Seeking answers, gaining questions

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Syphilis_Jack, Dec 8, 2016.

  1. Syphilis_Jack

    Syphilis_Jack Active Member

    Sep 27, 2014
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    Michael Blade had set out towards Paws seeking answers to the many questions surrounding the previous events at the Crow's Nest. Murders, a strange lingering evil. The barkeep Garth was no help in this matter, having lost his tongue in his more rowdy days. The road was long, and he made sure to avoid eye contact with the guard who might recognize him as the notorious pirate, Syphilis Jack.


    He traveled through a murky swamp, navigating around the fortresses of Britannia's elite while avoiding the giant serpents and other denizens of the putrid water. After making his way carefully through Britain while avoiding the guards and general public, he was accosted on the road towards Paws. He dispatched the foes and made it to Paws, which seemed to be empty at the moment... he searched the main hall and other surrounding buildings but found no one. Perhaps they were off to some far corner of the land, or in some dark dungeon, on a suicidal mission at the behest of the Grey Wizard.




    He decided to camp nearby, exhausted after the journey. The next day, Paws was still seemingly empty. The stablehand was reluctant to give too much information to Blade, having the look of a pirate to him, so he decided to wait in the hall for someone to show up. Finally, he was met by a man named Dun Scaith. He wasn't quite sure of the man, so Blade kept his guard up just in case. Blade told him he was here seeking answers to the murders, so Dun Scaith beckoned him to follow while they talked. Cautiously, Blade followed, eyeing him and his tamed timber wolf suspiciously....



    Dun Scaith led him to a clearing, and began chanting a very familiar spell. Michael Blade's pirate instincts kicked in and he pulled back his cloak to hover his hand above the hilt of his kryss, ready for anything. Dun Scaith blasted a nearby headless, and then a house appeared in front of them. He motioned for Blade to follow him inside so they could talk, so they did. There, Dun Scaith began to talk of the events surrounding Paws and the murders, and of three powerful daemons, but there were still no clear picture within his mind. From what he could gather, the daemon had been summoned by the murders, the blood spilled in the tavern.


    He asked Blade what his intentions were in this matter. Did he intend on fighting the daemon? Getting involved in another mess that had probably been brought upon the city by foolishness, or that damned shrine?


    They walked back to the hall to have a few ales, something any pirate, er, former pirate could never turn down. The discussion grew more tense as Dun Scaith commented on Blade's flimsy weapon and ragged appearance... the former assassin and pirate figured it was the ale speaking and was in no condition to fight in his inebriated state, so he chose to let them slide. After a few ales, they stopped at the Shrine of Spirituality where Dun Scaith mentioned some sort of sacrifice...



    After the shrine, he led Blade to the healer Hypatia's hut. The smell was terrible, but after being a pirate for so long, he wasn't that affected by it. However, the stench of evil lingered. After listening to Dun Scaith speak of things that Blade had only half understood due to all the alcohol he knocked back, something he said piqued his interest....

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    Dun Scaith, Pegbyter, Ragar and 2 others like this.
  2. Syphilis_Jack

    Syphilis_Jack Active Member

    Sep 27, 2014
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    The name of Qamra was one he had definitely heard about. She was a merchant near the shrine whom apparently had a very, uh, exotic past. Rumors abound that stories and pictures of her exploits had been written down in a tome....


    Dun Scaith entrusted him to take a peek at the legendary book... the book that was talked about in hushed whispers, it's secrets supposedly could make even the raunchiest of pirate blush. The pirates often told stories of their exploits with the wenches, but this woman had more tricks than any of the working ladies of the Buccaneer's Den brothels. The power of the book seemed to take hold of him for a moment.... he had the sudden urge to plunge the kryss into Dun Scaith's belly as far as it would go, and run off with the book... the wonderful, powerful book... the... preciousss....

    ....he quickly gave the book back, but regretted doing so... if only he could just make a copy of it... for uh... research... yeah that's it. It's power was definitely something that needed to be researched, or else it would bewitch the population. It was time to depart back to Cove. He stepped outside and noticed Qamra looking at him all seductively, but he looked away. The pirate knew better than to get ensnared in her siren's call. Besides, he had to get back to searching for his gypsy lass who was once again missing. He was given a gate back to Cove, sparing him the long journey back. The Crows Nest was a welcoming sight for his eyes, and now he could tell the patrons that yes, the legendary book does exist. As far as the daemons go, he'd leave that mess to the Grey Wizard to deal with... The "former" pirate had enough daemons of his own to worry about..
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2016
  3. Alex Caember

    Alex Caember Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2016
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    If I could give more than one "like" I would, especially for this:

    "The power of the book seemed to take hold of him for a moment.... he had the sudden urge to plunge the kryss into Dun Scaith's belly as far as it would go, and run off with the book... the wonderful, powerful book... the... preciousss...."

    It will become my mission to acquire the only copy of this book and lock it away for the safety and well-being of the good citizens of the Realm!
  4. Aragorn - OCT

    Aragorn - OCT Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2016
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    Nicely done Jack.
    Dun Scaith and PaddyOBrien like this.
  5. Dun Scaith

    Dun Scaith Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2016
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    Seeing as the kings library has refused the selling of such a book, it will be given away to a most interesting fellow that I've never met during the secret santa.
    *opens letter* .. the name is known to me now..
    I will have to trust those running the program not to copy it as it would deface the value of the gift.
    Whatever the new owner wishes to do then is completely up to them.
    Jupiter likes this.
  6. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    Or.... We could sell copies on an unsavoury vendor at the Crows Nest!
    Jupiter likes this.
  7. Dun Scaith

    Dun Scaith Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2016
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    Maybe this could be arranged... We'll have to talk.
    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  8. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    Excellent! maybe Garth could hide some copies behind a few bottles of ale, the books visible once the seeker is inebriated! Hah
    Dun Scaith, Jupiter and Pegbyter like this.

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