The situation right now

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by BlackEye, Jan 16, 2017.

  1. Vandalin

    Vandalin Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Nov 5, 2016
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    @BlackEye I wish you would reconsider but it sounds like you've had your mind made up regardless of the elf spawners.
    newme and Gideon Jura like this.
  2. Avery

    Avery Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 25, 2012
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    Oh, and........

    Baine, Basoosh, Bloodlust and 6 others like this.
  3. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    Ripping off Ariadne a 3rd time would definitely be a reason to stay. I love it when the mad catwoman of UO:R (who naturally isn't involved in any shady weirdo hybrid Player-who-isnt-Staff-but-in-fact-is-Staff situation *irony*) becomes angry and quacks like a duck. *bazinga*
    Vishakt, Bloodlust, newme and 3 others like this.
  4. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 15, 2013
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  5. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
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  6. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 16, 2013
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    Wait!! My AMIBs!!
    newme and BlackEye like this.
  7. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Then put someone in place to keep things up while you are understandably busy with other things? I can't begin to truly advise. This thing started long before me and I most certainly don't hold the answers.

    I can only presume that I understand where blackeye is coming from. To some of us, UO is filling a necessary part of our day/week. It's something we enjoy and to some of us... it's an addiction by definition. When some of us perceive that our "hobby" is being messed with it can be very upsetting. no implications... see: general terms

    No matter what you do somebody out there hates you for it.

    Everyone has different views on how the game should be and how players should play it. There's a few people very angry with me right now, for example. I personally feel they can go jump on a corn cob but hey... if I really think about it, perhaps they have a point.

    The point is we all have our perception of this environment. When we return to it each day/week/month we have expectations that it won't change and if it does... not by too much and we'd hope it is accepted as an improvement. To some, it's rather critical that it doesn't change at all.

    I don't know about you all but UO is my crack. Mess with it and I will react like a crazed junkie until a suitable substitute is found. For example...

    In other news...

    2017-01-16 12_28_19-Start.png

    That shtuff right ^ .... It pisses me the *&(*&( off. Some will agree, others will "meh", and of course some will disagree and chastise me for my opinion.
    That's how the world works, yo.

    I joined this... "UO:Renaissance is an Ultima Online free-shard, based on Renaissance era mechanics, without the influences of Trammel."

    It is exclusively what initially enticed and recruited me to play here.

    To try to summarize, there's what... 2, maybe 3 people looking over this whole thing?

    They can't see everything all the time and they most certainly can't rush to solve all the things the 100's of us disagree with.
    I would however hope that perhaps someday, this wonderful server could recruit and expand upon it's staff.

    I'd do it but, I'm too crazy. I'd spawn silver serpents with laser beams on their heads to kill every last one of you :p
  8. Mindless

    Mindless Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 21, 2014
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    @BlackEye I'm curious on your thoughts about how to strengthen the economy. (or how this is affecting it negatively)

    Mass inflation is inevitable in a game where new currency is added to the economy every time a monster is killed, and said monsters spawn indefinitely. Them's the breaks.

    I can only assume that the "very few people" who are being made "really rich" are putting in more time, and likely money. Sure they probably realize it's super profitable, and are gaming it super hard, but this is a game after all.

    If your beef is with the shard being "anti-renaissance era fantasy event shard", I get it. But if you'd asked yourself why you've stuck around this long in the first place, you'd surely have already found the answer you seek. (You have no better options)


    If you're going to state your grudges, the least you can do is be concise about it. Noone ever changed another person's mind by throwing a fit. (Once again, I know from experience.)
    Gideon Jura and newme like this.
  9. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    So much I could say, but thankfully your post says it all Blackeye.

    One simple rule on Renaissance is you respect the volunteers. You can critique the server, the code, the mechanics, the design, etc. We have and always will welcome this type of discussion as it has helped create the server we have today.

    However once you start tearing into the volunteers for not "volunteering" in a way that meets your standards it is time to move on. Most likely to a pay to play server that can better address your needs for constant attention as a player.

