Changes to pvp?

Discussion in 'PvP Discussion' started by Minax, May 16, 2017.

  1. Cromwell

    Cromwell Member

    Mar 6, 2017
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    Startled as in "Damn. Guy just bare knuckled solid steel."?
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  2. Random

    Random Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    As in "MY EYES ! I CAN'T SEE. YOU BASTARD!" *swing aimlessly*
    Cromwell likes this.
  3. Cromwell

    Cromwell Member

    Mar 6, 2017
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    Just rename it "Curly Special' and issue is resolved.
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  4. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    2017-05-18 19_19_32-Calendar.png

    I am a mage and I can do many things
    • spontaneously combust your flesh with sulphuric rage
    • resurrect the dead
    • infect you with poison from afar
    • shapeshift into a hill troll
    • change my sex at will (the potential!)
    • invoke the wrath of a mystical llama
    • summon a demon from hell to do my bidding
    • magically transport to anywhere at anytime
    • summon food ... food people! I can create food!


    • punch plate armor

  5. Broli

    Broli Active Member

    Jan 5, 2017
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    you wanna balance warriors tactics needs to be fixed from a damage modifier to the hit chance modifier like it was on osi servers. having a 25 tactics bonus wep made it incredibly hard to miss a warrior or a mage an would go very far to give warriors an even playing field here
    Crunk Juice likes this.
  6. Minax

    Minax Well-Known Member
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    May 13, 2017
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  7. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    You are remembering incorrectly. This myth about tactics was only propagated because magic weapons would give bonus tactics and say bonus accuracy. It was still a damage increase only.

    Hit chance increase didn't come until age of shadows (and later down the road was capped at +45%.)
  8. Loxness

    Loxness Active Member
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    Dec 12, 2016
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    I remember hitting a lot more as a dexxer, and missing a crap ton more stuns. I played all three variants (LJ pure dexxer, Healing/Stun mage, and Fencer/Mage Hybrid). Dexxers always seemed so much stronger back then. But, UOAssist wasn't around (Or as abundant), and "added help" of programs wasn't as readily available also.

    But in conclusion; for this particular server, dexxers are extremely under-powered in PVP. PVM they are a situational niche, but extremely strong in that niche (Proper slayer weapons). In PVP though, the hit chance variance with actual weapons is extremely streaky. Punches (and in turn, stun punches with mages) don't seem to have this streaky problem.

    It needs tinkering regardless. Hence why mages (whom already are the cheapest to gear up) are much more widely played. I seen posts comparing the costs of a death in PVP. It's something like 8-12k for a mage, and somewhere between 30-50k for a dexxer (Depending on the weapon type/runic). Not much risk VS reward, when the lowest cost is the stronger of the two, you know?

    My suggestion to the issue:

    I would personally just add an overall 5-10% hit chance increase to weapons in the coding. See how much it makes a difference to the dexxers. I know most of the people who are "settled" here on this server might cry about the change and tinkering, because they usually play stun mages (The go to choice), but what could it hurt? You changed tracking (Which badly needed it). So might as well give the dexxers some love also. Damage was never the issue (Outside of the SUPER LOW ROLLS, but that's just RNG nonsense). Hit chance has been, at least since I got here.

    What's the worse that can happen? You have to revert, or remove the added coding?
    Althorn, Broli and niz like this.
  9. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    put us all on dial up right now except for a select lucky few on DSL and watch everyone switch to dexxers asap
    niz likes this.
  10. niz

    niz New Member

    May 15, 2017
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    LOL you have no idea how many times I have said to people, "I remember when I first got cable and everyone else was on 56k and how easy it was to play a dexxer."

    Also, damage is still an issue because armor is being calculated incorrectly for damage mitigation. This is a problem on every runuo server out there. A dexxer with a 3x GM character (weapon skill, anatomy, tactics) should NEVER hit for 0-1 damage with a 2 handed weapon except maybe on a full valorite PLATE armored character. Damage modifiers are fine but that is not the issue I see. I fought a guy the other day and hit him for a concussion blow for 0 damage, I know it adds no damage, but how the hell did I hit for NO DAMAGE? No reactive armor was casted either.
  11. Loxness

    Loxness Active Member
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    Dec 12, 2016
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    Concussion doesn't add extra damage. Only reduces intelligence. Crushing is the one that adds damage.

    And the roll system is what makes that whole "low damage" happen. That's the streaky thing I was talking about.

    Look at the weapon damage. Add the modifiers, then use the ...

    Damage Absorbed by Armor
    FORMULA: Damage Absorbed= Random value between of 1/2 AR to full AR of Hit Location's piece of armor.

