Wanted: Muguk!

Discussion in 'Player Run Events' started by Cero, May 15, 2017.

  1. Cero

    Cero Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2013
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    Cero walks up and nails a parchment to the wall of the bank of Britain. He turns and addresses the crowd gathering around him.

    Here Ye! Here Ye!

    Let it be known to the people that the Britannia Guard Corps has placed a bounty of the scum Muguk, for his actions of murder during the latest uprising of orcish filth! The Town Division has placed a 60,000 gold coin price on his head, additionally the Patrol Division will add a 10,000 gold coin purse to this bounty.

    The scum Muguk is the leader of a clan known as Bloodclan. They are known about the region south of the City of Yew. Be cautious of you wish to under take this hunt, for the orcs can be a difficult bunch to track down and kill.

    Information on claiming your reward is posted on the parchment behind me.

    Cero steps away from the wall and mounts his spirit stead. It was going to be a long day of travel trying to get the message out about this scum, every city must be notified.

    To receive the bounty from the Town Division, simply turn in the head of Muguk to a town guard. To receive the additional bounty you must make a topic in the Salty Dog Tavern sub-forum and tell a story of your adventure. A picture of you turning in his head MUST be provided with the story. A one time additional 1,000 gold coins will be provided if more pictures posted of your adventure. An additional 1,000 gold coins will be provided if an in-game book is written about your adventure and turned over at the time of claiming your reward.

    Happy Hunting! And look for more bounty style quests at one of the Guard Outposts along the King's Highway!
    Cullinarn, eherruh, Bayara and 7 others like this.
  2. Cullinarn

    Cullinarn Well-Known Member
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    May 13, 2014
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  3. Bayara

    Bayara Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2016
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    Let it be known that any attempts to hunt Muguk in South Yew deep woods will be taken as an act of aggression by us as well as the orcs.

    If we encounter any patrolmen or mercenaries snooping around the orc fort they will have more trouble on their hands than shardies.
    eherruh, Pekka, Muguk and 2 others like this.
  4. Cero

    Cero Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2013
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    This scum still walks our beloved lands! And fear no brigand, they smell as bad as the orcs!
  5. Muguk

    Muguk Active Member

    Feb 3, 2017
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    Ey!! Mi nub smeyll!! Mi using de bezt deoodurint, Et kawlled preperashun Aych. Awlsoh lats bettur feer Bayaraz Breegayndz. Dem lyke da Ork am gunnah Slawtur awll trezpazzur
    eherruh, Hoominaga and Bayara like this.
  6. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Captain Cero,

    I hope the good word of Paws reaches you well and in good spirits.

    This eve a great peril in the land has been subdued. The maurauding orc, Muguk, has fallen and I shall share the details of this fortunate turn of events.

    I was on this day expecting Adonis, a nobleman of Britain, to arrive in Paws to offer him safe passage to Skara Brae. Brooke, our blessed stable hand had prepared four of the sturdiest llamas to help transport the wares over several miles of rough road. This caravan was on time and was looking to be fair weathered, but there was only one problem - Adonis was several days late, and had not sent any word to explain the delay.

    I had decided that Adonis must have made other arrangements for his trek, and thus stepped outside to begin the work of returning the llamas to the stable, when I noticed a very strange man petting the llamas. The man, who is hailed as Dreg, said he just happened to be passing through what he thought was a petting zoo. (apparently the large, and rather menacing fellow, has a strong affinity for these creatures).

    Despite the man's grim expression, he was rather forthcoming with news of his travels, and it was by this man that I became worried that Adonis had not actually made other arrangements, but was more likely soon to be re-arranged by ratmen! For Dreg mentioned that he noticed an unnusual amount of rats on his way into Paws.

    Quickly we had Qamra write up a contract, offering 5,000 gold coins and 15 silver pieces to escort the llamas and the grey Wizard to Skara Brae. Unfortunatley, she was not very explicit in the terms of her contract, thus Dreg was only hired for ensuring I arrived in 'tolerable' health.

    I did not at any point disclose to Dreg that the llamas were in fact completely bare of any provisions, but fortunately, this was remedied when we did find Adonis tied up to a spiccot about to be eaten by the ratmen! True to his contract, Dreg dispatched the camp of rat men and they were soon fleeing in panic from their would-be spoils.

