Young Player training problem

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Vandalin, Nov 12, 2016.

  1. Vandalin

    Vandalin Well-Known Member
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    Nov 5, 2016
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    Hi guys,

    I need to train some melee and healing/anat on a couple characters, and I'm also trying to make a thief character. All my accounts have young player status, so I'm unsure of how to train any of these without being in a guild. I don't own a house to place a stone in, either. Is there any way around this? I haven't played in years. I'm sure I used to know the answers to these questions.

    edit: ... to set up macros, I mean! Don't really want to do it the long way.

    Last edited: Nov 12, 2016
    Cordelia Black likes this.
  2. Jimbowick

    Jimbowick Member
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    Sep 25, 2016
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    I had the same conundrum as a recently starting player. I was lucky enough to grab a young player house from ReZon and do some basic training in there (musicianship, peacemaking) which can be done solo. This set me up nicely to have a first toon generating enough gold quickly enough to make buying my own house feasible. At that point I jumped all my toons out of young status, marked up some runes outside my Moonglow house and got to inter-account training via that method safely within my own four walls. This is the only option as far as I'm aware, but let's see if some vets come up with anything else.

    Bottom line is; you can't attack other players in young status, and other players cannot attack you.
  3. Vandalin

    Vandalin Well-Known Member
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    Nov 5, 2016
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    I'm doing the exact same thing and using ReZon's house. Got my solo skills all up now, so will go farm for a while and try to place a small house. I guess it will be nice to play and stop macroing for a little while at least. Thanks for the tips.
    ReZon and Jimbowick like this.
  4. Jimbowick

    Jimbowick Member
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    Sep 25, 2016
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    Yeah it can be hard to leave the young bubble when you've been enjoying its comfort for a while, but it feels even better to get out amongst it! GL bro
    Cordelia Black likes this.
  5. Lord Krake

    Lord Krake Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 25, 2014
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    Hey guys. Feel free to join #PS in IRC. We can help you out with all of this and more. Rezon is awesome for helping you guys out too!
    Cherie and Jimbowick like this.
  6. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    While easy street is generally easy to find I'd like to point out to all new players that reliance on others for training let alone a fresh start is not a requirement here at UOR.

    You'll find that your [young status sets you up for the safest PvM you'll ever experience once the program is done for your character, take advantage of it now. Locking your character away in a house to me, is a waste... unless of course this is a "been there, done that" situation or even still, you've eyes on PvP and want to hit the field ASAP. Well, in that case the above offers are on point.

    However, if you've come to us at UO Renaissance to rekindle an old flame and experience "high adventure"...

    Grab some basic gear from the NPC shops and raid the orc village, perhaps find out what has poisoned the waters of Ocllo by investigating the sewers, and maybe once you've honed your skills defeat the evil Smaug in his treasure room.

    Only creatures you attack will attack you while you are [young. To reiterate, your character can stand next to a daemon from hell and it will ignore you until you attack it. Use this to your advantage and experience the custom content our providers have given us. You'll earn loot while you train!

    Need a more laid back method? Perhaps you'd like to train and look over the forums for information at the same time?

    Hitting a training dummy will see you up to "novice" in melee combat related skills.
    Hiring a paladin from the tavern at the docks south of town satisfies both healing and melee training needs. I do suggest training somewhere "secluded" outside of town. This is not a safe method of training and I consider that to be it's most redeeming quality.

    I affirm this is not just an alternative to training but consider it a preferred method. In doing so, not only will your character(s) develop but jump start your acclimation to a felucca ruleset.

  7. Jimbowick

    Jimbowick Member
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    Sep 25, 2016
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    Good call wylwrk. This is honestly my first real UO experience bar shards that have ridiculously fast skill gain. I manually leveled my first toon almost entirely (bar healing) and that experience was so incredibly worthy. It was only when I realised I wanted to build a relatively similar character that I considered the inter-account leveling method, and even that got boring quick enough for me to want to roll into more uncharted territory...
    Lord Krake, wylwrk and ReZon like this.
  8. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Right on... you all ready to shed a nostalgic tear?

