Fun PVE build?

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Hasuman, Jun 30, 2017.

  1. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    part of successful PvP is escaping the conflict entirely
    granted I believe this component must include placing yourself in a situation where a PvP engagement could happen first
    Black Tortoise likes this.
  2. Hasuman

    Hasuman New Member

    Jun 30, 2017
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    Whoa, this thread blew up! Cool stuff, people.

    I've been training my swords/provo character and it's actually been fun. I kinda started playing with a wrong mindset and felt disappointed at first, but this provo stuff has really clicked for me now. Been macroing a few hours per day, basically when I go AFK, and I'm already at 60. It feels pretty powerful to run into an Orc camp and just make them kill each other for me. Gotta start taming after I hit the 80 mark so I can get some sweet dragons to help me in combat. I wonder if I should just ditch swordsmanship completely if I'm gonna make my minions and enemies do the killing anyway.

    Special thanks to RIN for that provo macro guide! That Else command really speeds up the skill gains.

    This community is proving to be really nice. It's really cool to return to this game after over ten years and still see people who love it and play it daily.
    RIN, Zabberwocky and One like this.
  3. merlin8666

    merlin8666 Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2017
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    as much as it hurts me to write this, don't go for Archery if you want something efficient - I have a Archer/Provo bard and archery is only an accessory.

    You're unable to repair bows here, so good ones will not last long. Having said that, sounds like you're already building a fun toon. Enjoy, and welcome to the best shard
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  4. Pekka

    Pekka Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2017
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    @Hasuman. Dont forget that you are able to have 3 accounts and 15 chars, So build more then one char with different templates.

    Also join a nice guild later on and play with others. I suggest Project Sanctuary [P'S] which should be the biggest PvE guild at the shard.

    @merlin8666 No matter what all say about archery, I like it. :)
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2017
    Black Tortoise and One like this.
  5. Keza

    Keza Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    Jan 6, 2015
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    If your looking to solo, or if you just love ostards lol.
  6. RIN

    RIN Well-Known Member
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    Jan 4, 2017
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    Archery has always held a special place in my UO heart as I had an Archer on OSI back in the day. I will agree that it is lacking here. This is why I haven't made an Archer (Yet). I have read on the forums; however, that Archery isn't too bad for PvE if you stand close to the mob. I dunno. But the non-repairable weapons is really only an issue with high value Slayers. But if you plan on using Force-Vanq regular weapons... they are pretty cheap and easy to farm.
  7. Drithe

    Drithe New Member

    Jan 28, 2013
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    reporting from the beyond, my favorite pve build is swords peace music DISCORD healing anat tactics. use an alt to gate you around, if you really want to recall drop anat to 80 or something and get 20 magery.
  8. Samej

    Samej New Member

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I'm new here. Currently building a peace dexxer and this thread looks the right place for advice.

    I've GM'd fencing as I was planning on a 'traditional' warrior build with a kryss and a shield but having read around it seems nobody uses parrying and for soloing decent monsters you need either provo, disco or peace (I've gone with the latter because it's the quickest/easiest to train).

    Now I'm not sure whether fencing is the best option for this build. Obviously, with each hit, you have a chance to break the peace, so using a spear (one of the quickest two-handed weapons) seems unwise as I'll hit more and therefore probably get hit more myself. It seems more sensible to use something slow and powerful with potential for a 'crushing blow' - like a war hammer.

    HOWEVER... spears can land paralyzing blows which would (I think?) prevent the monster from hitting me for a small amount of time and in that way complement peacemaking.

    So basically I'm not sure whether to stay with fencing or replace it mace fighting. Any advice welcome. Overall I'm looking to minimise TTK and risk of getting hit.
    RIN likes this.
  9. RIN

    RIN Well-Known Member
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    Jan 4, 2017
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    Yes, peace has a chance to break with every hit and that chance increase as the monster loses health. But with that said I say use the combat skill you prefer. Also take into consideration the cost and availability of good weapons / slayers.

    On the topic of Peace vs. Provo vs. Disco:

    Peace: I feel peace is only better than Provo when you are hunting specific monsters that are almost always solo: Ex: battle mining. The before-mentioned breaking is the biggest issue to me as it is not as useful as Provo.

    Provo: IMHO, the best. You utilize the DPS of the monster you're hunting against themselves. Faster farming in my experience.

    Discordance: I feel this is only good on a dexxer that has Peace or Provo as well, or as a dexxer who is hunting alongside a tamer who can tank the mob. In that case, Disco rocks. Check the various DPS comparison threads. Disco Tamers are at the top for a reason.
  10. Samej

    Samej New Member

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Thanks for the response - very informative.

    I plan on swapping out peace (or something else) for provo at some point. But for now I just want to get out there ASAP and play the game and peace takes almost no effort to GM. I've never played a bard/warrior so I'm eager to try it.

    My main char on OSI was a bard/tamer however so I'm not in a hurry to try that yet - plus it's harder to train (my plan is to build up some resources with my bard/warrior first to enable me to fund more demanding templates). I also want to be able to recall out as soon as I see a potential PK'er coz I'm an absolute Trammie and don't want the burden of pets to lug around (at least for now).
    RIN likes this.
  11. RIN

    RIN Well-Known Member
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    Jan 4, 2017
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    Make sure you take full advantage of the Young program here while you're new, unless you prefer your UO old school o_O

    Check my guide below, Provocation is a breeze here just like Peacemaking.

    Also check out Project Sanctuary, the new player guild. Lots of good people in there.
  12. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    They've set it up so you may macro up and GM Provo completely unattended on OcLLo.

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