Late 2017 wishes for UOR

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Random, Jun 6, 2017.

  1. Seba

    Seba Well-Known Member
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    Apr 17, 2017
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    Since we're wishing guess I'll list mine..
    • Tracking and detect hidden skill cooldown reduced for players with 100 hiding and stealth (rogues/thieves)
    • Idocs have all items deleted
    • 2 house limit per account
    • Lessen effectiveness of detecting hidden when the user is in their house. Being revealed 7+ tiles outside of house seems inaccurate.
    • Monsters that can teleport sometimes teleport backwards / away from their target. Would like to see this fixed.
    • Limit trade forum posts / Encourage people to sell via player vendors.
    Random likes this.
  2. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    I really get a chuckle out of all the calls for IDOC items to be deleted. So much salt in this game from people who can't just go pick up IDOC loot without ANY opposition.

    fucking rofl
  3. Althorn

    Althorn Well-Known Member
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    Mar 5, 2017
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    Should be some restrictive measures on trade forum trading. To make vendors and vendor locations More relevant.
  4. Althorn

    Althorn Well-Known Member
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    Mar 5, 2017
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    Accidentally posted last comment before I was done lol.. but yeah the trade forum is great but hinders vendor efficiency/usage. Be cool if we could figure out a way to make vendors great again!

    dexer/party/archery love
    I think Provo is strong as is if anything peacing needs love first imo.

    Less houses per account.

    Thieves need some love or other mechanics in the world should change to make usage more efficent.

    Pretty much along the lines with everyone else's wishes .

    Couple things I can't really speak on due to lack of knowledge like things reguarding the economy. If there is a problem though, it should be priority #1 cause that's what this game is ruled by essentially.
    Random likes this.
  5. Loxness

    Loxness Active Member
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    Dec 12, 2016
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    Random, Althorn and DrFunke like this.
  6. Patek

    Patek Active Member
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    Mar 29, 2017
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    Few fairly simple ones.

    - Tinker tools with non-iron ores to have increased durability on a scale from Dull to Valorite and also possibly inherit the hue of the ore.
    - Ability to poison arrows.
    - Maybe de-nerf archery a bit to make it semi-viable in pvp again.
    Random likes this.
  7. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    Here's my opinions that I can think of. You're going to agree with some, and disagree with others, so.. whatever.

    Player vendors: They are terrible here. Just low tier bod reward junk, idoc trash, or spawning rares. This is not the players fault so "Well why don't you make a vendor then!", it's entirely understandable why it's like this. It makes no financial sense to actually sell things that players want, resulting in every player requiring their own ensemble of crafters. I would like to see a rise in prices for NPC purchased resources like ingots, and some way for players to remain profitable "crafting" careers. Not sure how this could be done really.

    Champs: I don't feel that 5 people should be able to put in 10 hours doing the lesser champs and making a really good profit and then do a harrower and potentially make the plat value of 20 million gold.

    Idling for plat.... It's good, keep it. Good work, nice idea. As annoyed as some players are with the inflated current online user count, it does draw more players. I have no problem with this at all. It is annoying to see so many afk players at the bank making the inflated count so obvious. Maybe there is some way to provide incentive for them to go to their homes or something.

    Owner should be able to re-tame a pet that was released/went-wild with 100% success. They cannot gain off their own re-tames anyway, and this would simply make accidents where a WW or mare un-tamed less punishing and not require a 3-6 million gp mask to even have 1 chance if it's even possible.

    It's simply too easy to make tamers here on UOR. Bull spawn in jhelom is WAAY too fast. You should be rewarded more for going out and taming manually, or duking it out at hell hounds. But go watch how fast hell hounds re-spawn, despite there being more of them.

    Public houses should not be lockable. This was for good reason on OSI.

    Crushing blow deserves it's damage upped a bit. It doesn't need to have the capacity of lumberjacking which requires an additional 100 skill points, but a crushing blow from a mace should be the hardest single hit in the game next to lumberjacks. Because maces are terrible as it is, the 3/4 times they do not hit a crushing blow will mitigate any potential OP they would get from this. It was fine on OSI, it did not need a nerf here.

