1st 1/1/2017 fish posted wins 1mil - Jasper Jade Biggest 1/1/2017 fish wins 250k - Jasper Jade, 194 stoner Smallest 1/1/2017 fish wins 250k - Zyler, 49 stoner Fishing Feat (undisclosed/secret) wins 250k and cacti - not accomplished, 17 stone fish 1/1/2017 1 stone fish wins additional 1mil gold and taxidermy kit/free mount Post screenshot of your 1/1/2017 fish in this thread Thanks to Treasureman for his generous donation to the Fish Tourneys
God, why do you have to always complain about the complainers . And why is it only one day long, and what's with the low pay outs, and why can't I win with out participating.
I've actually never caught a big fish. I've created a GM fisherman twice maybe in my entire UO career, and have done <100 nets/aMIB's over their lifetime. But I'ma fishin'. lol 1kk is a nice prize for getting lucky. Thanks for putting this on, @Zyler