Hail and well met all: P*V*M, INC.=Player Verses Monster. This guild is for those who enjoy dungeon crawls, cross country adventuring, hanging out with players of like mind. We don't wish to grieve other players and will not be aggressors against players; but will defend ourselves and friends against attack , thieves, etc. Ours can be called an "old school type gaming style " where honor and enjoying the game prevail. If this style of game play interests you, please contact me. Till Than GM: Marjo, Westra on IRC. NEWME on forums
I am honored to have been invited to the guild. I shall open a tavern in your name M'lady. signed, Captain Oneeye
Shall be fun having a true tavern of the Old Days style back. Am honored to accepted and hope the world treats you well. :}
I have just joined this server about an hour ago. i am very intrested in joining a guild thats all about pvm.
I'd be interested in joining a guild like this! Been absent from the game a few years but I played from 97 till about 03 and after that I've played off and on. HamaDecloud in game.