    "bone wall"

    awwww... the memories!

    Just to put this out there too... I'm by far not a "natural leveling" snob. I can destroy anyone's immersion with min/max macros/methods in a heart beat. Heck, I bet my rent money that I've made (from scratch) more scribe/mages than anyone here... or perhaps even in UO history LOL and I'll be darned if I'm going to level my next one naturally.

    To carry on, the "provo houses" available here are awesome. I've taken advantage of them a few times now and they're a great time-saver.
    However, my first pure bard will always be a good memory for me. I GM'd in "the field" and enjoyed every click of it.

    However, should I make another bard or scribe mage it'll fall under the "been there, done that" category. ha-ha
    Treyas, Jupiter and Jimbowick like this.
  9. Jimbowick

    Jimbowick Member
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    Sep 25, 2016
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    Manual Scribe! What are you like!
  10. Vandalin

    Vandalin Well-Known Member
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    Nov 5, 2016
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    I'm doing it half and half, I guess. The macroing for me is mostly because I don't have a ton of time to dedicate to UO so just want to be competitive when I log in. Enjoying the shard so far, it's already so much better than most of my osi years.
    Jupiter, wylwrk and ReZon like this.
  11. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Welcome to all the new folks in this thread.

    Get your kicks
    on the route
    To Trinsic

    @wylwrk see what i did there?

    *tries super hard to be half as cool as willie*
    wylwrk likes this.
  12. ebola

    ebola Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2013
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    The best way would to be to drop out of young status and spar with a second char but if u want to stay young status then take two chars to the bone Knight room in deceit and attack one bone Knight and cross heal your toons. Like wylwrk said u will not be attacked by any monster unless u attack it in young status so that being said I think the bone Knight room will work great but u can basically do this same process anywhere with any monster.
    wylwrk likes this.
  13. That Guy

    That Guy Well-Known Member
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    Apr 26, 2016
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    I don't think you can escape the island in young status any more
  14. Cordelia Black

    Cordelia Black Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    @ReZon help a newbie out? Give him the world famous Renaissance welcome that we all got when we were new to the shard? :) I have no occlo property as you know or i would take this guy under my wing,house him,fund him,teach him, friend him.

    @Threadstarter you can always PM for advice or join the IRC chat ,main UO renaissance webpage has a direct link that you click and it opens IRC you pick a name and youre in! The people in general chat will answer any question even if you think its the most silly one ever asked.

    And to PM me you click on my forum name <--- and then "Start a converation". For any game or game mechanics related questions. :)
    That Guy likes this.
  15. Cordelia Black

    Cordelia Black Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    Hey Jimbo!! :D :D Ima help this guy out somehow..starting cash and a rundown of the basics for any questions he has. Tomorrow,5 am today i guess but later,ill look for him. Cause of you! Remember me ya aussie C-word ,or rosebud as we must call it? :D

    Thank you for these guys

    saw em about 5 years ago at a local comedy/nightclub place. So yeah ima hook this new guy up jut because of you. And maybe rezon can help house him if he has housing available.

    But ill do the dirty nitty gritty.

    @ Threadstarter, ill find ya in about 6-24 hours and help you with WHATEVER you need ok? And ya get 10k gold + bandages as that is what i got 17-18 years ago on chesapeake by a gay canadian couple when i first began playing ultima online. :) Whats your IRC name if you have one already?
    Jimbowick likes this.
  16. ebola

    ebola Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2013
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    I've never used young status so not sure about the not leaving but if so then go to the occlo dungeon and use the same concept I explained in other comment on monsters in there.
  17. Vandalin

    Vandalin Well-Known Member
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    Nov 5, 2016
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    I've been hunting in the dungeon and making a bit of money so I'll keep doing that for a little while. Thanks everyone for the input and help (and ReZon for the house access of course). When I have more time after work I'll try getting in touch with some of you in IRC or something.
    Cordelia Black likes this.
  18. Cordelia Black

    Cordelia Black Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    ill be on there shortly and will look for you too to see what if anything,items,gear,advice? that you may be in need of to progress your game and character. :)

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