Rise up this morning Log in to have some fun A damn fish steak is on my door step? Look all around I'm not sure what to do Seems they got my neighbors to-oo-ooo It can be rather alarming to wake up to a fish steak on your door step. Has this ever happened to you? Don't worry! This guide will help you through these confusing times. With this guide you will learn, Fish steak anatomy Dealing with reality To deny or acknowledge? Moving forward... moving on! Final thoughts Fish Steak Anatomy Noun 1. cross-section slice of a large fish Yes, waiter I would like you to bring me your finest of fish steaks!2. a labor saving device used in conjunction with the act of IDoCing Herp derp... herpity doo... durrr hurr... Fish st... Oh! The Shannara Chronicles is on! Did you know? Did you know your door step has been imbued with magical food preservation properties? It's true! That means that the fish steak on your door step will never age! It can sit motionless for all time and never rot... ever! So, don't worry about an annoying fishy smell because there won't be one. Dealing With Reality The first step in the process is dealing with reality. FACT: There is a fish steak on my door step. Repeat this to yourself several times until you begin to feel comfortable. This mantra can also help reduce stress during your first fish steak encounter. Giving the situation some time you'll quickly find yourself ready to move on to the next important step in the process! To Deny or Acknowledge? Choices: One great thing about finding yourself in a fish steak encounter is knowing that you have choices. Denial - There is an angry dragon coming towards me. Actually, nah. There is no drag... In most situations, denial is not an option. However, when faced with a fish steak encounter, denial is a suitable and final way of dealing with the problem. Step 1. You can't deny first seeing the fish steak and for peace of mind dealing with the reality of it has it's psychological benefits. Step 2. Now you are ready to move on with your life tell yourself... there is no fish steak. Don't touch it. Just ignore it... completely! Step 3. Move on to the final phase of dealing with a fish steak encounter. You are ready! Acknowledge - Others choose a more positive and active method of dealing with a fish steak encounter by saying to themselves, "You know what... yes there is a fish steak on my door step and that's okay by me!" Step 1. Acknowledge the presence of the fish steak and make it part of your UO day. Step 2. Leave the fish steak alone and respect it's space. Step 3. Acknowledge the fish steak by stepping over it as you enter your home from day to day. Step 4. Move on to the final phase of dealing with a fish steak encounter. You are ready! Optional: You can even name your fish steak! Be the envy of your neighbors with your very own pet fish steak! I named mine "Merafin". Moving On... Moving Forward! Having successfully navigated your fish steak encounter with either of the two choices above you may be asking yourself, "What now?"That's a great question... really, what now? This is the best and easiest part. You don't have to do anything at all! But, if you don't have the proper security measures in place, the only person you'll have to blame is, yourself. Get it? Good.
I was assaulted at my new home, by the Fish Bandit, if your ever in Southern Trinsic, come on over for dinner, perhaps a few wine coolers.
It just means you were visited by the fish steak fairy. If you're a good little girl or boy, he comes by while you are sleeping and leaves a fish steak on your doorstep. Either that, or it's a bad omen left by Meradin
You know, I was kinda wondering what the heck those things were popping up for. I found three on my doorstep in the last month. At first I thought they were poisoned, but then they're not cooked, so they can't be. Had no idea this was an IDOC thing.
to be fair I had a brain fart multi-tasking and left a toon standing outside like a moron so i can't really be mad about that LOL
The Great Fishsteak Mystery of 2016 draws to a dramatic close! This has been nagging at my mind for some time now! Sorry wylwrk, in my ignorance I cooked and ate my raw doorstep fishsteak. Can I have a new one?