Discussion in 'Trading Post' started by Air, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Pill

    Pill Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2014
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  2. Air

    Air Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 15, 2015
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    Pill sneaks in with the troll'io bump:rolleyes:
  3. Treasureman

    Treasureman Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    Dec 2, 2016
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    Guys, Gals,

    Seriously? I just spent the last 30 minutes reading some of the most obscene typing and discomfort as I got caught up with this thread. Need I remind you all, this is the trading location of the forums, where "trades" are began, ran, and completed. We have a special place on this web page that will direct you to the trash talking forums, where this kind of behavior is endorsed, to an extent. This type of behavior is not acceptable in this area of the forums, plan and simple.

    Let me break this down into a professional understanding, so we as a community can push forward. Here is a helpful link that I think everyone can learn something from..



    Some of the sections to review are:

    General IRC/Forum Conduct
    • Treat the staff with respect, they are only volunteers.
    • Treat other players in game and on the forums with respect. Keep the trash talk in the trash talk forum.
    • Harassment
      • We will not tolerate insults, attacks, threats, and/or denigration from any member on another member at any time.
      • We have zero tolerance for taking an argument about any topic to a personal level.
      • Name calling, repeated critical and sharply negative posts toward a member, flaming, or slanderous posts are not acceptable.
    • Obscenity
      • As a community with are a diverse group consisting of various age groups and gender, we ask that our members post without using vulgarity.
      • Vulgarity not only includes vulgar language and pictures but also sexist, racist, anti-religious and homophobic language which may offend other members.
    • Scamming
      • Players may not use the public communities to advertise a scam, dishonest trade, or trap ingame.
      • Players found to have been advertising these activities can lose their access to IRC or the Forums.
    • Not complying with these rules can result in the loss of IRC Privileges, and in extreme situations access to the game server.

    Trade Forum Conduct

    General Rules

    • This forum is for trade related posts only (such as buying, selling, price checks, etc.)
    • Using this forum or the #uor IRC channel with intention of scamming or ambushing other players is not permitted.
    • Doing so can result in the loss of your trade forum and/or IRC privileges. However, this is not a guarantee that everything posted here is legitimate.
    • Limit bumping threads to once a day.
    • Do not use trade forum posts to air your grievances with other players.
    • Be civil.
    • Do not use additional forum accounts to cause derision or deceit in the trade forums.
    General Suggestions
    • Do
      • Include screenshots and detailed descriptions when possible for sales posts. (Guide to making screenshots)
      • Is there a minimum bid?
      • Is there a buyout?
      • Is there a minimum bid increment?
      • Will private offers be accepted?
      • How long will the sale run?
    • Do Not
      • Place bids for other players, If you wish to buy / bid on behalf of a friend then you bid / buy
      • Undercut the original post. If you have a similar item that you're willing to sell for less, please make your own thread.
      • Derail the thread with off-topic issues.

    Furthermore, there are also some guidelines to follow when journeying to the realm of trash talk:

    Trash Talk / Other Forum Conduct

    General Rules

    • No racial slurs or real life accusations will be tolerated. This forum is for UO related trash talk only.
    • Heated and controversial topics are permitted. This includes hot topics such as PVP Tactics, cheating, etc.
    • Criticism of individuals (ingame), and the game itself is permitted within reason.
    • This has to remain more constructive than just "OMG, XXX sucks!!" and please try to have your arguments in order.
    • Refrain from excessive vulgar language.
    • We will not tolerate insults, attacks, threats, and/or denigration from any member on another member at any time.
    • Refrain from pulling other shards into trash or any other part of the forums & please keep the discussion of other servers on their respective forums

    The trash talking is over, it is simply that, and I mean it. I am trying to dissolved this situation without having to disrupt game play and upset people. We are all adults here, so please move on to the trash talking section if you would like for this discussion to continue. All in all, those are some very nice sandals, but they are not worth the negative progress being made in this post.