    We loaded up the caravan and took to the main road, but Adonis, apparently still quite traumatized and untrusting of Dreg, impeded our march through the safety of the mountain Pass by calling unecessary attention from the town guards.

    Instead we had to follow the mountain's southwestern edge, until we regained the road to Skara Brae at the tail end of the mountain pass. It is at this point that our caravan turned from smooth sailing, to an almost dead-end!

    As we approached the rangers huts just outside of Skara Brae, Dreg halted the caravan, and gave warning of an orc blockade (something the man seemed curiously intimately familiar with). No sooner had he halted our company, than the vile Muguk lept from hiding and dashed poor Adonis' throught clear through.

    Dreg reacted swiftly, and before Adonis' corpse hit the ground, the malicious Muguk was laid dead on the road just outside of Skara Brae!

    As Dreg's contract was bearing to a close, he helped me dismantle part of the blockade, and then we parted ways. I suppose I'll have to inform the magistrates of Brae to send a team out to ensure the rest of the orcs' crude obstruction be dismantled to ensure no traveling merchants are injured on the sharp pikes.

    Best Regards
    - Jupiter of Paws

    P.S. (now that we know Muguk has really be slain, it might not be a bad idea to perhaps gently inform @Cullinarn of the House of Ort'tael that the orc he slew, might not have been THE Muguk. But I mean, we could at least offer him a nice Yew Wine for his commendable bravery to at least attempt to hunt this orc menace).

    Althorn, Cullinarn, eherruh and 8 others like this.
  7. Bayara

    Bayara Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2016
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    a tragic end for Muguk.
    at least he was killed by his friends and not some gloating patrol officers from town.
    when Dreg returned to camp and told me of what had happened I was shocked.
    he said, in the heat of battle he didn't realize it was Muguk.
    not until the fight was over.
    but being in the wizard's employ he was bound to react and defend the caravan...
    an action he felt strange about since normally he is the one ambushing them.
  8. Muguk

    Muguk Active Member

    Feb 3, 2017
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    Cullinarn, eherruh, Grur'bak and 2 others like this.
  9. Muguk

    Muguk Active Member

    Feb 3, 2017
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    *Muguk was searching the area around the Britain crossroads for templar heads when he caught a scent in the air...Llamas,and a lot of them. Muguk sneered. Only one person travels with that many of those tasty treats. Muguk followed his nose southwest toward the Skara docks and threw up a hasty blockade. Just as Muguk got into position he noticed something unexpected as the convoy came into sight. It was the Brigand named Dreg acting as a guard. "Ukie Den" Muguk thought. He waited until the convoy passed his hiding place and stopped at the barricade. Muguk jumped out of the bushes yelling his Orcish battle cry as he went after the closest human. Muguk raised his war hammer high over his head and smashed it into the face of the screaming, terrified human, killing him instantly. A bolt from Dregs Heavy Xbow hit Muguk in the shoulder but that wasn't enough to stop the rampaging orc, he went after Dreg and tried to knock him from his mount, but the numbers were not in muguks favor, with the wizard Jupiter, a mercenary, and the Llamas joining Dreg's poisoned blade in the fray Muguk was quickly surrounded and struck down. The Orcs world went dark. It was a good death!
    Random, Cullinarn, eherruh and 4 others like this.
  10. Cero

    Cero Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2013
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    Excellent work Jupiter! I feel you would make a fine Patrolman with all the work you are putting in on behalf of the realm! And somehow convincing the dastardly brigand Dreg to do the dirty work...cunning you are indeed! The lands are safe again for some time before the orcs can piece together Muguk again and work their magics to resurrect him.

    I will link up with you for the rewards that owed, and we shall share an ale in a toast of victory!
    Random, Cullinarn and Jupiter like this.
  11. Cullinarn

    Cullinarn Well-Known Member
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    May 13, 2014
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    Where's my wine, @Cero? :p

    Fantastic story, @Jupiter!
  12. Cero

    Cero Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2013
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    Wine and ale next time we meet! Maybe in the near future?
    Cullinarn likes this.
  13. Cullinarn

    Cullinarn Well-Known Member
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    May 13, 2014
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    Make sure it's a fine Yew vintage. The old owner of The Serpent's Cross on Atlantic (Peri-something?) used to lay in Yew wine for me every day ca. 1997-98. :)

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