    I think staff should be prohibited from placing a home for players. This has caused nothing but UO wizard drama, and without it, should also lessen staff workload. Do not take this to mean I don't appreciate the hard work of staff and players here, but come on now...

    "all friend" should allow a friended player to ride a mount (provided they have the taming to mount it of course). But nothing should stop Jupiter from friending Gipper the horse to keza, and keza from riding it. Mounting it should also require a follower slot to prevent abuse, but friending shouldn't matter as it only allows movement commands anyway. (Since someone asked, the benefit of this is that a friend can help you retrieve a pet, and also RP purposes, there aren't really any pvp or pvm advantages here)

    "You seem to anger the beast" response for taming dragon/mare/WW... just get rid of it. A macro to spam tame will always tame in about 3-5 seconds. Just make taming these pets cause the skill use delay to set at 15 seconds instead of 10 if you like, but this message is just confusing for new players, and annoying for vets.

    Spawn animals (horses, cats, dogs, slimes, everything) in slightly different (but realistic) colors. No neon orange horses, but different shades would be fun in the same way people like hunting for various shade ostards. Why? It looks nicer, and provides a better market for these types of pets. Call it the @Taste patch if you want.

    Un-link weapon durability hitpoints with damage output. This is contrary to how it works on OSI, but would allow dexers with even the most worn out weapon to do max damage. They have it rough as it is, needing to be concerned with repairs or using a weapon that is doing ever decreasing damage with each swing, is annoying. They are still going to repair, but this will make tracking down a gm smith (lol good luck with that if Peace is offline) or finding a vendor that has a repair contract less annoying just to even have a fighting chance in pvp.

    Allow Powder of fort to increase item hit points by 20 and total hit points by 10. This allows bows and things to be more cost effective to repair. Instead of the current system where, if a weapon has on average 60 hit points, it would require (255 - 60)/10 + 1 powders to fully repair.

    Forensic Eval shouldn't reveal a hidden player, but it does.

    Some sort of system to limit AFK bod collecting please? Thanks

    Introduce a gold increase on rotating dungeons, lower AMIB drop rate, or something, to promote players to actually enter the game world. Everyone wins.

    GM crafted items, trophies, and player body parts should be named as a string instead of having their playername variable set to a player class. The name on a trophy should never change for example.

    Less CTF/1v1 events with magic weapons. This is problematic since GM weapons are mostly pointless vs a good pvp mage in barbed leather, so perhaps cap it at gold runics and power magic weapons or something. Valorite spear winning the duels is annoying to some it seems, though I could really care less as dueling is for dorks!

    Move the tamer quest to Trammel, so felucca can have it's landmass back. Traveling outside papua is annoying right now.

    Automate closing event gates. If gates are set manually by GM's a simple expiration timeframe would suffice.

    Remove the ability to use trade window in the event center.

    Stop creating items that are 20 stones and/or newbied/blessed. Anything good that drops from a monster is unstealable. With the RNG acting funny (which also contributes to how terrible dexer hit chance feels), stealing stacks has a massive fail chance. This means plat, a relatively low tier drop item, has a low chance to steal anyway, combined with statues being too heavy and other items being blessed/newbied.... there's just not much of a reason to have "stealing" skill on this shard unless you want to just steal 15 mandrake to annoy someone.

    Allow owners of homes to be co-owned to homes. I heard this was kept in place to prevent people from having too many houses, but really house horders only need to be friended to homes they don't actually use. So it makes no sense to keep this in place.

    Allow an axe to be double clicked after using a skill or gating/recalling. This makes entering a house annoying, and was likely only added to prevent people from recalling in boxes of purple potions and axing them. But, pots do 1 damage in town now due to distance from "user" calculations, and an alt can just axe the box anyway.

    Remove the distance based archery calculations and movement timers custom to UOR. Regular OSI UOR archery is more fair.

    Tinker traps finally?

