A random topic but - It doesn't look right... I think if you reach this fame level it should automatically revoke young player status.
How about young status stays but monsters will aggy Lord/Lady youngs? Another problem solved by Everlast!
True story - when I was provoking mages in Occllo Mage tower/dungeon for gold and still in the young program I hit Lord status, went and banked everything, jumped in and out the moon gate to lose young status and attacked the inkeeper so I got guard whacked. Did this a few times so I lost the Lord title. I've watched too many stolen valour videos on YouTube for a Lord title to sit right with me accompanying a young status. I think fame should be capped at the 9000 marker for young players.
If you're ever worried about the "Lord" title, just use the Sacrifice virtue from the pentagram in your paper doll. You set your fame to 0 by targeting a lich/succubus/demon, and gain the opportunity to self-resurrect up to three times a week!
Maybe it could be capped if people think it looks weird but I remember getting the title long before my skills were gm and long before I had enough gold to want to leave Occlo. Maybe it's just too easy. Who cares though. I personally haven't found Sacrifice to be worth the time. Atrophy seems to happen so quickly that you'd have to be farming forever, every day.
Much ado about nothing. Some young players have their @#$% together when it comes to PvM, that's all.
I vote that anyone who acquires the Lord or Lady title whilst young have their title replaced with that of Usurper. Usurper noun: usurper; plural noun: usurpers a person who takes a position of power or importance illegally or by force. "a usurper of the throne"