Looking for UOR copy with tweaked settings (Prizes!!!!)

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Momo, Dec 27, 2016.

  1. Alice Asteroid

    Alice Asteroid Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 23, 2015
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    I think you'd be hard pressed to find an "easier mode" than being gifted a blessed runebook and one of the best vendor spots on the shard within a month of joining!
  2. Pill

    Pill Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2014
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    Wtb ethy polar bear
  3. eherruh

    eherruh Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 2, 2016
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    If your intention was to try stuff on "easy mode" then that sounds like exactly what the Test Server is for.
    In fact, you asked about it here: http://uorforum.com/threads/test-server-available.20335/#post-190865

    Now I don't know exactly what was originally posted, but the current explanation of intent is hard for me to swallow with the context that's available.

    Anyway, hope it was all just a misunderstanding.
  4. Meat Wad

    Meat Wad Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 8, 2015
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    i never liked handouts anyways, ive always did it on my own
  5. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    When I played "Voldeshard" after coming back to UO from years of absense, I didn't get crap from anyone. You go around begging there and asking for anything and they'll tell you to piss off, call you something racist and tell you how they'll fornicate your grandmother, living or dead. Very classy.
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  6. Hiji Zuru

    Hiji Zuru Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 5, 2016
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    I had no idea amibs and level 7 maps are instanced. Nice.
  7. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    I told ya you'd "be famous here one day".
    Bayara likes this.
  8. Bayara

    Bayara Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2016
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    momo, I read your original post several times.
    what I get out of it is that you want to quit UOR and then come back later on?
    all so you can play on an easier shard to learn the game better?
    do I have both of those right?

    if you plan on coming back to UOR then it seems like a waste of time to progress in other lands when you could be progressing here.
    I have been pretty impressed with how well you have done here in such little time and on your first time playing.
    a good chunk of the population here are vet players from multiple shards and you are hanging in just fine.
    so if you're doing so well here... why do you feel you need to back off and go somewhere easier?

    if you are leaving the shard, you should definitely give control of the Ocllo house back to ReZon.
    he's awesome with his properties in lending them out for new players and that tradition should continue.

    and DAMN, a blessed runebook donation?!?
    that is too kind, whoever that was.
    Zyler likes this.
  9. Momo

    Momo Member

    Dec 2, 2016
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    Darn.. i wish i could delete the thread. I gave back the stuff i got. If i have not plz pm me. I didnt beg for stuffs. The house in Ocllo was not free, i was to pay 1mil in increments, and had paid 600k so far, and was not mine until i did so. I asked him to keep the 600k, no need for the house.

    I just wanted to try where PKing didnt exist so I can play where PK exists after. I have not been able to explore ice dungeon and destard much to see what is there. Either i pick the worst time when PKers are around or my UOAM is set wrong and they can track me.

    Anyways. Sorry for the offense. I meant none.

    I had no idea shards were competing each other. I thought it was more like asking if anyone have tried living in another country.
    Alice Asteroid and Zyler like this.
  10. shad

    shad Well-Known Member
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    Jan 26, 2016
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    I want my 100k back! :confused:
    One, ReZon and PaddyOBrien like this.
  11. SteelyDan

    SteelyDan Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Oct 1, 2014
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    This is what happens when you load someone up with a bunch of free items. Starting this game and making your own gold is the best way to learn it.

    No one should have 1million gold and blessed runebooks within the first week. What the hell is a blessed runebooks anyway. Lose your runes and make new runes.

    Start a crafter or warrior and explore the world, make some gold killing rat men and mongbats

    You need to put work into this game to get the most out of it.

    I watched 2 out of 3 people in my office quit the game because of its steep learning curve so if you are entirely new and stick with it and enjoy it well done.

    The 1 out of 3 is Heavy Crossbow legend Curly Sue.
    jumpman, Gutscrank, Bayara and 11 others like this.
  12. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    I've always thought it was fun starting new with nothing but the dagger,your clothes, noob skills and a measly amount of gold, and scraping it all together, that's the best part!
    eherruh, Zyler, Cherie and 5 others like this.
  13. Cherie

    Cherie Active Member

    Dec 21, 2012
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    he makes an interesting fact here......i don't go much into the dungeons myself either(just started to adventure this by myself) ..i guess i didn't realize it ..i've been here now for 4 years.i get upset when i do get robed from....and boy did i bitch about it...and got the stuff back. But my point is...tailoring you can do with out PKs ,blacksmith, carpentry ,cooking all safe...
  14. Erza Scarlet

    Erza Scarlet Well-Known Member
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    May 24, 2015
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    Tracking for players is pretty simple, and Ice is pretty much THE hotspot, so i wouldnt be suprised ;)
    Training the game in a trammel version wont let you gain good knowledge about how to defend against pks either.

    When i was still new here ive played on my dexxer without razor in occlo, and i almost 7x GMed that char (except resist)
    One of the main reasons why ive stayed here was propably that i would work hard for my gold, and meeting Vlar who later introduced me to Stormhold.

    His starting gift: a fully decorated borrowed hut for safe macroing, 2 normal runebooks and a 10k check.
    Thats what i do nowadays, and if you realy want to try the game properly, id suggest every player to do the same.

    Ive tried quite a lot of different shards, and you wont find anything like this one, be it ruleset, additions or community :)
    btw, read Gideons new player guide if you dont know what to do ;)

    Cheers, Erza
    One, PaddyOBrien and Kiryana like this.
  15. Momo

    Momo Member

    Dec 2, 2016
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    Interesting. I got almost no free stuff except blessed runebook, but barely used it because I kept going back to Young status. With gm provo/magery... it was easy to make 1 mil from xmas scrolls... i wasnt given free gold.

