Minimal animal spawn, occasional harpy Deed + 8k = 200k SB EZPZ plat at 10k ends 48 hours after last bid
It's gunna take me a few hours to rustle the remaining 60k. But I'll have it before the evening is done.
What a stellar L! Atticus, 200k was the starting bid and the auction closes when the high bid has stood for 48h. Good luck, I hope you get this beautiful home!
I'm so sorry, I should've paid more attention. I know for a fact someone's gunna outbid me so, good luck and I'll be more attentive with these threads.
If somehow I win this, I won't be back until this Monday (evening) to draw down on the exchange. Is that gonna be a major issue?
That is not a major issue at all Atticus I tried a large brick originally and I could not get it to fit, so I'm going to say no that a large patio wont fit.