Hi, I'd like to joins a guild or adventure with others, I mostly only see people macroing at banks. where does everyone hang out? My in-game name is Incal
When is your play time and time zone? Look for PS members as well, they are great people for newer players! @Lord Krake Forgot to add, Welcome to the best UO experience you will ever have!
IRC is where most people hangout. I highly recommend your first character a Bard of some sort. Either a Provo Mage, or Provo Dexxer. If you go the Provo-mage route, make some starting coin by collecting cotton and selling it on IRC as bandages for 3gp each. Check out this video by Keza of PS. Very good starting tutorial.
Welcome Incal! Aye, i will mostly drum up activity in IRC if and when i get to play. I'm usually constrained to weekends only and very short and sporadic spurts during the week if at all. If you are brave of heart and true to the virtues you should seek out the quest vendors of Paws and Cero's Guard Command. Fullfilling a quest and posting the details on the forums, either short or long, will reap rewards far greater than you can imagine. Even apart, together we make UOR great if your Spirit is true.
Hi n welcome to our world of crazy fun. People don't really hang out around banks like they did in good old days. Irc is best way to meet players, ask questions. Most people talk in irc pm's to discuss where they'll meet up. Main thing, enjoy. Westr on irc Marjo : Governess of Wispfelt Village in game
@Incal When you get into IRC, type: /join #PS You will get spammed there by helpful P'S members or visitors if you start asking questions. Where does evryone hang out? Well active players do not hang out at the Ocllo Bank area really with all banksitiing zombies there as they are out adventuring or spending time in one of the guildtowns/villages and there are some of those here or craft inside their own villa. Are you maybe even into RP?? We are not many RPers here, not that I know of but we do have some fun events time to time. If RP might be your thing then: /join #UOR-RP and we go from there We meet at a player driven resturant every friday, an ordinary villa, drinking stuff, eating stuff and fool around. Join the player made events listed here: http://uorforum.com/forums/player-run-events.8/
In my experience occlo has the most people but they are all afk. The most active bank goers are actually spread out. I have been seeing a bit more toons sitting around west bank than i use to. But i see more active players at moonglow, skara, trinsic...
When bored run by an orc fort. Ours preferably (north of Compassion) but I understand Bloodclan is getting active again at the Yew Fort. That may not be the interaction you seek but it is something to do. I'll 3rd that PS is a great first stop for humie chars looking for a guild.