You receive a rolled up parchment, Good Evening fellow bandits and dealers of death, You are invited to share in the splendor and glory of the services the Cutthroat's Den will be offering. These services include quests that deal only in the most unsavory kind and all for profit. Currently our location is yet to be determined, but you will be shortly informed over the coming weeks as it becomes available. To participate upon opening, you must purchase a quest for a small fee. This small fee will pay for our innkeeper and merchants that would buy your ill-gotten wares. You must complete the quest and provide proof, "both in-game and via forum(Here)" to receive payment. Example: Slay Telamon, return his head and post a video/pictures of the deed. You will be compensated as soon as possible.
The first order was received "privately" as a discrete location was rounded up for the lair of the Cutthroat's Den. "Assassinate a top member of the Sanctuary" Seemed simple enough, but the picture in the note was far from perfect. None the less, the assassin made his way to the Sanctuary... hidden in the shadows lurking to find his prey. Until he chanced upon one individual seemingly reading a book in the library. He looked upon the note again, examined it further and came to the conclusion that this was not one of his targets or so he thought. "Kill the man who drew this crap, so I can get paid to do my job!" the assassin thought to himself. "Till next time my sweet," he whispered in her ear causing her to look about in confusion as he slowly made his way out of the library unnoticed.
On behalf of Family of Poe I shall thank thee for saving the life of our youngster. She still has to learn that the world can be a dangerous place and that she shouldn't get distracted by the books. If you ever decide to visit Doe's tavern up the road. Drinks are on me.
The assassin returned after the frustrating failure from the Sanctuary, back to the dealer to receive another contract. He purchased the scroll and read it. Only this time it came with a price... a curse. It clearly stated he would follow through this time and his life would be forfeit upon his third death, it would only break upon completion. Vibrations rose from his feet to his head and his vision begin to blur as he was blown to bits by an explosion. The dealer walked over him and whispered to him as clearly as possible... "That's one, two to go, better fulfill this contract or you will die... permanently." He read the contract again after the dealer left, "Kill a top member of the Village of Paws" it read. He sighed deeply, gathered his belongings and raced over in the shadows. When he arrived he was surprised to see a member strike down another so violently upon the altar. Odd, he thought to himself, but none the less this contract had to be fulfilled. He crept closer only to have been revealed through the darkness. Where the man who struck down the other individual began the pursuit with several magical attacks that proved deadly from the start. He fled back to the forest hoping to gain some ground but the man would not let up. He was quickly overcome. Blurred, he re-awoke he thought he was alone but it turned out the man had not had enough blood lust for the day as he was struck down again without a fight. For good. -djinn (former assassin) deceased.
Hrm, I think more than a few unsavory types will be interested in this Cutthroat's Den. Let's hope it's located far away from anything good and noble.
I suppose it is unfortunate he ran into a low ranking member of Paws.. \ Clearly this was a just a case of inconvenient timing.. If this is what I bring to Paws.. I am unsure if I am indeed fit for it. The village has enough trouble on its hands as it is.. *Coughs, winces in pain* To die by a curse is better than to live with one..
Through the forest he rode, hard and fast like a bat out of hell. The mailman had an urgent letter to deliver. It was received randomly in the darkness and requested urgent care. The mailman took note and began his treacherous journey through the woods. The horse jumped over rocks and through shrubs, pushing the mailman out of his saddle more times than he cared to count. He could not stop though some thing ailed him. The letter was not unlike one he received himself some time ago. Nevertheless he rode. Until at last he reached his destination... a dark tunnel in a hostile town. A cloaked man approached from the tunnel. He tapped his foot impatiently and reached out his hand, at upon this the mailman seem compelled to move forward with the letter. The carrier handed over the letter and quickly retreated back to his horse where he beat a safe retreat. The cloaked man watched as he rode away, grinning. He unraveled the letter, and read the words out loud "dead." He sighed, "Assassin... Hack, couldn't cut down a measly rodent. The next one will be more formidable." (ooc) There will be a day coming where "Hits" will be sold or given away freely, soon. Be prepared to answer the call.