Seen on the website 14 nameless ghouls logged in! Had some good fights with 3-4 of them last night should be interesting to see 7-8 at one time! If you need money starting ill give it to you guys, you seem like chaos i like chaos!
im one of the nameless and i will gladly accept some startup money, working on a house with a stock of supplies u knowimean
Your kind gesture is much appreciated. We've got a fair amount of guys that are interested in giving the shard a shot. We had a good bit of fun tonight around Buc's and took home some successes and some lessons. There's alot of nostalgia and fresh experiences to be had for us. I, along with the others, look forward to participating in the action that a few of us enjoyed last year. Cheers!
I can't help you ghouls with gold but we got plenty of free ebolts coming your way this christmas. Cheers.