[New player] From Us to You: Can I Get An IOU?

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Loxness, Dec 19, 2016.

  1. Loxness

    Loxness Active Member
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    Dec 12, 2016
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    OOC: We have been on UOR for about 2 weeks now with a few friends... if there's one thing I learned... It is tough here!

    By tough, I mean the means of transportation with no money and no mages! (And no regs to train said Magery lol)

    As a group, we were able to save up and get a smaller house, and that is about it in 2 weeks. While we feel proud of it, the amount of work for little reward is discouraging my troops!!

    As a small favor to ask of some more experienced players, is their any possible way that I could be loaned some regs to start mage(s) to help assist in these transportation predicaments? Or some gold to purchase said regs?

    Being the leader, I intend on working up a mage or 2, and even helping work on their resisting spells (we all caught the very end of the Resist event, and got to about 65. Talk about bad luck!!). Regardless, that seems like an excellent way to help out guildies.

    Once I can get to the appropriate level, I will be doing that and gating my fellows around. As of now, we are relying on our feet, our horses, and that thing you call a "Dungeon Fairy" whenever it is present. Besides that, time and low morale are getting the best of these wallowing men.

    In closing.. I hate asking for help, hence the offering of an "IOU" once we get up and moving. But, with the fear of our fellow man giving up on life (OOC: and giving up on the game in its entirety), I ask for help for any of those willing. It will be appreciated, and if you stay in contact, you will reap the benefits in the future, a promise I shall keep!!

    Lox, The Fallen Legacy (ROT) {Formerly UHOH, but the guild abbreviation limit makes me sad}
  2. Rickbrent

    Rickbrent Active Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    Welcome to the shard...start hitting occlo pirate fort and orc fort...great ways to start earning money when you are new. Also, gather everything from corpse to sell even regular armor and weps.
    Black Tortoise, newme and Loxness like this.
  3. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Hi and welcome to UOR.

    You have left many things unsaid. So, I've a few questions. 1. How did you earn gold for the house? 2. Here a couple of weeks, so did you leave the young player program early? 3. Are you aware that you can have more than one account here, leaves you plenty of character slots to make a grand array of character types? Also you can have more than one client open at a time. You can afk macro skills on one character, while earning gold on a character for a different account.

    Suggestions: 1. If your account still has young player time , get at least one character back to Occlo and take full advantage of the young player program. 2. Make one or more (divide between your group) Miner/Smith characters. Go to West Brit farm lands, mine the heck out of the mountain range. Stay within protection. Smith items and sell to npc blacksmith, weapon dealer, armor, plenty of these type npc in Brit. Or sell the ingots to npc smith or other players. Can also mine in protection in Cove and Delucca.
    3. Go to moonglow and harvest the heck out of cotton and flax. Sell these to npc tailor. Can also create thread and cloth, again, sell to npc. Since Delucca is a great place to harvest wool, station one character there to sell wool to npc tailor. 4. Also make a lumberjack/fletcher character. Chop wood in Skara Brae, West Brit farm lands, and Yew. Make bows and sell to npc Bowyer. Each of those towns house a Npc Bowyer. Or.... use a young character in Occlo to harvest wood. Again, you can divide these characters up between your group and have one person cover one of the locations.

    Those are the safest character types I know of, which can earn gold. If you are more daring, take a band of fighters and go to the dungeons. Or just head across county killing monsters as you go. Hint. All monsters have the chance to drop a plat coin, these you can safe up or sell to other players for something like 5-8 thousand a coin.

    Also what Rickbrent said.

    Now to help you get started, I will give you a full spell book and "loan you" 3 thousand gold. Pm me here or Westra on irc. Although my real is busy for few weeks, I will be on line off and on.

    Again Welcome
  4. Halabinder

    Halabinder Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2014
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    I'll give you 50k to cut the height of your forum signature by 50% and vow to never increase it past that height.
  5. Loxness

    Loxness Active Member
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    Dec 12, 2016
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    Oh sorry! Left that out. We met someone who was "borrowing" a house to us for 2 weeks in Rat Valley. We kept & collected everything from the Rat Men (3 and 4 of us killing at a time) and skinned them for leather. Flipped the leather and boom, a house!! I, myself, like a challenge. And I also like the slow skill gaining and such of the server (It preserves the time IMO). My friends, not so much. *sighs*. We are currently working on tamers (To not much avail, but trying!)

