World (26) 19 Town Books - Resource buy/sell with absolute ease! Banks * Bank Roofs * Provisioners * Blacksmiths * Jewelers * Carpenters * Tinkers Bowyers * Tailors * Tanners * Shipwrights * Healers * Scribes * Inns * Stables Taverns * Mages/Alchemists x 2 * Alchemists 7 Misc Locations - Various locations all around Britainnia for convienence! Moongates * Swamps * Ankhs & Shrines * Graveyards * Bridges * Islands x 2 Dungeon/PvM (14 Books) 10x Dungeon Books - All 9 Dungeon Books + 1 Entrance Book. Dungeon Entrances * Covetous * Deceit * Despise * Destard * Fire * Hythloth Ice * Shame * Wrong 4x Special Farming Books - Champ it, Boss it, farm it! High End Farming * Outdoor Spawns * Bosses * Champions Treasure/Rare Hunting (22 Books) 13x T-Map Books - Every Location 1-200 marked in numerical order. 7x Spawning Rare Books - All rares in Britainia in order of ReZoNs Spawning Rare Guide + T2A Spawning Rares! 2x Level 4 Lockpicking Books - Gate in hidden, pick, loot leave! Player Locations (3 Books) 3x Player Related Books - High profile Vendors/Large Guilds/Other amazing Rune Libraries! Player Vendors * Guild Towns/Halls * Rune Libraries Resource Farming (3 Books) 2x Golem Cave Books + 1x Wool/Flax Book Tamer Locations (2 Books) 2x Books dedicated to the Zookeeper Quest. Miscellaneous Locations (4 Books) 4x Everything else you could possibly need! PK Hotspots * Factions * T2A Entrances * Event Gates T2A Locations (1 Book) Book has Delucia & Papua Banks/Stables, All Champ locations, 3 Nightmare Spawns & Marble Island Ent/Exit! Opening Bid - 1 Million Bid Incriments - Keep it reasonable No Buyout Plat @ 10k 24/48 Rules Apply. Current top: Gzus 1.1 Happy Bidding!
Holy cow i need this, is this a one time deal or do you create/sell them more often? Don't have the money right now but i will make sure to have it the next time around ;-D
This is awesome. I thought about doing this but after doing banks and a tmap collection for myself i got worn out on it so not the business for me. Definitely something i would buy myself if i didnt already have most of what i needed
This took me hours and hours almost every night over 3 weeks to accomplish. If I never see another rune, it will be too soon! I didn't really comprehend the magnitude of what I got myself into, until it was too late to turn back lol
I did a treasure rune set, and I had to divide it over a couple nights due to how annoying it was. It's gonna pay off for you!
I'll offer you 2m if you set this up in my house and mark the books using "identifiable" objects. I can provide example pictures of simple items to use. Let me know.