so without regard for expense. So he bought it from the guild sale he was running for 300k, well above market value.

    We all had a good laugh at his expense.
    Last edited: May 17, 2016
  10. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    That's garbage. We have never had any complaint about you selling anything. The only thing that I think was shady was bidding on your own auctions with alternate accounts (and making volumes of posts in other threads to hide your good name for that matter.) It's completely dishonest to say you made those forum accounts as a response to any attacks. But I guess it's important that Telamon believe you're being attacked in order to show up here and rescue you.
    Bamilus and Caska VS Trees like this.
  11. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Will the staff take action in a conflict between two groups of players that could be best solved ingame? No.

    Punt had suspicions that the bid was not legitimate at the time (August 2015), and chose not to report it.

    Players are always welcome to come to the staff for a clarification on the rules (before I come to you) and are expected to adjust their behavior to comply with the rules. If you suspect someone of breaking the rules, then report it, and please be patient while the staff (volunteers) look into it. If the issue requires access to IP logs it can take longer as that information is not accessible to all staff, even moderators to protect player privacy.

    The staff however is not the police force of players who wish to target players outside the game world when the timing suits their current needs. Or because they no longer have a positive relationship with the target. Many many players have been warned about their conduct on this server and their behavior has changed. The players whos behavior has gone unchanged, no longer play here. Either by choice or staff action.

    If you suspect someone is breaking the posted rules for the forums, and the suspicion is legitimate all you have to do is click "Report" next to their post. We cannot do this without the players help. Choosing not to report someone for abusing the rules, and then expecting staff action targeting behavior from 9 months ago is unrealistic. Very few players here have gone their whole UOR career without a talk from me about conduct.

    If we detect any behavior that warrants a discussion we will talk to the player involved. If the behavior does not change we will take more drastic steps as outlined in the rules.

    Continued discussion on this topic can continue in the trash talk subforum.
    Last edited: May 17, 2016
    Blaise, Erza Scarlet and Hydrox like this.
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