    - Treasureman
    The door is always open, feel free to PM or IRC me anytime.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2016
    Azoth, Gideon Jura, Pill and 3 others like this.
  4. Tpain

    Tpain Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Feb 7, 2015
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    Now that youre here, can you also enlighten us on what happens when staff edits a players post? Was this post edited? Why would that be an acceptable claim if NOT??? Can I claim on my posts that Chris edited it? Would he be okay with that? Clarity please.

    This is a pretty serious issue we are looking at if you ask me.
    RavenMagi, Xegugg and BlackEye like this.
  5. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    @Treasureman, in case you have read this thread, you must have seen the supposed to be role of Staff members in this topic. Why don't you answer this questions, instead of simply copying the code of conduct?

    And please, pretty big please, leave us with more knowledge afterwards and don't raise new questions. Just a potential example I have seen way to often here: An answer like "Somebody reported the posts so they were deleted." wouldn't be helpful at all. Because the next questions would be, who reported it, for what reason was it reported, why were posts deleted although the OP didn't request it, why was there no notification about the moderators work as usual, etc etc.?
  6. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    edit: nvm, why would i get involved with this shit show again

    everything here is working just as it was always intended, there is no cause for alarm
    Xegugg likes this.
  7. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    and so it begins...
  8. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    Dude, wylwrk, just cut that crap and don't join the hordes of spammers. It's very simple and basic questions, they can be answered without too much problems.
  9. Tpain

    Tpain Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Feb 7, 2015
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    The important question is why can Gideon lie about staff doing something to a players post and get away with it. Iagos defense here is literally, Gideon speaking for him, that a GM edited his posts, and hes not lying or being shady....when in fact he was being super shady, and now his friend is sticking up for him, LYING ABOUT STAFF CHANGING A PLAYERS POST!?!?!

    GIDEON 2020!!!!!!!!!

    If hes not lying, why cant you just say that. FFS.
    So silly

    So was Gideon lied to by Iago and believed it? @Chris This feels pretty scammy now. Reporting
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2016
  10. Treasureman

    Treasureman Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    Dec 2, 2016
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    All, To clarify:

    The staff does not edit post. This is the sole and heart of the staffing rules, where we do no edit our staff characters in game, we do not edit other players characters, and we do not interfere (to the best of our ability) active game play unless there is mechanic dysfunction associated with the event. I have been given full admin privileges over the forums, which came with my title change, and I do not see an edit button under anyone's post. I could be mistaken, but this kind of authority is reserved only for the creator of the shard, or the person posting the post in the first place. Furthermore, we do not delete anything (unless we have no other choice), as you can see by the graveyard of guild stones in Nuj, and the overwhelmingly amount of outdated posts that have yet to be deleted.

    I can assure you, this post was not edited by the staff in anyway. Chris simply does not have the time to edit a post, nor would he ever do so. I just found out about this post today. Review my last answer, we do not edit posts. Our forum actions, even as staff, are regulated through the boss man. If any kind of foul play is recorded, the staff member would be removed from their position until the investigation was completed.

    That is not an acceptable claim, because it did not happen. The only possible way for a post to ever be edited is if the person who posted in the initial post was to edit their text, if the person either gave their information to another person, their information was illegitimately acquired or Chris had no other logical choice, in which case the post would be deleted, not edited.

    In theory, you could, but regards of that matter carry little merit. Chris has proven himself time and time again, but the guy's plate is so overloaded, I doubt he even views the forums unless making a staff related post or is addressing issues such as this.

    Chris is an incredibly unbiased individual and I cannot speak of what I think he is okay and not okay with. I can tell you from my perspective, I am not okay with anyone saying anything about me that is not true.

    There can be accusations being thrown around in the heat of the moment, and things can be misconstrue from their original meaning... this is how arguments go, people just overreact. This argument stops here. There is too much she said-he said accusations going on without further processing. Any further concerns, questions, or uncertainties can be addressed with me directly.

    - Treasureman
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2016
    Tpain and jumpman like this.
  11. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    I don't get it.

