BlackEye's Quitting Thread

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Ecstatic, May 19, 2017.

  1. Ecstatic

    Ecstatic Active Member

    Apr 19, 2017
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    One Mes tale from me that I never published:

    Mes was like the good daddy spirit of TT. Once I stole something during an event from a TT. I think it was during Halloween. I had become lazy. I overused a spot in Moonglow for a while. And Mes must have known that weakness.
    So, as soon as I stole the hcoins or item from a TT, I recalled to my spot in glow and was just watching my loot and smiling. Until suddenly Mes showed up, full pre-casted and beating the shit out of me and reclaiming TT's pixels. He perfectly knew my habbits and memorized my spot.
    Back then, I knew, that Mes would have been a really great thief and this Shard was lucky that he was dedicated so much to PvP instead of property re-alocation.
  2. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    Fare thee well
    Orion GM BD and Ecstatic like this.
  3. TreeHugger

    TreeHugger Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2016
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    If there was ever a reason to quit, this is it!

    So long my friend. I hope to never see you again.
    Ecstatic likes this.
  4. eatmyshorts

    eatmyshorts Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    Didn't know you but I wish you the best of luck! Everything in moderation, you know it's time to change something if you're becoming a bit too obsessed. I've quit many an MMO for the very same reason!
    Ecstatic likes this.
  5. MikeK

    MikeK Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Hey Blackeye, you've made my experience in this game richer and I thank you for that. I totally understand why you are quitting, and it takes a big person to be able to realize an issue and make a huge change. I wish you all the best and happiness, you are very smart and you will succeed.

    Going to list random thoughts regarding Blackeye.

    1. Created a ton of content, stories, and shenanigans. I liked some and didn't like others, but regardless you helped the server grow in its unique culture and history.

    2. Walking UOR encyclopedia, I know a ton about UOR but found myself asking you about things I still didn't know.

    3. Relentless in improving the server, definitely rubbing some people both the right and wrong way. Nobody can question your dedication to that pursuit though.

    4. Extremely creative in his play style, which I know has influenced many other peoples' playstyles.

    5. You've made my life a living hell sometimes, especially stealing that PS public harrower skull. But after the fact, it was a great memory and taught me to be much more careful.

    6. Having many intelligent chats with me.

    7. In many situations, having stolen items but offering to return them at a discounted rate, including that public harrower skull. It was never about the greed or being an ass, it was about the adventure that drove you.

    8. You always answer questions and help new players on IRC, I know it's had a positive effect on players.

    9. Best farewell thread I've seen, you really took your time and very well thought out.

    10. Never knowing if PS quests would have a drive-by by you.

    Wish you the best man. Take care of yourself first and foremost.
    Last edited: May 20, 2017
  6. Awen

    Awen Active Member

    Feb 16, 2017
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    First , to speak seriously , i have an active RL , I work and have many activities like painting, drawing, collage , reading (a lot) , poetry (do not laugh please), learning english and other culture, learning japanese, pranayama and asanas yoga, and i am curious of many things... so end of that.

    So i am a gamer too, i love (too much) playing games (diablo series, star trek online , elite dangerous, kerbal space progr and UO)
    For me UO , when created was a near perfect gem : yes needed some improvements but no Trammel and long list trash.
    For me UO is a great fun and freedom space and i LOVE this : I love all interactions uo brings : how these little imperfect sprites can make us dream ?
    For me UO is a great way to experiment how i can interact with other and how fun will be this interaction.

    I choose this shard because i do not see Trammel, and all these strange hues and things we can see on other shards and now unfortunately on prod shards.
    I take great time to planning my characters , training them and test and most ot time , fail to achieve what i plan, but most important i had fun no matter what i done.
    So it is not a secret , i love thief, pirates and thing like that because it is exciting and because it is just a game and we can play like that with respect to other people.

    I love writing story too and maybe that a way you can experiment to have a foot in RL and the other in UO if this is you love in your life.

    Hope this help you and warm your heart a little
    Orion GM BD, Ecstatic and PaddyOBrien like this.
  7. Vandalin

    Vandalin Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Nov 5, 2016
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    Blackeye I didn't ever run into you that much in game but you gave me a lot of tips in my early days and you contribute a lot here. I remember you stalking me all the way to the bank during the christmas event and that was a lot of fun. Good luck with everything.
    Ecstatic likes this.
  8. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 4, 2014
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    I remember telling you to never hold back on me in game..... then I remember regretting saying that! You have always been a formidable opponent and for that I thank you. Congrats on your escape, seriously.
  9. Eugen

    Eugen Active Member

    Apr 11, 2014
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    Grats on finally pulling the trigger, feels like we've had conversations about you wanting/needing to quit years ago.
    Ecstatic and Mes like this.
  10. Reginald

    Reginald Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2015
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    I cant stop crying now. How many times have you watched this?
    Ecstatic likes this.
  11. NerK

    NerK Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 4, 2016
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    Never mad the cut.. Damn :( I'm hurt.

