Breaking the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Seals...

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Baerron Jael, Jan 31, 2017.

  1. Baerron Jael

    Baerron Jael Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2016
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    Baerron Jael's arms shook with exertion as he held the pewter urn of grave dirt above his head. He overturned the urn and the dirt washed over him like rain. It has been months since he set out on this journey for his master, and tonight comes a giant leap forward in his progress.

    The battles that the foolish Lightbringers brought to the four previous Shrines provided the daemon with a tremendous amount of bodies to work with which greatly aided his ability to break the remaining Seals.

    The first was the Shrine of Valor...


    A wisp darted from between the trees in an attempt to stop the daemon and his minion from corrupting the Shrine. Have the Xoronite's learned nothing from their continuous encounters?





    The next Shrine the daemon visited was the Shrine of Humility.






    Baerron Jael felt a jolt pass through him. His master's strength became more apparent with each Seal that is broken. Onto the seventh, the Shrine of Sacrifice...







    The exertion took its toll on Baerron Jael. Black ropes of gooey blood flowed from his mouth and ears. Only one Seal left, and it would take all of his strength to break it. It will take time.

    But there is only one Seal left...
    Basoosh, eherruh, Eskull and 7 others like this.
  2. Antos

    Antos Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Antos had spent little time among his fellows at Empath Abbey since the cleansing of the Shrine of Justice. It had been a victory, but one that had come at an incalculably great cost. He was of a mind that such pyrrhic victories were no cause for celebration, but rather, a time for reflection. It was clear that his role in the events surrounding the corruptions of the shrine had not yet come to an end, but his will had been drained by the terrible losses the forest had suffered.

    So, following the leadings of his heart, he had shunned the company of others and begun a time of fasting and meditation beneath one of the oldest Yew trees in the forest.


    Days passed, though he scarcely noticed their passage. So deep in reflection was he that he did not even notice the withering of his already frail body. Had his enemies witnessed this alarming decline, they would surely exult in his emaciated appearance and claim it as a victory, but even this was of no import to the old traveler.

    After untold days of meditation, it seemed as though his mind was opened to a cry of great suffering. There was a sense of rending - of some great malevolence straining anew against the bindings that restrained it. Surely it signaled a new attack on the sacred places of the land. And yet, so deep was his revery that even this was accepted as little more than the mildest of distractions.

    Opening his rheumy eyes for the first time in days, he wondered aloud as was his habit.

    The shrines will be cleansed, and I may yet have some small role to play in these matters, though I am all but spent. Still, perhaps the remaining shrine needs to be protected. Perhaps some sort of...Guardian? Wait. No, that would be...

    With those few words, a chilling sense of dread washed over him and gripped his weary soul with a terror he had never before dreamed possible. Overcome by the sensation, he collapsed from exhaustion... last his mind's eye was fully opened and terrifying visions came unbidden as he lay unconscious upon the cold forest floor.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2017
    Jupiter, Jaana, eherruh and 5 others like this.
  3. Cero

    Cero Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2013
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    Word begins to spread of the recent corruptions by Baerron Jael.

    Cero_1-19_14.32 (2).jpg

    *Cero slams the book shut*

    There is nothing in these texts, nothing that is helping...No where in these pages is there any evil listed that would use the corruption of shrines to their benefit. Is Baerron Jael gaining strength or is he working for some higher power, I can not even begin to think of what horrors use a being like him as a puppet. But enough of these books, I must see the recent corruptions for myself before I decide my next path for answers.




    *Cero's sword hand begins to shake*

    I must seek answers with blood. There are wretched hives of creatures of the abyss, I must seek out the strongest of them and see if I can "convince" them to give me answers.


    As I got into the depths of the Dungeon Hythloth, I encountered a Collector of Souls. If any of these vile creatures would have answers as to what was coming it would be this thing.

    The battle seemed like it took forever. Numerous times the daemon tried to drain my soul from my being but the rage within me prevented it from being sapped. As the beast weakened I began to seek answers to what was coming from the abyss, but the daemon simply knelt down and said I was nothing compared to what would happen if he let slip any knowledge.


    Blood on my blade and my rage building I knew I needed to seek peace or the hatred may overcome me. I traveled to temple of peace where I could regain my wits and grasp what the daemon had told me.


    Hours went by as I sat in meditation thinking about what the world was about to face. Seven of the eight shrines have been corrupted leaving just one more...Chaos, and that what all this is, chaos. In the hours of silence I thought of one man that could bring the balance. I mounted up and traveled north.


    Where has the grey one gone? Will he return in our hour of need? So many questions, so few answers.
    Jupiter, eherruh, Eskull and 3 others like this.
  4. Alex Caember

    Alex Caember Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Loved your story Cero, but just one minor clarification - Spirituality is the remaining shrine not yet broken!
  5. Cero

    Cero Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2013
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    Ha! You know as I was going over this I even said to myself "did Spirituality get corrupted?" But I knew chaos didn't so I over looked it thinking that would be the final showdown(7/8...Forgetting there are actually 9)...Which it still very well may be...But damnit now a rewrite is in order!! Thanks for the correction!
  6. Pegbyter

    Pegbyter Active Member

    Mar 1, 2014
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    Chaos is not one of the 8 virtues, therefore that shrine is of no consequence to Baerron Jael's Master.
    eherruh, Cero and Lord Krake like this.
  7. Lord Krake

    Lord Krake Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 25, 2014
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    Lets corrupt the Chaos shrine into the Order shrine! That'll really get under Jael's kilt!
    eherruh, Artex and Cero like this.
  8. Cero

    Cero Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2013
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    Depends on what virtues you follow! To Jael or his master it could mean everything!!

    And I like it! Let the light shine on that place of evil!
  9. Alex Caember

    Alex Caember Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2016
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    A word of caution before going and doing any such thing... Lest you all forget that it was this very type of action that led us on to the dark path we now find ourselves...

    Mark of the Light Brigade

    Foolish Interlopers

    These are the very events that led to the war we are in now.
    eherruh, Eskull, Cero and 2 others like this.
  10. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    I awoke in a slumbering mode, as if a slave before I slept
    My body wracked with pains from long ago, battles past

    Drinking water and even eating a muffin causes me pain


    Hearing of the corruptions I must continue...
    My thoughts, wildly... were despondent
  11. Alex Caember

    Alex Caember Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2016
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    *A missive written to Bryglios*

    Good man of Stormhold,

    During the events of last night's campaigns, I, along with many others, could not help but notice your condition, especially when it put in jeopardy our mission with you slaughtering the Caretaker's birds! We have seen this behavior once before, and it was you who even aided the Great Council in the matter, with Dun Scaith suffering from what we can only assume was some sort of dark corruption of the soul. If this is the malady you suffer from now, seek help immediately! It is my fear that if left untreated, you might endanger future campaigns against the daemonic forces.

    Do get better,
    -Lord Alex Caember
    King's Steward of the Great Council
    eherruh, Cero, Zyler and 3 others like this.
  12. Cero

    Cero Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2013
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