Fun PVE build?

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Hasuman, Jun 30, 2017.

  1. Hasuman

    Hasuman New Member

    Jun 30, 2017
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    I started my first character thinking "I want to be a swordsman that kills things". Then I remembered how damn hard the game is to solo. I started macroing provo, but it's so damn slow that the wait alone is ruining my interest for the game. So I turn to your advice on fun builds. What skills should I get to have a comfy solo experience just killing things and not getting killed the instant I see someone with the ability to cast spells? And is there a way to create such build without spending days just macroing?

    It's been over a decade since I've played this game, so I'm very rusty and have forgotten about most stuff.
  2. Pulse

    Pulse Active Member

    Mar 18, 2014
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    Macro music and peacemaking. Use skill peacemaking, then target self to macro, let run overnight. Then use skill, target monster, cut monster down with sword.
    Magery (or any other skill you want)

    Monsters here have a chance to break out of peace each time they are hit, just peace them again and keep slashing.
  3. Hasuman

    Hasuman New Member

    Jun 30, 2017
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    Instead of magery should I go for alchemy if I want to poison my weapon? Peacemaking sounds cool but also kinda cheesy.
  4. $igma

    $igma Member

    Jun 29, 2017
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    You could still go with provo but instead of macroing for days, just play the game, it will go up eventually. Pick places where monsters have low barding difficulty and start going up from there. Like ettins, orcs, lizardmen, ratmen, harpies, ogres or trolls. You can make good money with the leathers from ratmen and lizardmen. Once you have some items and better skills you could try cyclops, exectioners, ogre lords, etc.

    As for template, I'd go with the same one Pulse said, but provo instead of peace obviously. Magery will help you with general utility and the ability to recall to safety whenever you see someone else (always have reflect up). You could drop magery later and grab LJ or hiding, but that would need a char to gate you around.
  5. Hasuman

    Hasuman New Member

    Jun 30, 2017
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    Thanks for the insight. How exactly will I make money with leathers? Just sell them to vendors?
  6. Kiryana

    Kiryana Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2016
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    Hi, I'm also new here and also rusty, not playing this light game for a long time. As it seems to me the first impression of this game and the first difficulties and emotions were divine for me and they could repeat many years later on this fragment, because I like you rusted and forgot everything! Yes, and played a little in childhood, but despite this, when I started playing here in the recent past, I realized that I forgot everything very much and rusted!

    When I started training the first character, I faced a lot of difficulties and they were all for me like the first time! (My joy can be described by the fact that when I myself tamed the white wyrm and said for joy to my wife, she said that I'm sick) :D

    I had no friends here and the first year of the game I was not even registered on the forum (this is my mistake)

    If the skills were easier and faster to teach, this game would not be so amazing, because having learned 10 characters in a week and playing them would be sacrilege!

    And when you are painstakingly working on one character a week or more, then you understand the true value of the acquired skills and truly have a connection with the game!

    Most of the skills in Ultima are built on overcoming difficulties, perseverance, perseverance! Yes, you can say "I do not have enough time, family, work" you will be absolutely right, here most people are like that, including me!

    So welcome home dear @Hasuman have fun playing and chatting on this stunning server!
    Shosara likes this.
  7. $igma

    $igma Member

    Jun 29, 2017
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    No, sell it to players. I guess the going rate is 25 gp per. Join irc if you haven't already, great place to ask questions, sell stuff and chat in general.

    Oh, and Alchemy only give you the ability to make potions, to poison weapons you would need the Poisoning skill.
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  8. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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  9. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 12, 2013
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    As others have said, Peace or Provo Dexxers are the fun ones.
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  10. $igma

    $igma Member

    Jun 29, 2017
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    See this?! Even then you still need GM Taming skills. This is outrageous! Nerf Taming now! #MUOGA
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  11. Cero

    Cero Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2013
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    As many suggested, Provo/melee is an easy and fun build. As a 7th skill I would get Magery for the utility, travel, pinch heal, reflect.

    If you haven't taken advantage of the young program in Ocllo I suggest that, as well as join Irc for any questions you may have.

    The guild P'S is a new player guild and is a great way to meet more people for hunts and activities, if you are looking for a battle buddy, here is a good place to start!

