Three nice weapons for sale: A. Heavy X-Bow - Supremely Accurate Fortified Vanquishing Winner Scuba 20k B. Warhammer - Supremely Accurate Vanquishing Winner Semaj 10k C. Viking Sword - Supremely Accurate Vanquishing Winner mahhand 15k 48/24 Plat Accepted S/B 10k each *EDIT* Couple of other weapons 5k S/B each D. Heavy X-Bow - Surpassingly Accurate (+10) Power E. Heavy X-Bow - Eminently Accurate (+15) Force Gargoyle's Foe Winner mahhand 5k F. Viking Sword - Surpassingly Accurate (+10) Vanquishing G. Viking Sword - Surpassingly Accurate (+10) Might Spiders Death Winner mahhand 5k
Grats mahhand, please contact me to arrange collection (you have a couple of instruments that you have won too).