    Proper or simulated dice roll random calculations for (at least) player combat and spell cast chance. Npcs and drop chance calculations can still use the dumb method and it won't matter much. This would make melee weapons feel more accurate and have no change on the overall mean hit/miss rate, and also help with those annoying times your GM mage fails res 10 times in a row.

    Blessed disguise kit plat reward please.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2017
    rick, Deacon, It'sallALark and 6 others like this.
  8. Random

    Random Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    This is exactly the reason why I wanted to approach this on a "wish" level. Throw in what you wish for and don't bother what Blaise will say about it!

    Some wishes up there I like, others I do not, but it does not matter. It's great to see players care about their server, thanks for sharing your wishes !
    Soma Holiday, One and Althorn like this.
  9. Hersin

    Hersin Member

    Apr 14, 2017
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    decreased cure chances against deadly poison
    increased stamina loss for mace weapons
    decreased healing time with bandages
    last but not least, there should be no reward for being afk in the game, no plat system.

    I strongly support the idea of limited active dungeons and banks, so the chance of meeting with others will increase.
  10. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Just like every other post on the fucking forums, you can choose to ignore it, if it makes you so fucking salty.

    I wish this shard stuck to its original tenets and didn't delve into catering to the soft by making it the most care bear "Felucca" shard ever, including forums and IRC.
  11. Namarra

    Namarra Active Member
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    Apr 26, 2016
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    That seems pretty salty to me.
    One likes this.
  12. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    I'm basically a block of salt. There's gotta be something to counter all the sugar.

    I don't have a problem with it though and like the flavor it adds.
    One and Namarra like this.
  13. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    It's about time someone had the courage to say this. NERF FORENSIC EVAL!
    Jupiter, It'sallALark and One like this.
  14. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    No I mean on skill use it reveals the user if they are hidden. This doesn't happen for Detect Hidden, Eval, Anatomy, or basically any "information" skill like item id arms lore and taste id. No idea why it reveals people here. I actually want a very slight "buff" for forensics here.
    Jupiter, Random and One like this.
  15. Iago

    Iago Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2014
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    I wish all in our community and their families have good fortune, persevering happiness, and enjoy life.
    shad, Jupiter, Random and 6 others like this.
  16. Smash

    Smash Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2017
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    People always say they want idoc loot deleted but when anni clothing and other old rares just suddenly go poof and certain items double or triple in price they will start complaining about that.

    Im not saying iderp are saints and should be praised but consider the consequences of this stuff disappearing.

    If you hate the fact that they get all the items hit me up ill teach you how to run the map etc.
  17. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    The only solution to the idoc "problem" is right here.
  18. It'sallALark

    It'sallALark Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2015
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    Thief fixes and content added
    plat rewards updated with new rewards every 3 months
    bod reward additions every 3 months
    tamer nerf (ie reduced damage against players, 3 bond slots max, ability to only control 3 mares at once)
    more story line events (I will write the plot outline for these if needed)
    Aggressive use of staff to bust players who abuse account limits to collect bods, place and hold houses, collect plat, etc

    something like stealth+hiding+stealing+snoop at gm - defensive wrestling and resist able to be negated by gm forensics

    put tracking back the way it was

    plat vendor that sells plat at 7k to combat inflation and encourage deco variety

    lower deco plat reward prices and raise functional items such as ethy/runebooks to balance

    telekinesis should be able to open chests/containers and show items inside

    the teleport spell needs an overhaul to be more viable (classic areas such as the 2 tiles to the left of wbb are not target-able) this will also open up exploring as we like to explore roof tops and such.

    provo onto players

    slayers in tmap chests

    a server revert back to year 1, wipe everything and make everyone start over with the same mechanics and play we had in the beginning.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2017
  19. It'sallALark

    It'sallALark Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2015
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    Oh and afk gumps on all overly automated actions such as afk reg buying, using item id on house signs, etc

    Randomize idoc timers to fall between 4 and 24 hours
  20. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Shard wipe is the best idea you've had yet. Once all the inappropriate Trammelizations have been removed....but you know that'll literally never happen.
    It'sallALark likes this.

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