    We left the young player program. We made dexxers with peacing and cross heal and kill things. But after the first amount of money being "pooled" together, it is hard to convince them (With limited time restraints, and RL stuff) to continue to keep doing so without much gain. Alas, we shall prevail! Was just told to maybe check for offerings of the playerbase for a little assistance who help out newer players. Doesn't matter much by me. I like the server. Just trying to preserve a few other players for the keeping! :)
    newme and Rickbrent like this.
  6. Loxness

    Loxness Active Member
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    Dec 12, 2016
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    But but but!! It literally "EXPLODES" on your screen to show my love of high fiving!! I suppose I can if it does disturb you that much though, sir! *High Five*
    newme likes this.
  7. Halabinder

    Halabinder Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2014
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    Nah I was being an ass... I'll give you 50k anyway.

    newme and Loxness like this.
  8. That Guy

    That Guy Well-Known Member
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    Apr 26, 2016
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    If you guys go to any grave yard especially as a group even with all fresh chars and farmed it for a night you would have a more then enough to get a solid start on a mage. Making money is all about the grind in one form or another, and persistence is key. Come check out the vesper grave yard there's a moon gate close town is closer and plenty of space in the woods around to place a small house.
    newme and Loxness like this.
  9. Loxness

    Loxness Active Member
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    Dec 12, 2016
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    Of course I call you sir! It's a sign of upmost respect, sir!
    newme and Halabinder like this.
  10. Bayara

    Bayara Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2016
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    I think two weeks is a bit quick for moral to be wavering.
    I know whenever I return to these lands I am so gung-ho that I don't care what happens.
    That high lasts for longer than a couple weeks too.
    But maybe that is just me.

    I've been here nearly two months.
    I also can't hunt for shit since i play mostly dexxers...
    But maybe you and your crew can come along on a mission with me and a friend or something.
    We can see about raising some funds together.
    I see that as a better alternative to just donating a chest of regs (which i don't have cause i don't use magery a ton) or cash.

    You in?
  11. Loxness

    Loxness Active Member
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    Dec 12, 2016
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    I will speak with them! Only problem is, our times are random and far between. ATM....

    We have

    1 one player thats fairly flexible timing wise

    1 one player who can play at nights (usually)

    1 one player who can be on before after work (usually between 3-11pm EST)

    1 one player who can only get on late night (After 10pm EST)

    1 one player who is random and it varies.

    So you see.... it's a little hard :p
    newme and Halabinder like this.
  12. Vandalin

    Vandalin Well-Known Member
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    Nov 5, 2016
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    If one of you has provo, with a little magery or even some melee, and you're still young... You can do 10K in the occlo dungeon in 30 minutes(ish) each. With three of you, you can clean up down there. Maybe I'm stating the obvious, but grind/save gold while working the free-to-train skills, and then do magery. Even if you don't like warriors, make one for now. As it is right now, I don't have much to spare, but as soon as I get some money in the bank I would be happy to help with regs, a slightly bigger house for a new group like you, etc. Send me a message in a few days.
    newme, Bayara and Loxness like this.
  13. That Guy

    That Guy Well-Known Member
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    Apr 26, 2016
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    I also think you guys are missing good starter builds, you can make a peace dexer and solo most low to mid lvl things with ease, and you can get it started with literally 1 maybe 2 nights of macroing.
    newme likes this.
  14. Bayara

    Bayara Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2016
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    I have met your tamer friend before...
    Name is close to Bali or something.
    Was on my in-training tamer in Jhelom bulls area.
    And none of you play at times I can't match.
    I play on pacific time and as late as 4am sometimes depending on when my random work schedule has me up.
    I even see Vandalin sometimes and his playtime is erratic!
    Ok, so maybe all five of us can't go out and hunt together...
    But if even just one of you comes with me, that person can keep most of the profits and reinvest it towards your group.