    I've seen MANY edited posts by Staff in the forums (my own included).

    I've seen MANY deleted posts by Staff in the forums (my own included).

    I am pretty sure, that other people than Chris did the changes too (because other Staff members commented on the changes).
  12. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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  13. Tpain

    Tpain Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Feb 7, 2015
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    Thanks for answering Treasureman. Hes an impressive liar. Got it


    Dont worry, you can probably still be Pres.
    Pill and BlackEye like this.
  14. The Cigarette Smoking Man

    The Cigarette Smoking Man Active Member

    Jul 7, 2016
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    Let me start off by apologizing. While reading through this thread, I hid a post from view which contained a bid. I didn't see the bid at the time. That was my fault and I'm sorry. I have fixed that error.

    The staff here on forums is comprised of volunteers. We donate our very limited time here, time that we carve out between work and family, because we love UOR and its community. We are not professionals, we are not perfect, we are not all-knowing and all-seeing. We strive to do our best given the few resources we have.

    Treasureman is new to this position and wasn't aware that, under certain circumstances, posts will be edited or hidden from view. These are:
    -If the post is of a graphic or violent nature
    -If the post is of a overtly sexual nature or contains nudity
    -If the post contains racial slurs

    Example: A gif was edited out recently because it contained someone using the "N" word. These types of posts are never appropriate.

    In cases such as these where personal attacks have become so outrageous and so un-checked, these types of posts may be hidden as well. Trade Forums is not the place to carry on such conversations. You all know this very well. You are all grown adults. Act like it.

    Those people who continue to break the forum rules will be dealt with. It may not be instantaneous, it may not be on YOUR time frame, but they WILL BE dealt with.

    In the meantime, this post is closed to further replies until I have the time to weed through it all.
    Iago, Ron Jeremy, NerK and 7 others like this.
  15. The Cigarette Smoking Man

    The Cigarette Smoking Man Active Member

    Jul 7, 2016
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    I have finished reading this travesty of a thread and have hidden several posts. All of the hidden posts contain personal attacks in one form or another and have no relevance to the topic at hand. I have left some of the less inflammatory comments simply because I don't have the time to deal with them all.

    I would like to stress to all of you that this type of behavior is not acceptable here in Trade Forums. If you have questions or concerns about a particular post, please feel free to click the "Report" button and send us a message. Those who feel that these rules don't apply to them will have their forum privileges removed.

    The current high bid is 3.3 by Iago. @Air, you may continue the auction in this thread or begin a new thread.

    For those of you who wish to continue this conversation, you may do so in Trash Talk but personal attacks will not be tolerated.
    Zyler, Player X and Xegugg like this.
  16. Air

    Air Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 15, 2015
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    Thanks @The Cigarette Smoking Man , but I ended this auction well before the moderators stepped in. This auction has been canceled until further notice. So no, @Iago is not the high bidder...no one is. Thanks
  17. Pill

    Pill Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2014
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    Gideon Jura likes this.
  18. Puck

    Puck Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 27, 2015
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    So much of everyone's time was wasted with this thread. Yay!


    Thanks @Iago and @ShadowJack for your brilliant and stimulating conversation and of course @The Cigarette Smoking Man for your amazing and timely moderation of a bid!
    Xegugg and BlackEye like this.
  19. Player X

    Player X Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
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    Take your ungrateful ass to another server @Puck. UOR staff is amazing and I dunno how they deal with people like you who constantly insult them and their efforts.
  20. shad

    shad Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 26, 2016
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    A+ for @Treasureman & @The Cigarette Smoking Man.

    Theses 2 guys spend thier precious times for us.

    Remember guys, THIS IS A FREE SERVER.

    Our responsabilitt is to DONT WASTE THE TIME OF THE STAFF with useless negative trash talks.

    @Air , gl with your future auction of theses k!ck !ss pair of PINK sandals.

    I love you all and long life to UOR!
    Azoth, Gideon Jura and jumpman like this.

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