    RiP Blacky
    Ecstatic likes this.
  12. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 12, 2013
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    Pirul is doing aMiBs like they're going out of style. He's running out of space for his Ironman trophies, lol.
  13. Random

    Random Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    Believe it or not, when I first met BlackEye, he was just starting 5D and I was coming back from one of my long breaks.

    Back then, I thought he was at best clumsy ... yes!
    He was selling me potions kegs and was scared to let people know he was the infamous BlackEye! It was the best time I ever had playing a thief. Learning how to play together, when we mostly always played solo thieves.

    Thanks for asking me in that day. @BlackEye @Tuco @Dimas and whoever I forgot, Thanks for the precious memories.
  14. Soma Holiday

    Soma Holiday Active Member

    Apr 14, 2017
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    Noooooooooo! :( You're one of the few people I've really talked to here and you helped me out so much with advice about irc, house security and other things... I was looking forward to joining that new guild you were talking about starting, and also seeing you implement your creative vision for that valley.

    I definitely know how detaching from this game can be positive sometimes but I kinda hope you'll make it a temporary break rather than a permanent one. Wish you the best either way though.
    Orion GM BD, ElleFeyRa and Ecstatic like this.
  15. Bloodlust

    Bloodlust Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2016
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    Man, You were supposed to be make a new tamer!

    How this happend??

    Ima taking a break, waiting for a fiery 'Libido' of UO.

    But well, you are right. This game won't let us stay away for a lil bit. I'm rly sad to hear that you are quitting.

    Good luck! you were the smartest ppl that I've ever met in whole online gaming experience.

    So long Blackeye. You'll be missed :(
    ElleFeyRa and Ecstatic like this.
  16. Xegugg

    Xegugg Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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    Chop chop no! You are one of my favorite people here. I will miss. We had a lot of fun ingame and some great chats over the years.
    I remember one of our first encounters. I had an accident and sprained both hands and a broken wrist and was just learning to play entirely with my left hand. I could only do bods. Since prior to the accident all I had done was just collected. I lined up a bunch on my crafter at the bank, with my books and I step away from the computer for something and come back to an empty crafter.....upset because there was nothing I could really do ingame at the time. We chatted, he gave them back to me. We became friends.
    I saw him a lot at our spawns to steal, I started to invite Blackeye to the spawns and harrowers we did because he is good people, and was on when we were just having fun playing as a group and we shared with him on that.
    Please keep in touch, I think you did so much for the server and community with some there is a love/hate with you. I was/am on the love side with you. :)
    Riyne, ElleFeyRa, Hoominaga and 4 others like this.
  17. Halabinder

    Halabinder Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2014
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    I'm sitting in Frankfurt airport waiting for my connecting flight back home. This post struck a cord with me (I re-read the riddle master trilogy "struck a cord" ;)) as I am sure it is a little known fact that @Tuco @Dimas and I ran around together trying to learn to PK. We sucked. And I had to quit shortly after to get my life together irl.

    BlackEye gave me a hard time almost every bloody time I interacted with him over how difficult it was to "get a hold of me" due to the fact that I don't hang out on irc. I think deep down he never believed that I do not use any other aliases on UOR. I made one other forum account back in the day for a single post and I sometimes log on to irc as MattDamon but I assure you BlackEye I do not hang out on irc under any other aliases. I turn off general chat in any game I play and keep to myself for the most part. I am a very social person irl and quite antisocial in the digital realm.

    We once haggled over trying to be nice to one another. He want d to liquidate assets I wanted but wasn't sure I wanted to spend the money on (it was blaze cloth). He let on that he needed gold for a purchase so I offered to lend him the gold while I decided and he called it charity and refused. I eventually told him it was breaking my brain that we were arguing over trying to help each other.

    I'll reserve the rest of the cliche expressions of emotions I am feeling at the moment and simply thank you for gifting me items I would never have gathered the resources to purchase. I'll keep them fully fortified and will never sell them while I play here. Should I ever decide to leave this place I will gift them to others who have made an impression on me here.
  18. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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    Last edited: Feb 5, 2023
  19. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
    Zyler, Orion GM BD, ElleFeyRa and 3 others like this.
  20. Avery

    Avery Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 25, 2012
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    Thanks for the offer of the taming scroll Blackeye. If you remember, you liberated one from my pack in a very skillful manner right after I turned it into the Zookeeper! You had it in your pack and were on your way before I even knew what happened! I'll be giving that scroll to @DarkWing, since he gave O^S his completed scroll to replace the one you took. If you decide to give me anything else, I promise to sell the items on forums and use the money for future O^S resist sessions. We didn't always see eye to eye (hell we NEVER saw eye to eye) but I respect the fact that you're not hoarding your pixels indefinitely while not playing and that you're giving up the game to focus on real life. Many of us wouldn't have the strength to do that so cheers.
    Zyler, Hawkeye, ElleFeyRa and 2 others like this.

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