
Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by ham, Jul 11, 2017.

  1. ham

    ham Well-Known Member
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    Apr 29, 2017
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    @Lord Krake post a recent thread with a 3D UO verse. I looked at the YouTubers other vids and noticed she used to do some seriously badass decor for housing back in the day.

    Check out this nightclub:

    Methinks we need one of these! :D

    Very cool concept.
  2. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    Pretty cool ideas!
    Saphireena likes this.
  3. Saphireena

    Saphireena Member

    Jul 11, 2017
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    In all the years that I've played MMOs, my most cherished moments that I will never forget, were in Ultima Online (of course!). And out of those memories, I've got to say that the nightclub was the most amazing and memorable experience, by far.

    Here by the way, is the website for the nightclub, with lots more screenshots and the stories to accompany them:

    During that time, so many dramatic things happened which led to the eventual demise of running this place.

    I hired a full staff of people to work at the nightclub each Saturday. One of my "employees" was a handsome doorman/bouncer who we will call "Sam". Out of all the staff members, he was the most dedicated and helpful. A true rock: someone I could really count on. Every saturday, he'd be at the front entrance letting people in while I sold tickets as they came in. Eventually, working side by side like that, things progressed to some light flirtation. But since my character was being roleplayed as a modest and shy girl, she didn't respond so much to his advances although she secretly had a crush on him. (and I started to have a secret crush on Sam's player)

    Alas, much to her (and my) dismay, one of our regular customers, a lady with long red hair and wearing red sexy clothing to match, started making aggressively flirtatious advances towards Sam. She was of course, completely unaware that there had been any flirting between Sami and I, and since Sam's advances towards my character were never reciprocated, he decided to "move on". Before you know it, the lady in red had taken Sam to the altar. And as if it wasn't painful enough to stand by watch them flirt at the nightclub, they decided to have their wedding party at the nightclub as well, rubbing salt right into that wound.

    Only weeks after the nightclub opened it's doors, 9/11 happened. From that week on, it really dampened the mood of "having fun at the nightclub" and things got more and more quiet.

    Obviously running a weekly player event like that is going to draw the bad apples of the community and there were certain people we had to completely ban from the castle. One group of boys were particularly bitter and p:d off that they had been cast out from all the fun that was taking place every saturday night. So they did everything they could to harass me. When people were lining up to get in, they'd go and talk to people and spread rumors, they'd cast a lot of spells to cause lag, they'd bring dragons and set them free. They even went as far as to buy the small tower right in front of the nightclub and turn it into a casino, then come to try and steal our customers to come and gamble there. On several nights, I was left in tears by the end of the night.


    So in the end, these three elements put the night club in an early grave. It had only been running for 13 weeks. It was all just too much to handle, so when Dark age of Camelot was released, I decided to quit playing UO (although I kept my accounts active) and escaped to go play DaoC. I wanted to start fresh, in a place where no-one knew me. Free of bullies, free of obligations and free of having to watch the love of Sam and his lady in red bloom right before my eyes.

    It does have a happy ending (kinda) though. Sam found a way to contact me and told me that he missed me dearly and that he had to confess that all along he had had a major RL crush on me and that the whole thing with the lady in red was only roleplay and he had "gone along" to make me jealous, but felt nothing for her IRL. In fact she was someone who was several decades older, whilst me and Sam were around the same age. By this time, they had also ended their RP marriage. I of course revealed that I'd felt the same about him and we quickly met up IRL as he happened to live in the same country. We ended up dating for about half a year and it was a very lovely experience indeed.


    Sorry for the "too much information" story haha. But if there is anything to take away from this, it is that in the very least - I hope UOR has a good system for dealing with harassment and bullying before embarking on such an endeavour. Despite all of the grief I went through during that time, it was still worth it and a cherished memory :).
  4. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    Thank you for sharing! It would have been funny if you had objected to the wedding of "Sam" and the lady in red, and challenged her to a duel for Sam's affection!!! :D

    I can honestly say I've never really been griefed while doing events here. I think for the most part, people understand that its tough running an event and worrying about this and that happening, and people who run events are usually appreciated and encouraged for doing them. There have been events where after the main event was over, certain shenanigans had happened but all in good fun (like tavern brawls erupting and so on) One thing that I believe sets this shard apart from the rest is the general attitude of the people here being very helpful and relaxed. Yeah we've got our pk's but most of them will offer a rez after killing and most won't dry loot. The staff here is excellent and if someone did grief an event they would be given a talking to and/or a time out by Telamon, the shard owner if it came to it, but would probably be dealt with by the players here first.
    Saphireena likes this.
  5. Saphireena

    Saphireena Member

    Jul 11, 2017
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    Yeah I'm guessing that on a player run shard, hooligans cannot run rampant like they can on official servers. This all happened on the OSI Europa server. And while the GMs did intervene when they were releasing dragons and casting spells, they could not do anything about these guys buying the tower in front or ruin my business in more psychological ways.

    In any case, it sounds like you have a great, great community here. That's really nice to see. So rare in MMOs. Wurm also has a great community, but then again - the playerbase is rather small. Just goes to prove that bigger does not mean better!
    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  6. Will_Paint_Your_Dog

    Will_Paint_Your_Dog Member

    Jun 11, 2017
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    I'm not so sure; I think it has more to do with the community "maturing"...

    There is no denying that the average age of UO players is consistently on the rise.
    RavenMagi likes this.
  7. Taliic

    Taliic Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2014
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    I, too, left UO for DAOC when it released. Infact, i spend my gaming time split between daoc and uo both on private servers of the classic version for each game (this server and uthgard). Currently playing uthgard.
  8. Saphireena

    Saphireena Member

    Jul 11, 2017
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    Yes, I'm sure that helps as well. My thinking was that when a server is run by a company, that hooligans feel less "watched and monitored" than being on a privately run server. Sort of like a criminal can go to an amusement park and get lost in the crowd, versus going to someone's party at their home and making trouble.

    DaoC sure was magical when it first opened eh? My only problem with DaoC was that it was not designed to cater to lone wolf players like myself. You pretty much had to belong to a guild to truly enjoy the game.

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