Welcome to Ocllo!

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Alex Caember, Feb 8, 2017.

  1. Alex Caember

    Alex Caember Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Guide Table of Contents
    Welcome to Ocllo
    Honing Your Craft
    The Dungeons of Ocllo
    Where to go from here?

    The Town of Ocllo
    Greetings traveler! Whether you are a seasoned veteran of the lands or this is your first journey through the Realm, you surely will find yourself upon the island town of Ocllo.


    Most people begin their adventure here, and the local economy thrives on the influx of journeymen and neophytes that pass through these streets. One of the primary reasons for the town’s popularity is the convenient distance to the moongate from the Bank of Ocllo, which is located in the north-east part of town.


    Due west of the bank you will find the Ocllo Stables, and often inexperienced folk honing their skills herding pigs and cows in the stable pens. North of the stables you will find Ocllo’s Jeweler and Public Library. More importantly though, due south is Ocllo’s robust Sorcerer’s Guild, should you find yourself in need of vital reagents and poultices or magic scrolls to fill your spell book.

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    Travel due south along Ocllo’s main street and you will find the Last Chance Provisioner’s shop as well as the Bardic Guild. A bit further south you will find the Stitch in Time’s tailor shop as well as the Hammer & Steel Smithy where, if you have the coin, you can outfit yourself with arms and armour.

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    Should you find yourself traveling yet further south you will find yourself at the dockside tavern, The Albatross. Keep a cautious eye for it is known that a thief guild master oft times does business out of this tavern! The nearby docks are bustling at all hours of the day with fishermen tending to their catches and the occasional ship coming and going to sea.

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    If you are looking for a place to lay your wary head, look just north of the tavern to find the Bountiful Harvest Inn.

    West of the Inn along the side-street you will find a very important building: The Healers of Ocllo. Should you find yourself with grievous injury, visit the blood letters to aid in your recovery.


    The above mentioned are the central buildings of the town. On the south-west outskirts the curious traveler may discover the Better Lather Tannery and the Now You’re Cookin’ bakery.

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    On the east outskirt is an oft-overlooked Woodworker shop. Along the north outskirt of town, you can find the First Academy of Music, and just next door to the west, an entrance to the Ocllo Caverns. On the north-east outskirt lies the Miner’s Guild, should you be looking for work digging ore from the ground.

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    If you are so bold as to venture outside of the town boundaries, you will find that Ocllo has a peculiar shape to it. The island forms a large, yet incomplete ring around Lake Ness where many fishermen spend their days.

    The terrain around the isle is very rugged and hilly, which makes it extremely difficult to construct additional housing here. You will notice only a small handful of houses built in the wilder portions of the island for this very reason.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2017
  2. Alex Caember

    Alex Caember Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Ocllo is home to a diverse population of people, all of whom can hone their crafts and sharpen their skills right on the island. Budding tamers can find their way to the farmlands south-east of town where animal pens keep the farmer’s animals safe. Further, the island itself is indigenous to many animals including cows, birds, deer, panthers, bears, wolves, and smaller rodentia.


    If you are looking to tune your lute and practice your bardic abilities, many of the woodland creatures seem amiable to listen to even the least-gifted musician. More precise training can be accomplished within the Ocllo Caverns where harpies and trolls are kept in cages for the young provocateurs. It is said that the pirates on the west edge of the island are apt to listen to the songs of more advanced bards.


    Rich ore deposits of all colors lies just beneath your feet on Ocllo. Travel down to the Ocllo Caverns, or the northern-most portion of the Ocllo Sewers (the Mining Guild has an entrance to this place) to find a wealth of ore veins, if mining is your occupation of choice. Ore can even be found at the entrance to the Ocllo Caverns, making it a safe area to gather, away from any hostile creatures.


    But what to do with all of the ore that you gather? There are forges in both the Ocllo Caverns as well as the Ocllo Sewer, placed by the Mining Guild for convenience. You may also wish to bring your hard-dug ore to the Hammer & Steel Smithy and work towards mastering the fine art of Blacksmithy. The Shopkeepers here are oft willing to pay some gold pieces for even apprentice-level armour and weapons.