    It seems that most advices i have gotten is basically

    "Change the type of game you like, to this ruleset. I think PK makes the game fun, you should find it fun too"

    "You got too much free stuff. Thats why it isnt fun. You MUST learn to PvP, because I find it fun.... if you dont find it fun to PvP, just find it fun"

    "dont go there, its where PKs go. Just learn by going to non-popular spots. Pkers wont have any fun if the new players are gone.. if you dont like it, leave the shard"

    Yes, these are all valid points. But I am looking for a NON-survival game. So i looked up "Ultima Online no pvp shard for mac".. the top 2 shards were "no pvp", but unplayable on mac.... so I asked for help here... then all this happened lol. jeeez hahaa.

    I do not find ultima online fun any more after meeting too many PKers, while I try to explore. I dont lose anything because I keep everything in bank. End of story. I wish all the veterans have fun PKing each other. And also have fun PKing occasional new players until they "leave the shard, if u dont like PvP" as many recommended.

  16. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    A blessed runebook is a pretty big deal, and so is Occlo housing and prime vendor spot.... and if you're making a mil from selling scrolls with a gm provo/mage you shouldn't be clinging to young status anyway. There are many vets here including myself that still don' t have a blessed runebook, and to have one given to you and it's still not enough is pretty ungrateful. I think you rubbed a LOT of people the wrong way with your attitude towards the shard and to act like or say you're going elsewhere to another shard (a big no no here) and insinuating there would be a reward for someone to point you in that direction.

    I can agree with you on some points about the pk'ing, yes its Felucca and a dangerous world, but some dungeons are downright suicidal to step into lest you be ransacked by 5 + reds who couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag 1 on 1. It's like predator vs prey.... a balance is needed. Pk's need to keep people on their toes otherwise EVERYONE will be running around with blessed runebooks and 10 mil wardrobe and neon hair, although too much pk'ing makes people frustrated and the population suffers if all we have are reds roaming the dungeons, which in my opinion we're getting pretty close to it. Perhaps raising short term counts like suggested elsehwere in the forums or maybe disabling recalling/gating into dungeons might help but that probably won't happen.

    You don't need to be an elite pvper to survive, just learn evasion tactics and a good recall macro. But I also understand your frustration with people's attitudes of "Hey it's Fellucca, learn the ropes, don't go into dungeons, find something else to do noob" usually spoken by people who already have their millions in the bank, ethys, and fortresses who pk because they are bored with everything else.

    That being said, Ultima Online is a rough game and isn't for the faint at heart...
    ReZon and Kiryana like this.
  17. Momo

    Momo Member

    Dec 2, 2016
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    Paddy. I think you are missing the point. Im not ungrateful. I have thanked all individuals who helped.

    I simply do not enjoy the game. End of story.

    Shard = great!
    People in Shard = wonderful, friendly!
    Shard Rules = i dont find it fun

    Nothing bad
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2016
    Alice Asteroid likes this.
  18. Rickbrent

    Rickbrent Active Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    I have been on this shard almost 2 years now and still don't have a blessed Runebook, so yeah that was a HUGE deal. You got THE most desirable vendor spot on the shard, etc, etc. The problem unfortunately is that you were given too much, yet you still found it too hard to play the game. The reason this shard is so much fun is because its just like the game we all played 15+ years ago. The danger was what made it feel real life like. I still get pk'd, and still get "irritated, not even remotely mad...perhaps just annoyed even" for about 10 seconds, then it's back to normal. I got pk'd last week at the executioners by 5 COM dudes, I think it was COM I already forgot. The took my gold and regs, didn't rez me, NO BIG FREAKIN DEAL. Someone came in a few minutes later and rezzed me, before I could get my alt there to rez me.

    Problem here is you got too many handouts so you never got to appreciate hard work. Good luck with your next game. I figured your husband would have explained this game to you better about the risks/rewards/fun???

    After 2 years I finally got my first "hand-out", and that was simply coming in second in Shad's lotto and winning 500 Greenies. I'm happy as heck, and now I figured what I will do with it (roll the dice on the masks). Still, I put the work in 15 years ago by mining and getting pk'd, buying my first ruin weapon, lol, etc. I put my time in this go around as well (countless hours at the orc fort, gathering cotton, and graduating to the pirate fort). Sorry we failed you, by helping you out too much and that is something we at UOR are going to have to be more cautious of going forward.

    I even think it deserves a full sticky thread on what we as a community should come up with as max "handouts" to give to new players in order to improve retention.
    ReZon and PaddyOBrien like this.
  19. eherruh

    eherruh Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 2, 2016
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    The fundamental thing that must be understood up front is that this game is all about risk vs reward. If you want the reward of exploring the world you must also experience the risk that other people with free will inherently add to that world.

    As I mentioned above, if all you were interested in was just exploring the world you could have just gone onto the Test server and poked around, so that reasoning is a bit off to me.

    The dozens if not hundreds of hours I have seen you put into this game over the past month or so belies that statement. I hope this thread wasn't a factor in that decision, but in any case take care & good luck; it was nice to have met you and I have to say that your early enthusiasm for the game and all your activities & achievements in such a short time were great to see.
  20. Alice Asteroid

    Alice Asteroid Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 23, 2015
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    Well, that's certainly valid. Take care, Momo. And thanks for your guide on how to disable the updates on Razor for Mac.
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