Actually punish PKs when they die

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Fred, Sep 25, 2016.

  1. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    What's so hard about to understand, that PK's here that run around on blue's and out of stats are the pussy trammelites? Fuck it, force them all to learn how to survive as PKs and let them all re-macro their skill loss. Either you can PK, or you can't.

    You want to murder, all fine. Very good indeed. Just learn how to do it right.
  2. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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  3. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Here is a calendar with pussies... lots and lots of pussies. Aren't they cute?

    2016-10-05 06_03_19-2016 calendar cat - Google Search.png

    These pussies are modern and hip. Look at them go! They're living in the now. Stare at the pussies. Look into their cute little eyes and
    let them magically transport you out of the hovel you've been trapped in since the '90's. Just let the bong drop to the floor... let it go.

    Join us. Join us in the now.
    Eldstorm, Jupiter, Ilikeparty and 2 others like this.
  4. Ilikeparty

    Ilikeparty New Member

    Sep 30, 2016
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    Before we get started, I need to ask if English is your primary language?

    Because at no point did I mention not being able to handle stat loss, or anything regarding stat loss. I strongly suggest you reread what I said, and try to comprehend it more before responding. Your retarded drool is highly amusing though.
  5. Eldstorm

    Eldstorm Active Member

    Sep 2, 2016
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    But you did imply quite a bit with your sweeping insults. You contributed nothing to the discussion beyond "lol all r fags i r gud".
    Hlokk and One like this.
  6. Ilikeparty

    Ilikeparty New Member

    Sep 30, 2016
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    Didnt realize you were having a serious discussion about this 20 years later. Doesnt matter if this server isnt that old, this is the oldest QQ thread of all times. Someone died, and is crying on the forums. Spin it however you want, these are his tears because OP died in UO and went to the forums with WAAAAA PKS

    gg, im out
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2016
  7. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  8. Lyta

    Lyta Well-Known Member
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    Oct 29, 2015
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    Yeah, because being indifferent to getting killed and losing items "in a 20 year old video game" makes you a man amongst boys. Who are you in game, anyways? I'm not on the up-and-up with everyone's forum to char accounts.

    That's the spirit! Aren't you here bitching about bitchers? I guess we are all little bitches, huh?

    I think most people would be happy with a fix to tracking. It's pretty evident that some people see an issue with how easily penalties are avoided and some people don't; but I hope we can all agree that tracking is a problem.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2016
    Eldstorm and One like this.
  9. Skynyrd2

    Skynyrd2 Member
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    Oct 10, 2013
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    Pks/ losing all your stuff is one of the most appealing dynamic things about this game. If you enjoy fighting monsters without having to worry , trust me there are far far far better games out there for this. However if you enjoy ongoing wars and personal interactions read below

    I've seen some recent streams of these "pks" ... Why don't you fight back . If they outnumber you make a couple friends and fight back. Trust me it is not difficult whatsoever from the footage I've seen.

    fight back .. Then the pks may be upset you ruined their fun so they will group up more .. So you make more friends to group against. Then you have all kinds of friendships and more collaborative activity on the server. Which makes you have more fun and makes the server grow .

    Personally randomly pking farmers was never entertaining to myself and I did not consider it pvp in the way I view pvp.
    Isabel and Eldstorm like this.
  10. Eldstorm

    Eldstorm Active Member

    Sep 2, 2016
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    I think what you wrote applies more to PvP than Pk'ing. The main thing about groups of PK's and why there is a discussion on the subject generally has to do with three things:

    Tracking being far too powerful especially in dungeons (including being able to track outside of dungeons from within/into other areas).

    Murder counts decaying too fast vs the number of red characters you could run without giving up much in any other area of the game. Going into statloss is more a choice than an actual risk.

    Fighting back, or running an Anti-PK group is quite difficult without heat of battle or any other similiar restriction. Round up the entire shard if you wish,whatever group killed you just recalled away within seconds.

    Im certainly not complaining nor pointing fingers at anyone or trying to call you out. :) But PvP and Pk'ing are fairly different things.
    Main reason im on board with some of the suggestions here is cause i think there would be more PvP and fighting in general if murderers faced an actual risk of having to survive heat of battle after a kill,more so if a greater risk of statloss is included. The virtually non-existant blue anti-pk's would have a shot at their playstyle too. Quite a few scoundrels have posted here already and many of them are genuinely really nice despite their murdering ways, and have voiced their own support for some changes as it isnt really about preventing their playstyle. The freedom to steal and kill is definetly part of the core defining concepts that make UO.

    "One" Wrote an excellent summary three posts up!
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2016
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  11. Skynyrd2

    Skynyrd2 Member
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    Oct 10, 2013
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    Pking and pvp are two entirely different aspects as I mentioned. the pvp community on this server has always had a skewed point of view regarding combat. If people are endlessly murderering in dungeons that's lame and why arnt there other pvp or pk groups retaliating? I would much rather group against 3 organized and stocked than Susan Lee farming her 600th artic ogre lord.