    Welcome to the best shard out there!

    Any questions do not be afraid to ask!!
  12. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    I'll share my template with you all. I figure now is the time to reveal my secret to success.

    I call it the "Keeping It Real"
    aka: I'll Eventually Do It

    note: the stats chosen are critical to this template and are not to be deviated from

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  13. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    You're going to be better at some things and worse at other's once stats are taken into consideration. You should balance all those so they are equal shown skills for best results.
  14. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    ... but then I wouldn't be keeping it real.
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  15. RIN

    RIN Well-Known Member
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    Jan 4, 2017
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    Umm. Why does it say "SEX: 1/8"??

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  16. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 12, 2013
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    Now that is equality. No skill forgotten. This could solve world peace.
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  17. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    I had just started the ' swinger's ' quest...

    Anyway, now that this is officially derailed I feel I owe it to the OP to reel it back in as best I can.
    You've been given solid and stock advice typically given to new-player-what-to-play threads like this.

    In your first few lines I think you spelled out your fate more or less and I have to agree... a warrior with peacemaking is for you.

    • you can level it naturally as you play
    • any skills worth macroing (peacemaking) can be done overnight/while you are away
    It's effective "cost" to train is nil. It earns it's keep.

    You can build a small empire on the back of this character and all you need for gear to start is

    • weapon of choice (imo something hard hitting and slow swinging OR long spear for the stun... I suggest war hammer)
    • handful of bandages (you can make these from scratch for no cost)
    • recall rune
    • back up recall rune
    • recall scroll (if hunting strategically... you'll get your needs from loot)
    • NO armor - I honestly didn't need it. You can throw what you find while hunting on if it makes you feel better... leather is fine if you must.
    Training is pretty easy. Just follow the line of difficulty and your skills will raise as you play.

    For example, review this creature

    Note it's "barding difficulty" - this is a good barometer for it's overall difficulty. 30's give or take. This could actually pose somewhat of a challenge and will raise your skills relatively quickly. Now, note it's "loot". 15 hides.

    So from 30-40 give or take, I suggest hunting wildlife that have hides as loot. You could even collect feathers from the birds (no real skill... just profit) and sell these resources to other players.

    Once you feel you've outgrown wildlife hunting, branch out and scout the areas in Ocllo. How about orcs? What is their barding difficulty? How is their loot? Will I get swarmed or is this a good spot to single pull from?

    Once you've leveled up, you can really rake in the gold with this very simple character.

    I'd even dare propose that if broken down to the minute spent on a character, a peace warrior pulls ahead of most tamers out there.

    IRC wylwrk for further details if you wish... otherwise at least chat us all up in the general channel and say hello

    side note: Don't overlook the ability to apply lesser/normal poison for specific mob hunting... getting some mobs into a cure self loop is a game changer.


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  18. RIN

    RIN Well-Known Member
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    Jan 4, 2017
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    You stated OP that you though provocation is difficult here. Not so! Check out this quick guide I made. While in the Young program starting out is really easy. You can quickly GM Music and Provo in a day or two and then use these skills in the Ocllo dungeon to great effect. You can easily set up numerous characters this way. I recommend starting a provo mage with 50 magery and 50 provocation. You can quickly make good money casting blade spirits after you GM provocation. Then use the money to macro your warrior while you play your mage. You can do this as we are allowed 3 clients open at a time.
    One and wylwrk like this.
  19. Cero

    Cero Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2013
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    Great place for a new bard warrior to hit up once you get over 60 bard skills is Deceit level 2. Mummies, Skeleton/Bone Mages, Skeleton/Bone Knights

    Silver weapons and instruments are plentiful, and the loot there are bandages, potions, weapons, armor, scrolls, gold and is literally self sustaining there, just have to dump your gold when your full!

    Low PK traffic as well!

    *Edit: Traveling to Deceit will remove you from the young program, just a heads up!
  20. Black Tortoise

    Black Tortoise Active Member

    May 31, 2016
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    I am very much enjoying:

    Resist Magic
    Evaluating Intelligence

    ...though if I play during prime time, I basically just run away from PKs :).
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