    To address your "OMG the staff didn't turn off the event" drama, The event is over, however event creatures still in the world, continue to exist until a player kills them. In rare situations they manage to sneak their way into green acres and have to be removed manually. Most players simply open a page to report this, rather than resulting to this . . type of post.
    Update: Just a few elves left in the world, a few trapped in T2A in the taming event, one random one in a dungeon, and the rest wandering around green acres. I "officially" apologize for the grave misdeed of allowing these to show up on players tracking ;)

    To all our other players, just because things do not move as fast here as they do on for profit servers does not mean that we do not care. It simply means we have day jobs that we go to, to pay our bills, rather than asking you to pay them for us. Running one of the most successful UO Free shards takes some work, and to a degree we are a victim of our own success.

    For example here is my IRC window 5 days after resetting the conversations. Last night I spent 4 hours returning private messages, and plan to do the same this evening. Sadly a great deal of the work we do is never seen by the players, but never think that we do not care. We have volunteered thousands of hours of our time, and will volunteer thousands more so that you can experience this game that we all love so much.

    To help with the work load we have added 2 more coding consultants, a new gamemaster, and most of you have met our new forum moderators. We have great plans for 2017 and look forward to supporting Renaissance long into the future.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2017
    Baler, Jakob, Aragorn - OCT and 27 others like this.
  10. blasfede

    blasfede Active Member

    Mar 25, 2016
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    long life UO:R :)
    Hawkeye, Gideon Jura, newme and 2 others like this.
  11. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Chris, you need to change your font to comic sans

    It makes everything better.
    eherruh, Basoosh, Xegugg and 3 others like this.
  12. Aris

    Aris Active Member

    Jan 27, 2013
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    At the risk of sounding like a suck-up, I just figured it would be good to chime in some support. It is easy to complain, but rarely do people take the time to post praise and thank Chris & Company for what has been built.

    I just don't get how someone could be that unhappy given the amount of effort he has put in, even if you might not agree with every decision made. His passion for the game and to provide a home for all of us is rare, and it seems there's some who just go stomping from server to server like a wrecking ball and try to use it when they don't get their way.

    We are all here because we think it is a pretty awesome place to play. So for every complainer out there, there's plenty of non-vocal very happy players. Long live UO:R and thanks to all the staff that keep this place going.
    Everlast, Basoosh, Hawkeye and 6 others like this.
  13. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Indeed Aris; I'll chime in as well. Thanks so very much to every single volunteer, well done.

    Blackeye, your anger towards other people almost makes me cry. Not because of your comments, but something must be very hurtful in your real to let such anger seep into a game world.
    wylwrk, Rickbrent, Hawkeye and 4 others like this.
  14. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    Rickbrent, newme, shad and 1 other person like this.
  15. Larloch

    Larloch Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    The Chinese soft-shelled turtle urinates through its mouth....
  16. Heretic

    Heretic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 19, 2014
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    That's what I call: classy.
    newme likes this.
  17. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 12, 2013
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    There was an elf trapped in the secret room of Khaldun last I looked if someone wants to pull the levers and go in....unless someone got him already.
    newme and Gideon Jura like this.
  18. shad

    shad Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 26, 2016
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    UO:R is the BEST free UO shard:
    NO pay-to-win!
    Classic experience!
    NO pink glowing houses!
    Exactly like in 2000 but better :)

    But YES, delays can be really unpleasants. Its the one and only negative point i can find here.

    Thank you @Chris (and your staff) for all your great works!
    Everlast, eherruh, Basoosh and 6 others like this.
  19. Larloch

    Larloch Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Dr Satan, Everlast, Gutscrank and 6 others like this.
  20. CaptainMorgan

    CaptainMorgan Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2014
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    I love this place, but I do have to agree that the event center stuff needs to stop. It's been a long standing issue. Can we turn off skill gain completely in Trammel?
    newme, One, Mindless and 4 others like this.

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