    Far on the outskirts south-east of the town proper are Ocllo’s renowned cotton fields. The cotton from here, as well as from sheep in the farmer’s pens, can all be brought to the Stitch in Time tailor shop where you can make ample use of the public loom and spinning wheel to make thread and bolts of cloth. The shopkeepers here are more than happy to sell you all the supplies you need to practice your hand at tailoring, from scissors and dye tubs to tailoring kits. With the amount of animals on the island, as well as in the farmer’s pens, an ample supply of leather can be had as well.

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    One sight that strikes most new-comers to the island is the number of fishermen along the docks jutting out into Lake Ness. Indeed, Ocllo is a marvelous town to practice your angling abilities! Fishing poles can be purchased right on the dock from fishermen for a mere 15 gold coins. Most people enjoy fishing from the dock, but the fish bite pretty much anywhere along the coast of the entire isle. If you fancy a more remote fishing experience, boat plans and maps can be purchased from Anchors Aweigh, located right next to the dock.


    The Woodworkers nestled in their humble log building on the east side of town are the folk to visit should you find yourself in need of carpentry tools (or a house deed should you find yourself with a wealth of gold!) Ocllo contains a great many trees all across the entire island, making it a prime location for the avid lumberjack or carpenter.


    There are those who might seek a bit more adventure, and if your heart is full of Compassion, you might scour the island for townsfolk who have been kidnapped by nefarious creatures! On occasion whilst exploring the island you might encounter a small camp of monsters with a human hostage. Should you succeed in freeing the hostage you may escort them to their destination. No doubt they will reward you for your efforts!


    Those who wish to hunt may find the Bowyer east of the Bountiful Harvest Inn, where all manner of bows, arrows, and fletch-craft supplies can be purchased. The abundance of wild game make Ocllo a budding hunter’s paradise. Intermingled with the animals you might find the occasional lizardman, harpy, or ratman wandering the woods. Due west of town proper lies a crude fort manned by Orcs of ill repute and an unknown agenda. Be wary, for the Orc Scouts are cunning and have the ability to ambush the unwary!


    Far to the west, on the west coast of the island, lies a pirate encampment. For the most part, the townsfolk of Ocllo leave the pirates in peace and in return the pirates do not raid the town. However, if you are looking to test your mettle, you may find your way to the pirate encampment, for they will never say no to a fight. It is rumored that the pirates dug out a secret tunnel that leads down to the Sunken Cavern beneath Lake Ness.

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    A more insidious threat lies on the far south-west coast of the island in the form of an evil mage cult inhabiting a tower of the arcane. A great deal of mystery surrounds their presence here, and any investigation of the area should be taken with caution. A few brave souls have scouted this tower to find objects and manuscripts of the occult. Dark forces are surely at work here.

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    But the truest dangers to those that inhabit the island lay beneath the surface…
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2017
    Milky Milkerson and Ahirman like this.
  3. Alex Caember

    Alex Caember Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2016
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    The Sunken Cavern
    The main entrance to his watery graveyard can be found in the midst of Lake Ness. A bridge was built to it which you can find by traveling around the south edge of the lake.

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    It is rumored that the pirates that set up camp on the west edge of the island use a secret tunnel to bring their dead into the Sunken Cavern, where strange and unknown magic brings them back to life. Whether this is related at all to the works of the evil mage cult is unknown.


    Upon first inspection of this unholy ground, you might notice the remains of a few buildings. It is suspected that long ago these ruins were an extension of the town of Ocllo, or perhaps it was the original town before Ocllo was founded. Some rumors even place this town as the fabled town of Haven. The precise truth is unknown to us. Regardless, some event in ages past occurred and this portion of the island sunk beneath the waves, shaping the island into the ring that we know today.


    However accursed this place may be, even the more green of explorers and adventurers can cut their teeth here. Skeletons and zombies make the bulk of the menace in this soggy sepulcher, with the occasional ghoul and wraith. It is whispered that on occasion a lich might roam these sunken tunnels, in which case the unprepared would be best to leave it be.


