Hi, time is set for : Saturday the 6th of May, starting at 10pm CET/ 4pm EST. EDIT : since we have summer time, I think the correct format is CEST, not CET, and I think the same goes for EDT instead of EST. Sorry if this causes problem for anyone. If yes, let me know and hopefully we can resolve it. I will need a senior PS player to lead the event, I have only ever attended 2 scrolls, so I need someone to help out . This is my private scroll, so i will be keeping 1 or 2 pec meat, the rares and mask of the wild if any of it drops. All gold, plat and magic weapons will be divided between fighters. Bonding slots for PS are free, bank sit for others 150k. All fighers welcome . If you want to come, please let me know your IRC/Forum nick and character name . 1. Airin (Xeili) 2. Lorak (Haeweth) 3. Smash (Drdolittle) 4. Pekka (Vanaondo) 5. DoctorSatan (ShortStory) 6. Nighshade ( Kiera tamarra) 7. Namarra (Namarra) 8. sold 9. sold Hope that is all, let me know if I forgot anything important
I'd love to help @Triss can you work your magic and ability on helping run this? Short Story my new tamer needs a slot. I'd say there is a better than a coin flip I'll be there to get my slot and help run it. @Arawn will you be free to help this weekend? We have mike and Keza out of town, I can do it as long as I can actually make it. And I really want 2 new bonds on my new tamer
Hey Airin, I'll book it off with the wife to come help. I'll take 1 slot if available; training another tamer to for champs. Cheers.
Thanks everyone! What about the time? @DoctorSatan, @Lyta. Since I need someone to help run it, let me know if there is a better option for you. After we set the time I will see if I can sell the 2 bank sit slots. I have put everyone for one slot for now, as we have quite a lot of people . If slots don't sell, or someone can't make it, someone can take 2 slots. Is everyone with a slot able to fight as well?
So what is expected for this event? My chars are not very strong at all as they are still young, but I do want to take part. //Pekka
Hi, Pekka. You will have to leave young to attend (but you should be able to come back). Do you have a tamer for the slot? If you tamer is not up to fighting yet, you can park him just to get the slot and play other character to fight. You could also take a dexxer to deal damage or a mage for damage and heals.
Hey Airin, Looks like I am out - sorry. I thought it was this weekend for some reason. I have to go to a baby shower *vomits a little in mouth* next weekend. Best of luck!
Sorry to hear that Lyta, but thanks for letting me know so soon. Would be nice to get some more people, but we should manage