    Changing the difficulty on PKs is going to do 1 thing ... Increase pking. Pks don't pk because of the gold they pk for pride, reputation, high murder numbers. The harder you make it, the more they'll want to do it.

    And they'll find away around anything. No recall after murder count ? Hiding/camping pks will be insta logging in dungeons.

    No mechanics is going to fix the issue. It's the community for letting it happen. If you hear another pk group is out , your main focus should be finding them and engaging. Again it's mentality of the pvp community that created this. Changing mechanics should always be a last resort.
    ebola and Isabel like this.
  12. Eldstorm

    Eldstorm Active Member

    Sep 2, 2016
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    Most PK's,even the ones that dont roll 5 deep into a dungeon and then recall away, arent looking for a fair fight. But again,the mechanics that already exist are not horrible by any means, It is not impossible to hunt. However, like i said earlier,you could gather up the entire shard, whichever group just passed through is long gone and happy to wait out the storm. Whatever group decided to go after them would be stuck fighting monsters or having a picnic outside their house. One of the ideas floated around in the thread is to bring back heat of battle which is not a made up solution but an old mechanic. From my perspective nothing i support or suggest is about preventing murder, just to enable the actions you suggest taking which is to fight back.

    But just like many PvPers arent big fans of PKing, you will find that many PKs are not big fans of fair fights or "sticking around" to engage your group. This is an aspect of the game that could be improved for murderers and innocents alike. Im sure it wont stop murderers from murdering, and hardly anyone wants that. :)

    Of course there are some PK's that run solo,and kudos to them! And there are others who might be running with their friends and i wouldnt hold it against them for wanting to be social while they murder. It would benefit us all though to even out the risks as being a murderer should come with the greatest risk of all (and notoriety, ingame fame etc. Theres even been some suggestion of Titles just for fun to add a carrot to those that accept steeper risk).

    Edit: Also i dont see how any of the changes would lead to a dramatic increase in PKing,doesnt make sense to me sorry!
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2016
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  13. Phrosty

    Phrosty New Member

    Oct 3, 2016
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    i dont care about the PKs im just saying back in the day they didn't have the advantage of macros programs like razor, so nowadays if you don't learn to use razor effectively you are dead. if razor can only be used for non combat then it would make everything even.
  14. Genocide

    Genocide Active Member
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    Feb 1, 2014
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    Yes we did. So this tells me either you didnt play back then, or you were nobody.

    The fact that you think taking away razor would make everything equal, shows your ignorance.

    Welcome to the server, you'll be meeting me soon enough.
  15. Skynyrd2

    Skynyrd2 Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Oct 10, 2013
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    Changing mechanics is not necessary. However for discussions purposes, if you are looking at "changing" the current state you should focus on changes that would not effect pks directly. But give great rewards to those whom hunt/kill pks. Similar to what IPY2 did with Paladins.
    Jupiter and Hlokk like this.
  16. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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  17. Phrosty

    Phrosty New Member

    Oct 3, 2016
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    i meant legally... razor was bannable at least from before there was a trammel and even after (I quit after uo3d). Also, i don't hang out with retards like you, sorry.
    BlackEye and One like this.
  18. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    There was/is a program called UOassist that has been legal for as long as I can remember in original UO. Razor was made to look and function much like this program (although razor has superior features overall.) As far as timelines, I can say that UOassist was legal during the renaissance era and forward. It may have existed and been legal during T2A as well but I just can't remember.

    Although as far as your statement about having to be good at razor to compete with reds/pvpers that's certainly true.
    One likes this.
  19. Genocide

    Genocide Active Member
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    Feb 1, 2014
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    I don't hang out with anyone. I just give out free death shrouds. Also, please see Mes' comment proving your dumb and that I was right.
  20. Dun Scaith

    Dun Scaith Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2016
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    There is no punishment really unless you get their head. Which is totally fine. You want it, go get it, and good luck to you.
    Though the benefit of multiple accounts removes any burden as everyone worth their salt is already situated. Which again is nice, it allows players to play, even if they died. Reds need love to, its just a playstyle.

    There's around a hundred people online, 25% (at least?) of which want combat and don't care if you can or can't handle that.
    The percentage was probably higher on the original servers until trammel. That's Ultima Online. You can't trust a damn red or grey, and especially not a blue.

    The punishment used to be taking their g'damn pink shoes and wearing them until they took them back. But everyone has fancy blessed gear *again not a problem, though it takes away the old shoe loot. ya know'
    I wish I still had a picture of Big Hank and Anal Probe dirt napped in the most suiting position you could think of from those days.

    *I'm new to razor and have been taking all the tips I've overheard from this shard and the last, the guides here have been very helpful. Hopefully one of those fight nights happens so I can get a better glimpse of how things work nowdays.

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