Hi all I'm new

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by asd3r0nte_D3viL, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. asd3r0nte_D3viL

    asd3r0nte_D3viL New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Hi everyone, i'd like to start playing uo again, i found this server and i'd like to try it out (i used to play few years ago on an italian server) with a friend and i'd like to ask some questions:
    1) is there any kind of "premium" shit?
    2) what are the mechanics of pvp exactly, how does it happens and where, is it organized or randomic, is it possible to PK etc..
    3) how much time is needed to get a character with enough skills to be competitive in pvp
    4) which emulator is it
    5) are there any classes?
    6) do u have any suggestion about the classes we should start with and which working skills are better to raise money?
    7) in ur opinion is it a skill-based shard or item-based? how much a good gear can make difference in pvp?
    8) is there a skillcap/statscap?

    that's all, thanks in advance for answers, i rlly hope i can enjoy uo again in this server! cya soon
  2. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    1)is there any kind of "premium" shit?

    If you mean pay to win, donation type stuff, no. The admins do not ask for donations, and you cannot use your cash to buy anything. It is possible to both donate and subscribe to the server, but this gives you no in game benefit or privilege.

    2)what are the mechanics of pvp exactly, how does it happens and where, is it organized or randomic, is it possible to PK etc..

    UO:R->Pub16 type mechanics.

    What you might expect pre:AoS and pre power scrolls, mostly. Dexers have 2-hand special hits (para blow, crushing blow, concussive blow). Stun punch exists. Although tank mages did not work in the era the server emulates, they are made to work here (which adds some diversity to templates). No magic jewelry or items for teleports/magic reflects and such. But there are wands that can be used, a bit limitedly, to heal or cast a couple damage at range.

    It happens around the popular vendor neighborhoods (yew and brit moongate), at faction bases while sigils are being captured, and in dungeons when pk'ing is happening.

    Pking exists, identical to how it did during UO:R as far as I can tell. 5 Long terms makes you red. Ressing at 5 short terms means statloss. 8 hours logged in without taking a count will burn a short term off. 40 hours of the same for a long term.

    There is no trammel.

    3) how much time is needed to get a character with enough skills to be competitive in pvp

    This is a tough question to answer. I would say 2 weeks if you are fairly diligent. A month is more than enough time. I think I had a 7x stun mage in a couple weeks and went to capture the flag and chased a PK away around that time, but I worked hard at it.

    4) which emulator is it

    I believe the answer your looking for is 'runUO' but I'm not knowledgeable about this kind of thing.

    5) are there any classes?

    Not explicitly, no.

    6) do u have any suggestion about the classes we should start with and which working skills are better to raise money?

    I think bards (provoking mage) are the easiest class to hit the ground running with. I was provoking earth elementals in shame my first day on the server, by the end of it I was provoking/blade spiriting executioners in wrong if I remember correctly.

    Tamers may be ideal for making money but are a more long term plan (it probably takes most people 3 weeks to more than a month to finish a tamer, I think I did it in under three weeks but I was already established).

    Mining is another option if you want to make money with nothing more than your starting skills, you can definitely sell ingots over IRC or on the forums.

    7) in ur opinion is it a skill-based shard or item-based? how much a good gear can make difference in pvp?

    The shard emulates one of the most skill based eras of the game, and one with a pretty high skill ceiling too. You will have to chug pots and wear armor in pvp to be competitive, and you can expect to occasionally get hit by a faction blessed runic weapon.

    If you will consider GM leather armor and 10 or so of the usual potions to be standard gear then I would say people with high end faction runics that consistently carry gheal wands and throw purple pots will be pretty impossible to kill 1on1 but not particularly difficult to survive 1on1. There are usually only a couple of people like this in the pvp scene at a time though. People will be swinging +25vanqs at you sometimes, but that feels like what you might expect a power or force weapon to feel like.


    You can go to http://www.uorenaissance.com and click the IRC chatroom button on the upper left to join IRC from your browser. It's the best way to get quick answers and experience the community firsthand.

    Welcome to the server!

    Watchout for Atraxi.
  3. Wise

    Wise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 21, 2012
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    Welcome aboard!
  4. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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  5. asd3r0nte_D3viL

    asd3r0nte_D3viL New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    thanks for the infos
  6. HateCrime

    HateCrime Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    May 14, 2012
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  7. Palinore

    Palinore New Member

    Dec 14, 2013
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    Welcome to the shard!
  8. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 15, 2013
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  9. BrecMadak

    BrecMadak New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    So am I as well, registered few days ago; and welcome !

    Besides, some replies of Mes have been helpful to understand some on-going mechanics.
  10. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    welcome, Brec Madak

    Christmas events are currently ongoing, these events are still scheduled:

    You don't need to be established to take part in them. Get in IRC and stay up to date on them!

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