UO:Renaissance - Thieving perfected (ongoing thread)

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by BlackEye, Dec 5, 2014.

  1. Halabinder

    Halabinder Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2014
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    Houselooting sure... but nobody ever broke my heart in UO. I had someone talk to me who believed I was their younger brother in another lifetime while playing RIFT a few years ago, but I think she was selling something... Like litterally... she sold readings about your past life or something lol
    Cordelia Black likes this.
  2. ElleFeyRa

    ElleFeyRa Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2015
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    So this can get back to being a filthy thieving thread I am simply liquefying my assets as remaking 14 characters will take a certain sum of gold and the like. A portion of the funds is going for funding to Zyler's fishing tournaments as well. When i leave UO it won't be because an individual or group of people. It will be because i'm simply not enjoying the game.
    One, BlackEye, Vishakt and 4 others like this.
  3. Crotaro

    Crotaro New Member

    Dec 19, 2016
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    So there I stood in the wilderness. On my way to Shame, sneaking past the lethal environment.
    I didn't expect to meet another soul outside, but there Lumbo stood. A blue-robed knight who I've observed just half an hour earlier at the Britain bank. I checked his pockets carefully back then, but they were pretty lightweight. I followed him unsuspiciously a little way through town but lost him at some corner of the city.

    But there Lumbo stood; again. His sword was slicing through ratmen and giant spiders and moving air particles and whenever he stood still to concentrate on fighting I took the chance to weigh his pockets for something useful.
    Then it happened, I stepped on a twig and fell prey to Lumbo's eyes, although I was a bit away from him. I quickly improvised, ran up to a ratma, let him whack me and ran to Lumbo, crying for help.
    He took the bait and he sliced the smelly humanrat and I punched the humanrat (Lumbo didn't see me taking a peek at his pile of gold in the bags) and he chopped the ratman and as the ratman fell so did a few coins into my pocket. I quickly dashed for cover, Lumbo apparently had no idea as he went on to slashing and bashing.
    I felt brave now. I ran up to Lumbo again, after I felt safe once more, and while he whacked a huge, barren tree I swiftly ran my sneaky fingers through his bags a second time....and I touched his butt I feel, as he squeaked slightly. I jumped back and then assaulted his pockets a third time, and there I had it. A rune. I ran away as fast as I could and as I ran away I read signs on the rune saying "HOME". This could be an opportunity!
    A few hundred worth of coins and a rune...a noble lifter as myself has to start somewhere, right?

    Thank you, blue-robed knight! We shall meet again~
    Kalvasflam, Random, BlackEye and 2 others like this.
  4. Halabinder

    Halabinder Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2014
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    Well written adventure @Crotaro I look forward to reading more of your stories in the future.
    Crotaro likes this.
  5. Crotaro

    Crotaro New Member

    Dec 19, 2016
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    Haha thanks, got my butt handed to me just a little bit later, when I went into the dungeon to seek my fortune, but it was fun evading this now-Nemesis of mine for a few minutes while he was searching for me (curious why he didn't spam these terrible words "Wis Quas" earlier)
    EDIT PS: It probably was more like a minute or two that the cat-and-mouse-game went on, but it felt like tens of minutes, so thanks for that :3

    *pumps fist in the general direction of Angeliq*
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2017
    Halabinder and BlackEye like this.
  6. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Oh geeze... you ever get that creepy feeling like you're being watched?

    Crotaro likes this.
  7. Crotaro

    Crotaro New Member

    Dec 19, 2016
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    *erotically wiggles his hand through the air* This is not the scruffy-looking-nerf-herding scoundrel you're looking for

    PS: Seriously though, thanks for providing the probably single one "NPC" that has a searchable backpack and isn't constantly waggling around town :D
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2017
    wylwrk likes this.
  8. OptimisticSam

    OptimisticSam Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 17, 2016
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    I was loitering on the Britain bank roof, as per usual. When appeared in the distance a nice blue moon gate. Following the wisdom of many an aged thief, I quickly jumped through, only to find myself in the midst of a forest - surrounded by three players and their dragons. But what else? A house!

    I quickly stealthed away, as I had mistakenly come through the moon gate unhidden. By some great luck, nobody had seen ol' Gestas. I slowly snooped back to the front door, just as they all bounded inside. I decided to have a look, and quickly snuck in.

    They loitered about, not talking, as I crept upstairs and wedged myself in the corner. At once, they all bounded up the stairs and filled the top room. Thinking I was surely caught, I hunkered down... and lady luck shown again as they ran out back outside.


    Wasting no time, I got down to work, rifling through every container that could be found. Bumped into a man working the loom downstairs, but he didn't seem to notice! All in all, made off with quite the haul. ~6 scrolls, ~15 AMIBs, and quite a few SOSs, plus some shiny plat and holiday coin, and a few BOD books.


    As is often the case, the owner was exceedingly reckless, no table wall, never revealing a single time - and keeping so much great loot in unsecured containers! It would be unjust of me to not provide the lesson that was sorely needed - in a way, I was providing a much needed service.

    I have a few recent adventures to post - more to come soon!
    Kiryana, One, Kalvasflam and 15 others like this.
  9. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
  10. OptimisticSam

    OptimisticSam Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 17, 2016
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    Just another day at the office (this happened a few weeks ago)...