    Armor isn't the problem here
    (Although barbed leather AR is extremely high, thus making low end weapons pretty worthless).

    It's the chance to hit.

    PS: This is a good site they use on this server for the MIN vs MAX damage before armor modifiers.
    Last edited: May 19, 2017
    niz likes this.
  12. niz

    niz New Member

    May 15, 2017
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    I said, " I know it doesn't add to damage." I swear people read what they want to read.
  13. Broli

    Broli Active Member

    Jan 5, 2017
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    That 5 to 10 percent chance would be a huge change for warriors right now when im pvping as a fencer i can count how many times a i miss stun mages in a row sometimes up to 10 swings in a row that is uncalled for.
  14. Minax

    Minax Well-Known Member
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    May 13, 2017
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    i think we should all get to together and talk to the developers about possible changes for the future.
  15. Broli

    Broli Active Member

    Jan 5, 2017
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    good luck with telamon paying any attention to this ive talked to him many times an pretty much blows off anything ive said stating its balanced. but if you play a warrior any amount of time youd see its far from it.
  16. Random

    Random Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    Perfect balance would in reality be real boring. Many other MMO can be use for a reference.
    If you try to balance skills and classes on a macro level , the game become insipid.
    The answer you probably get is that Mages are intended to beat the crap out of warriors. I am not saying there is no place for improvement but seeking balance will do no good for anyone.
    niz likes this.
  17. niz

    niz New Member

    May 15, 2017
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    One thing to remember too, we had magic jewelry that helped balance out dexxers but also made mages fairly strong. The more testing I have done, I realize that everything seems quite alright but just need to use higher end weapons as gm weapons feel useless.
  18. TreeHugger

    TreeHugger Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2016
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    People don't make GM weps as they're useless.

    If I didn't miss 15 of 25 swings with GM tactics and weps skill and a bonused weapon on a Mage with 100 wrestle, that would be great!
  19. Loxness

    Loxness Active Member
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    Dec 12, 2016
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    Agreed here.

    While I have no physical "truth" behind this, it seems as though when you stand still, your chance to hit is indeed 50%. Just look at PVM or even attacking tests on Test Center.

    Where lies the problem, is in the field when "moving". Dexxers miss a ton. Probably between 60-70%. The only further evidence I can provide with this, is the amount a non-moving stun punch seems to hit. You just stand still, allow the foe to charge, and the stun is generally successful (seemingly much higher than 50%).

    I have -NO- idea how this could be tested outside of having a macro of a character constantly walking back and forth swinging a weapon at a non moving wrestling target. But the thought of such a tedious task, which even if evidence were firmly found would most likely be ignored anyways, doesn't sound appealing to me at all.

    If anything at all, honestly, @Chris needs to watch dexxer PvP, be it at a CTF or in the field. It is clearly visible to anywho who has ever played or fought against a dexxer that the hit chance is highly skewed.

    Now, it could be mage defense, or maybe just dexxer (weapon wielding) hit chance, but something is extremely out of balance (Not 50% both ways).

    I conclude to just add a flat 5 to 10% hit chance to either weapon skills at GM, or tactics in general. This is a slippery slope because stun punches already hit a lot, so it would need to be included with either the tactics skill, or with weapons in general.

    But honestly, if you add a bonus of 5-10%, even for scope/testing of a month and decide it's too strong, you can adjust or remove it totally. And it isn't a huge coding change either.

    We are all in favor of "history perfected" when adding fun and interesting things such as pet bonding, increased control slot maximums, boss creatures, platinum, and instance events such as aMIBs and Xmas scrolls....

    I feel like we should "perfect" the dexxer to a more reasonably level playing field. Who knows, maybe people will play more tank mages and dexxers instead of just stun mages & tamers.

    Outlier: In case anyone is wondering, I literally play every template. I have an axer, fencer, macer, 3 stun mages, a disarm thief mage, 2 tamers, a sword mage, and a fencing mage. So no, I am not "dexxer" bias. I just believe in a diverse and (semi) even playing field. Fighting the same 2 templates all the time sucks.

    I would love a response from Chris simply stating why he isn't for a change that clearly could make the server a bit better. And not the stock "It wasn't like this back in the day" because there are a lot of things on this server that don't adhere to that logic and are better for it.

    Alas: History Perfected for all!
    Last edited: May 25, 2017
    Soma Holiday and Broli like this.
  20. Crunk Juice

    Crunk Juice Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 19, 2016
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    IDGAF what anyone says... @Loxness that is exactly the issue and I will challenge anyone here on amount of time played on a pure dexxer (besides Broli).

    Loxness and Broli like this.

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