    The Ocllo Sewer

    The sewer system running beneath Ocllo is home primarily to pests and a small cadre of more menacing things.

    There are two primary entrances into the sewer from the surface of the town. The first is located behind the Jeweler on the west side of town, though it can only be accessed by someone with knowledge of the 3rd Circle Teleport spell. The other entrance is located in the Mining Guild, north-east of the Ocllo Bank. There is a third lesser-known entrance only recently brought to the attention of the town, located in the building furthest south-east of town in the farmlands.

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    The primary foe you might encounter at first will be rats and giant rats, along with the occasional giant toads that found their way into the sewers and now call this place home.

    Although this place is known as the Ocllo Sewer, a more apt description of it would be a combination of a cistern and a crypt - two things that never should have been brought together! Deep within the winding walkways someone has placed bodies of the dead here, and there are signs of dark rituals. Skeletons and zombies roam freely in these areas, and even a lich has been known to take up residence. It is suspected that the evil mage cult is behind this dark corruption, due to the proximity of one of the entrances to the evil mage cult’s tower.

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    There are rumors of a hidden area within the Ocllo Sewers that is strangely pleasant and relaxing.

    Ocllo Caverns
    Much like the island itself, the Ocllo Caverns form a large ring beneath the surface with a small lake in the center. These caverns can be accessed from a small shaft located directly west of the First Academy of Music on the north edge of town. From within the Ocllo Caverns, you can find direct access to most other below-ground areas of the island such as the Ocllo Sewer and the Sunken Cavern.


    If you are to arrive in the Caverns directly from town, you will find earth elementals, harpies, and lizardmen in the immediate area. If you can avoid these dangers, the entire cavern is ripe for mining.

    Directly near the exit back to town is a stairwell that will take you to the Ocllo Sewers, another area prime for mining. Moving through the caverns heading north and west you will find another entrance to the Sewers. A certain magic is suspected to be in play here, for although this entrance to the sewers is further north than the one near the exit to town, it leads to the southern-most point of the sewer, whereas the other entrance takes you to the north side!


    Traveling further around the ring of the caverns, you will soon find the cages in which trolls and harpies are kept. Many budding bards will practice their skills here, utilizing their captive audience.


    A bit further west and rounding the corner heading south along the cavern ring you will find a larger underground opening where gazers lurk, along with a multitude of giant rats and mongbats. Further south here you will find ogres and headless.


    Should you round the corner heading eastward along the south edge of the cavern ring you will quickly find a man-made structure inhabited by a gang of rogue executioners who have painted their walls red with the blood of their victims. These criminals are fugitives from the laws of the land, but the townsfolk of Ocllo do not have the militant might to bring them to justice. Be cautious if you are to confront them for their axes are keenly sharp!


    Located just a short walk further east and near the completion of the loop in the ring is a nest of vile ratmen, complete with ratman archers and ratman mages. It is rumored that these ratmen are guarding a secret which could help explain the mysteries of the island in the middle of the underground lake…


    Ocllo Dungeon
    Accessible from within the depths of the Ocllo Sewer or through the main floor of the evil Mage Tower, the Ocllo Dungeon is where the most dire of threats on the island dwell. This hole is not for the light of heart, and only the prepared adventurer should step foot here! The dungeon is split into two separate areas, the east portion and the west portion.


    Upon descending the stairs into the east half of the Ocllo Dungeon, you will find yourself in a room with a blood-covered ankh. The evil cult of mages that inhabit the tower and these dungeons no doubt perverted the very Virtues themselves to their own twisted ends. You may encounter trolls and giant spiders in this area.


    Nearby is a bloody ritual chamber where great evidence points to incredibly fel magic being used. Water elementals guard this room, but if you are unlucky you might encounter a dreaded elemental composed entirely of blood from the victims of the evil mage cult.


    Traveling deeper into the east section of the dungeon, you will encounter gargoyles and perhaps even a blistering gargoyle roaming the halls amongst the rats and slimes. Should you find your way to the back of this portion of the dungeon, you will find a harpies’ nest amid a large pile of filth.