    Even if all of you just spent a rainy day grinding NPC escorts ::takes a moment to collect herself and hold the smirk in:: you would have BANK.
    newme and Loxness like this.
  15. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    • grab 350 gold
    • head to the reagent shop in Ocllo
    • Find NPC named "Schuyler"
    • get near him and say, "Schuyler teach magery"
    • pay amount he quotes by dropping said amount of gold on him (quickly)
    • You're now a novice in magery!
    • Find the nearest overpriced player-ran vendor house in Ocllo
    • Buy recall scrolls / use recall scrolls
    • yay
    There are runebooks to many locations in some of the public houses on Ocllo.
    You may place one recall scroll on said book and use the "charge" to recall there.... all you'd need is a rune for yourself to get back.

    The Dungeon Fairy will feature "rune kits" soon. With the holidays approaching I'm just super slammed busy.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2016
  16. RavenMagi

    RavenMagi Well-Known Member
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    May 12, 2016
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    When i first started this shard i had a slow 1st week, and then by the 2nd week i figured out the best farming possible for young players. All you need is a fresh toon with 50 magery, your starting bag of 30 regs of each and a full spellbook. If you can't find the spellbook ill give it to you. North of the bank(a little west too) is a small house that leads into the occlo dungeons. In there you will find a red spawn, one of which is an executioner. You should be able to cast blade spirits on it and farm 25k+ an hour while raising your magery.

    When i first started i was not a power gamer, only used 1 account, had only 2 characters. I left young status with 300k from farming that spot and working on magery. It's a win win really, good loot and magery gains for youngins. I know people say to start with a dexxer but if you do it like this you'll be alot better off.

    I go by [TnT]Rav3n on IRC. Message me on there if you need help figuring it out.
    newme, Loxness and Descartes like this.
  17. Rayth

    Rayth Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    It requires almost no money to skill up a tamer. The Jhelom farm's bulls are the preferred method for that. There are many guides on the forums for it.

    Then you just collect cotton from the fields south of Occlo every chance you can and you'll get a bunch of cloth together quickly to train up your vet.

    With tamers, you farm whatever you want. Especially as a group. Then you can work the magery up.
    newme and Loxness like this.
  18. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    When restarting, I made gold initially doing escorts using the town gates (it is also where I met newme since we were both doing). I worked magery high enough to use gate scrolls, bought them, and escorted from town to town gating. I also bought mark scrolls and marked as I brought the escorts to a town or dungeon. In a day or two I had all the towns and dungeon entrances marked. Then, I kept doing them for a week or two and made a decent amount of gold. Not great but decent. It also helped me re-learn the lands. =)
    newme and Loxness like this.
  19. Kiryana

    Kiryana Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2016
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    I started a year ago and started with the war he worked with a halberd. After a long time I agonized Occlo in the dungeon began to kill the dragon. slowly and painfully, I was collecting gold and at night stood and taught magic, it did not last very long and I think it's a great time :)

    After I learned the magic that I felt easier to move around the world and in addition to the fighting skills I could attack the magic!

    Then I began to look for a home. I really like your house on the map, I was filled with memories of childhood as it was beautiful! Immersed in the good memories I have been through lengthy searches realized that put the house will be difficult and not easy!

    Finding your own place for the house I put the villa and was very happy about that, the era of the memories of the house and how to fully use it.

    I continued to hunt monsters in dungeons, and save money! In the following months I been doing and thinking that it is easier to make money I will be able to musical skills! To this end, I created a second character and the money first learned magic, and all the necessary skills! I did not know on the server and I all had a hard time!

    One day I found a great place for hunting and was able alone to earn a lot of money! After that I started to modify the character in the handler. Who is the character that I started to play, he is a villain completely ready to murder and I sometimes hone combat skills by attacking other players :-D

    But the character who was a musician now tamer and acts as my main players who engaged in hunting, and simply decorated tower develops and communicates with others;)

    I want to say that if you are a group, you have a tremendous opportunity to start the game and it will be one of the most exciting moments, until you are cool! And only then will other advantages and kicks!

    At that time I did not speak at the forum and did not know about IRC, sure I would even be helped tips!

    If you need help, advice or a company to hunt and not only us, I'm open!

    Thank you for your understanding, and sorry for my english;)
    newme and Loxness like this.
  20. Hawkeye

    Hawkeye Well-Known Member
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    Jan 28, 2014
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    I cut wood for about a week. When I had a big enough pile I put them up for sale. Basoosh was nice enough to buy them.
    Loxness and newme like this.

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