    Loitering around in Skara, I noticed a gentleman come and buy a horse, and then lead it in to the wilderness. Feeling like this may be an opportunity for adventure, I quickly snuck along to follow. The man opened a gate, and jumped through. How could I resist? That blue swirling vortex is like ambrosia for a thief. I quickly jumped through and found myself outside a small house in Ice Island.

    The man quickly rode inside, dragging his horse along, and in I snuck. Only to find a butchering operation in full swing! Perhaps some sort of deranged horse fighting ring?


    Such terror. I decided the best thing I could do would be to make off with as much as I could carry - quickly stopping up a few bags of magical weapons and armor. My good friend ID'd it all for me, and sadly, it was mostly junk. On the plus side, not a bad price to pay for a lesson in home security.


    PS - I am challenging all my fellow thieves to step up their game. We've had nary a story in the last few weeks - I know folks are out there adventuring - let's hear about it!
  11. The Crooked Warden

    The Crooked Warden Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Gestas well done my friend!

    My USB port recently broke on my laptop so its taken some adjusting to play on my Mac.

    Yesterday, I paid a visit to the home of a few of my past adventures. This seems to always be a place brewing with activity. As usual, it did not disappoint. Upon arriving, the famous Gambit was seen recalling away and leaving a sleeping survivor out in the open. As I rifled through his belongings a sparkling globe and a lone platinum coin lay for the taking. Though the globe was quite heavy and took multiple attempts I was eventually able to sneak away with the goods.
    1.png 2.png
    Kiryana, Kalvasflam, Random and 7 others like this.
  12. The Crooked Warden

    The Crooked Warden Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    I arrived just in time to see Cupid fall to the many Tamers. A lone man named @Deathboy seemed to escape with a pretty purple horse. Selecting the first target I could before they were able to leave netted a solid 8 Holiday Coins. Let the games begin!
    1.jpg 2.jpg
  13. OptimisticSam

    OptimisticSam Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 17, 2016
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    This one is from a while back - I wanted to find the player and offer them a chance to buy back their good, and then I got lazy about posting it!

    I was strolling around the mountains SE of Skara Brae, just looking around for adventure, when I happened upon a man leap-frogging a heavy chest from his patio to his log cabin. Sensing a prime opportunity, I continued to run by and act unawares, parked the horse, and stealthed back just in time to sneak in the log cabin door. I couldn't believe my luck. I quickly stealthed upstairs to remain unseen, and found the top floor empty. Quite the disappointment.


    Given the pickings looked slim, I snuck back downstairs and poked around - only two chests - one full of kegs (boring) - and one full of.... jackpot! The player seemed to be setting up a poisoning macro, so I picked through whatever I could carry, and recalled out! Quite the haul!


    All in all, walked out with 10+ AMIB chests, 5 chairs (holiday + lvl 7 tmap), some ornate chests, and some lvl 7 chests. A great haul!!

    A special kudos to @Jesus Is King , who took this exceptionally well, and bought back the majority of the pilfered goods from me for ~50% of the fair market value. Hopefully a friend made from this one!

    See you out there friends - watch your packs!
  14. Jakob

    Jakob Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    We payed LoL a visit the other day!

    Last edited: May 30, 2017
  15. Iago

    Iago Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2014
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    Forget thieving you guys should offer cleaning services!
    Jakob and OptimisticSam like this.
  16. Random

    Random Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    Even afflicted with a severe pink concussion

    cupid1.png cupid2.png

    a professional thief focus on his objective.
    Hoominaga and The Crooked Warden like this.
  17. Random

    Random Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    Knock Knock!

    Annual Wellness Visit!

    Did not have time to properly assess the overall "wellness" of Mr.Fireforge but I will make sure to schedule a 2nd visit this year.

  18. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    "Accidential" house looting while trying to crush stuff cleaning up Britain.

    Thx for the support Random.

    Last edited: Mar 2, 2017
  19. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    While on the search for more houses to clean up, I found a loose pedestal in a table wall in Blaise's Skara Brae vendor shop: After some minor looting (e.g. a small rune library, 1 charge 1150 carpet dye), some fellow associates and me took a snapshot. CHEESE!

    Last edited: Mar 3, 2017
  20. OptimisticSam

    OptimisticSam Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 17, 2016
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    Another day... another adventure.

    This time finds us at the top of Snake's Pass - at a house with seemingly endless activity - and more than 1 corpse of Gestas over the last few weeks. I camped this one on and off for what seemed like ages, and finally my opportunity revealed itself. Snuck through a table wall, and camped on the Villa porch for ~1 hour. Finally activity inside, and out ran a man on a llama, and hit the rune book on the front table... leaving the door wide open!


    Snuck in, and hit the jackpot. Chests and chests full of vanqs, powers, and a few slayers. Since I am nothing if not courteous, I picked out a few of the highest value items, and left the rest. The house was almost constantly active, so I didn't have the time I would have liked to go item by item --- fearing a reveal that never came.


    In the end, walked away with:
    - silver battle axe of vanq
    - silver katana of power
    - silver war fork of force
    - 3 purple AMIBs and a blue AMIB
    - a huge haul of t-maps, including 13 level 5 maps

    As usual, I left a security notice on the front porch, and ended up selling all the items back to the home owner for ~30% of their fair market value. All in all, a fun adventure, and a decent payout for a good bit of work. Our slightly poorer Villa owner just bought himself a Keep, so hopefully he'll be more secure in the future.
    Kalvasflam, PaddyOBrien, Puck and 4 others like this.

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