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    Should you choose to descend into the western section of the Ocllo Dungeon, you will be immediately met by a poor soul trapped in a cage sealed by corrupt magic which simply cannot be opened, destined to live out his days amid the bones and blood of the people put in there before him.


    Travel further and you will encounter a forked path leading north and south. To the north is a room full of hell hounds and imps; no doubt summoned forth in an unholy ritual to do the bidding of the cult. Head south and you will encounter brigands in the employ of the evil mage cult, protecting a set of sarcophagi. A strange magic key has been noted on the ground here, though nobody has been able to unlock the mystery surrounding it or why it cannot be lifted by mere mortal strength. It is surmised that this key might unlock the cage near the entrance.


    Brigands and gargoyles fill the hallway guarding the inner-most sanctum of the evil mage cult, should you be able to make it this far. Few people have reached this sanctum and lived to recall the tale, but of those who have they say that some bizarre experiment is being conducted here. Strange green fluid seeps from the walls and onto the floor, and bones of victims lie within a large vat of the goop. Necromantic and Pagan reagents and objects of occult powers fill this room, headed by a powerful evil mage lord and a daemon. It is best to avoid these foes unless you are sure you can survive their onslaught!

    Last edited: Feb 14, 2017
  4. Alex Caember

    Alex Caember Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Where to go from here?
    The many opportunities for adventure, crafting, and training on Ocllo are enough to keep you occupied for a quite a while, but eventually you might yearn for grander adventures, greater treasures, and more dangerous creatures to test your mettle against. The moongate north-east of the bank will take you to any other moongate in the Realm.


    It is a great big world out there, one which Ocllo is just a small part of.

    Venture forth, good traveler, and may you have the best of luck in your journey!
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2017
    Apocal, Willeh, Nootka and 6 others like this.
  5. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Great Job
  6. Alex Caember

    Alex Caember Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Updated and finished - if anything was forgotten or overlooked, please let me know!
  7. shad

    shad Well-Known Member
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    Jan 26, 2016
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  8. TreeHugger

    TreeHugger Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Great guide! I'm the three deathrobe guys training Margery in pic 1! Haha awesome!
    shad likes this.
  9. compsays

    compsays Active Member
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    Feb 20, 2017
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    Lovely work. Thank you.
  10. AlexCCCP

    AlexCCCP Well-Known Member
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    Aug 27, 2012
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    Milky Milkerson likes this.
  11. Milky Milkerson

    Milky Milkerson Active Member

    Dec 3, 2016
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    This is great. I bumped around Occlo a few weeks when I started and I didn't find half of this stuff. I never got to the place with bloods. This would have been a nice guide to have when I started. I hope it will be added to the "One guide to rule them all" page.
  12. Samej

    Samej New Member

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Fantastic guide. Wouldn't have known about the daemon otherwise - thanks!
    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  13. snakegandhi

    snakegandhi New Member

    Jan 2, 2019
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    Great guide, I find myself referencing it regularly as I grow into my shoes at Occllo.

    A related question: how might I know when I'm ready to leave and brave the outside world? I'm sure the answer is "when I feel like it" but are there some objective criteria which indicate that I'm a bit more ready? I have almost 10k gold and have GM'd provo and music on my provodexxer. Should I wait it out in Occllo until I GM the rest of my skills?
  14. FisuUO:R

    FisuUO:R Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2019
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    Try to get as much as this program offers. For example, visit te dungeon below Wizard Tower and make use of your provo with the brigands, gargoyles, demon and elfs that lurk around, that gold and stuff will help you to build a small fortune to keep on training skills that are a bit more expensive, like magery. I was lucky enough yo get some scrolls from elfs that I sold for 600k. You can also build up any meele skill that you have with no danger, or at least, no loss. So if you don't have a place to spar safely, go slay some monsters and it will be a quick way up while having fun and making some gold.
    Get comfortable with the game mechanics, make macros and try them out in the field to see how they work.
    Also build every character that might be useful for later, you can macro many skills afk while being pretty much 100% safe. If you let the days go by, you will lose the status and protection.

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