
Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Qex Yario, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. Qex Yario

    Qex Yario New Member

    Nov 11, 2013
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    What is the problem with Trammel?

    I know this is a Renaissance Era shard, and I do love it's current set up, but I never understood the Free shards hatered of Trammel.

    I started playing UO when it first came out, I remember us having a guild before there were guild stones, back then guilds identified themselves by dress. we later build a guild of over 300 members, that spained 5 shards, we were the Lands End Guild, ( ZZ ) was our tag.

    Now understand I'm not here to request a change at all to this shard, for which I'm falling love with, I truly enjoy the shard, enjoy the others I have met, and enjoy the aspect of the game that I had many of years ago fallen in love with. I do plan to re-build our guild here and have some close personnel friends that will be joining us here, but as a person who played this game since it's creation I do know a few things , some facts about Ultima Online.

    I have seen statements about what killed UO, most claim it was the Renaissance patch that brought forth Trammel, statements that it killed the player aspect, killed the guild setting.

    but the truth.

    The OSI patch of Ultima Online: Renaissance actually increased account membership 10x, guild size double and the number of guilds tripled. OSI saw a 100 profit increase 3 months after the launch of the Renaissance patch, which was the highest rated profit development of online membership gains.

    But what killed UO? simple answer, OSI greed. Garret himself ( the orginal concept developer of Ultima Online " Lord Brittish" ) stated this in 2007.

    The increase of Item pursuit, ( Meaning that early on, player made weapons and armour were desired by players, since they were top of the line, the occasional vanquish and power weapons were extremely rare and kept in reserve. the process of making Player made items inferior created a major economy downfall that had been UO backbone.

    then the push of EA to push players into requiring friends or many online partners to complete task, which took away a large player base that enjoyed solo play. ( Ie. Power Scrolls ) "The limited controlling of pets" was one of the biggest attempts by EA ( Eletronic Arts ) to force people into playing in groups.

    Now my question is, why would you exclude Trammel from a free shard that you were looking to populate with players? most people say that's because everyone will stay in trammel and not go to Felucca? well I say then theres your answer, if your wanting the numbers and questioning the results.

    Another fact, when trammel was implemented it only affected less than 2% of the online players, those players who sought inferior competition.
  2. Wise

    Wise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 21, 2012
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    Trammel is a danger free risk free world. That gets boring, FAST!

    The beauty of UO and its most unique element is the danger.

    Every time I go mine, or farm or whatever, I can get murdered.

    Without danger and risk I would build a bunch of characters and then get bored and quit.

    I am sure other people have their own reasons but I would not want a world like Trammel.
  3. Qex Yario

    Qex Yario New Member

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Honestly I'm not saying let's add Trammel, but I do love playing here, and would give my leg arm to continue to do so for a long time. I have truly missed this game.

    but I just want this shard to continue, and we really need to hold to the economy, keep player made items top of the want list.

    and I'm not GM in anything, so this is not a selling my wares post.
  4. Qex Yario

    Qex Yario New Member

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Awesome reply WISE. and Honestly I so agree with you.

    one concept that EA had , 2 years after Trammel when Felucca was like a ghost town was to double resources gathering there, which they did with little impact.

    6 of the 10 game developers had suggested that they triple resouces gathering and double skill gains, which hindsight would of changed things.
  5. Qex Yario

    Qex Yario New Member

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Now I agree with the added danger of the No Trammel. but If this shard had trammel and you don't like that setting, then don't go there. if we did have trammel Yes I would want to build my Shop there, but if we had triple resource gains in Felucca then as a player running a business I would have to take my chances in Felucca.

    I think for myself as a miner playing in a Non-Trammel game set helps me. I will load up my 3 pack horses and go and mine for about 2 hours, sitting there hitting the keys for "Last Object" then " Last Target" gets old, but the constant chance, that keeps the hairs on the back of my neck standing, helps me.

    I don't want to be some newcomers that's trying to change things, it's just that I really do enjoy this shard, that I found by chance. The memories it has brought back are priceless, and I want this shard to continue on for a long time, then why not add another aspect that will creat a larger player base, make it a True Renaissance Era Shard.

    Sure would help me, in selling my ingots... :)
  6. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    After playing for a while Qex you will realize while this is a Felucca only server, we have addressed the mistakes OSI made in adding trammel. Instead of splitting the world, and community, in two we are working to address the root cause of why OSI added trammel.

    This is done by picking up where OSI left off in 2000 and continuing the development of a Felucca only world, with aspects that improve the enjoyment for all players. We already have a variety of aspects that address the root cause of trammel, while staying true to Felucca only world.

    Things like:

    We have also expanded enjoyment for the standard player classes that historically gravitated to trammel by adding a variety of improvements that make living in a harsh world more enjoyable.

    Things like:

    You will also find that the staff here are very attentive and work tirelessly to resolve the bugs and exploits quickly. Coupled with the system that prevents AFK gathering you will find an economy 100x better than OSI in the same time period.

    So while we don't have trammel, we have the best era in Ultima. Recreated so it feels like home and with staff who add new era appropriate content and events.

    If you have an idea on how to further improve the server feel free to start a topic in our ERA discussion forum found here.

    Welcome to UO Renaissance!
  7. Qex Yario

    Qex Yario New Member

    Nov 11, 2013
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    thank you Chris for that reply post.

    Me and some friends have been trying out several different shards, and to be honest no other shard even comes close to UO Renaissance, your player base, the orginal feel of the game, concept aspects it's all put together really ,really nice.
  8. Wise

    Wise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 21, 2012
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  9. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    I am a player which loved Trammel, since most of my ladys are craft related. But...and this is a big but... I can understand the problems concerning dividing the player base into what would essentially be two servers/shards. Realistically, although many of us love UO, there is a limited player base. Sighs, the game is old and lot of people just don't like the old graphics,etc.

    UO has always been my favorite online game, none can compare...For me it was extremely depressing seeing what the powers that be did to the game...Totally destroying Lord Blackthorn character's people being able to buy at the online store items which us players earned by being loyal players for years. It became totally a item game, and those who had extra cash in real got lots of perks.

    I feel the staff here is doing a fantastic job of trying to fill the needs of all play styles. From those who wish to be townies, to those who desire to be the biggest murderer on the wanted boards. It truly is a delicate balancing act, and to be able to do the job they are doing and still...keep their own agenda for the server, for me is mind bogging.

    So a great big thanks and giant friend hugs to staff, for creating a world which so much of what I love about
    UO is a part .

    and thanks for this thread :cool:

  10. Urza

    Urza Active Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Trammel should be a curse word on IRC and the forums.

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