Would be excellent if he'd take you up on that. I don't really see why it would be an issue, its more just an annoyance to not allow house owners to be co owners than anything. I don' tknow if there is any legit reason to have it in the current way, where house owners can't be co owners?
The thing is, they already can be. They just have to co-own the house before becoming the owner. It just means a lot of transferring houses back and forth to get a new one set up. Seems like a lot of tedious crap for nothing.
BaseHouse.cs Code: public void AddCoOwner( Mobile from, Mobile targ ) { if ( !IsOwner( from ) || m_CoOwners == null || m_Friends == null ) return; if ( IsOwner( targ ) ) { from.SendLocalizedMessage( 501360 ); // This person is already the house owner! } else if ( m_Friends.Contains( targ ) ) { from.SendLocalizedMessage( 501361 ); // This person is a friend of the house. Remove them first. } else if ( !targ.Player ) { from.SendLocalizedMessage( 501362 ); // That can't be a co-owner of the house. } else if ( HasAccountHouse( targ ) ) { from.SendLocalizedMessage( 501364 ); // That person is already a house owner. } else if ( IsBanned( targ ) ) { from.SendLocalizedMessage( 501367 ); // This person is banned! Unban them first. } else if ( m_CoOwners.Count >= MaxCoOwners ) { from.SendLocalizedMessage( 501368 ); // Your co-owner list is full! } else if ( m_CoOwners.Contains( targ ) ) { from.SendLocalizedMessage( 501369 ); // This person is already on your co-owner list! } else { m_CoOwners.Add( targ ); targ.Delta( MobileDelta.Noto ); targ.SendLocalizedMessage( 501343 ); // You have been made a co-owner of this house. } } remove this Code: else if ( HasAccountHouse( targ ) ) { from.SendLocalizedMessage( 501364 ); // That person is already a house owner. }
Do you really think he needs your code? I am not tryin to be a total prick, but jeez give the dude some credit. You make it out like @Chris leaves these issues here because he cannot fix them. Dude is a super coder, dont insult him with that. Side note, I voted yes. If house security requires you to unlock and move blocking items, tables and boxes, then all who need those powers should be able to get them.
Putting the code there is actually a good idea, so the idea can't be overlooked just because it would require new code and time. There's the code, if it works, no time required?
Not sure where you get that I make it out that he leaves the issues here because he cannot fix them. He is currently working on a massive patch and some of these items are low on the priority list. All I am trying to do is find out if other players would like something to be changed, if they do, I will mod it out and Chris can decide if it's something he wants to push to the test server. If you have anything you want to be fixed, and you show that it's something the server wants, PM me with a link to the thread the server voted in.
I really like the initiative that you @LaggMaster is doing. It is very annoying to have a house owner that is not co-owner of my other houses and that they cant even place a bloody Trash Barrel...
I'm sure he can code it in 5minutes...in his sleep. The issue is mostly testing to be sure of its correct application, that it cannot be exploited and that it does not break any other part of the system. I am not a coder, so I do not know how @Chris feels about someone "helping" him expedite his job, but what I do know is that the actual coding is a miniscule part of what needs to happen to apply a change to the live server.