Young player gold farming

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by nobigdeal27, Aug 17, 2017.

  1. nobigdeal27

    nobigdeal27 New Member

    Aug 11, 2017
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    Are there any good tips or guides out there for young players to farm some gold? I'd like to get some characters up and running quickly, but slugging it out in the Ocllo caves is taking forever. It's expensive to GM magery and get going. Any ideas would be awesome.
  2. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Yeah, leave Ocllo if you want to play the short game.
    Larloch and Blaise like this.
  3. Lord Krake

    Lord Krake Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 25, 2014
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    A dexxer with a music skill (provo or peace) makes a great starting character to farm up some gold! Pick a weapon style, then take anatomy, healing, tactics, music, one of those barding skills I just said, and the last skill is up to you.

    Get some bandages made from the cotton in Occlo, and head out there. OR you can macro up the barding skills somewhat quickly in order to have an edge. Lots of players get Lord titles and enough gold for their first house in the Young program.

    Good luck, let us know if you need more advice!
  4. Semaj

    Semaj Member

    Jul 22, 2017
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    Get a daemon dismissal/exorcism instrument (you can have one of mine for free), buy a boat (about 10k from a player vendor east of Ocllo bank) and sail south to Fire Island. Three daemons spawn on the temple roof - provoke them onto each other and whack away, without worrying about PKs spoiling your party (they can't attack you if you're 'young').

    This assumes you have GM provo...
  5. Lord Krake

    Lord Krake Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 25, 2014
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    You cannot leave Occlo and still be Young.
  6. nobigdeal27

    nobigdeal27 New Member

    Aug 11, 2017
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    Thanks! I just started a bard, he's banging on his drum by the Ocllo bank right now. It seems a bard is the best way to farm some gold from what you're all saying. My main char is a mage/tamer in progress, but its just costing too much and that's slowing me down. So I'm thinking I'll get this bard up and running, and that can hopefully fund the Mage/tamer / buy a house at some point.
    Lord Krake likes this.
  7. Sheepdog

    Sheepdog Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2017
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    My advice would be.
    Make a new character.
    Start with 50 magery 50 provocation.

    Buy 50 tambourines.

    Hit those tambourines till you hit GM musicianship. (15-20 hours)

    Go back in the Occllo caves to the two cages, provoke the monsters there onto each other until you hit 70 provoke. (2-4 hours ish)

    Ask someone really nicely if they will let you into a Provo house and help you set it up.

    Provoke pirates in there till you hit GM provoke. (10 ish hours)

    Go to the Mage castle/fortress/dungeon on the south of the island. Provoke everything onto everything in those lower back two rooms.
    Dry loot the shit out of the spawn, use a dye tub to dye the clothes the same colour and then cut them into bandies.

    Every 15-20 minutes recall out, bank the gold, sell the scrolls, the weapons, the shiny stones, get excited about the 1 platinum coin you nab every 30 or so daemons. Rinse and repeat another 8 times and you'll have 50k

    Use that 50k to GM magery, (24 hours max)

    Do it on that character or pick another that has a more profitable template, peace dexxers are in my opinion more profitable as you don't need two monsters to fight you just need the one.

    You'll now have a (at least) 4 x GM but probably 5 x GM if you decided to work on that one character.

    Now pick two more profitable skills to add to your bard template or keep on provoing and using the gold to make other characters.

    Good luck!
  8. Sheepdog

    Sheepdog Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2017
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    Also a good rule of thumb, and in the form of a fun acronym.


    Always Be Picking Cotton

    You will never, ever, have enough bandies.

    Unless you get dregs/5th pickings at a decent idoc.
  9. nobigdeal27

    nobigdeal27 New Member

    Aug 11, 2017
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    This is exactly what I was looking for, thank you. I've got a character that's got pretty high healing right now, as he's been healing my mage as it hits itself. Worth going the bard route with him? Basically his only 2 skills right now are healing and anatomy. I would add provo and music and what else would you say? I want this guy to be the money maker and just farm gold.
    Sheepdog likes this.
  10. nobigdeal27

    nobigdeal27 New Member

    Aug 11, 2017
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    Or scrap him and start a new character?
  11. RavenMagi

    RavenMagi Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 12, 2016
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    If you can get your hands on a full spell book, you can create a char with 50 magery and start casting blade spirits in the occlo caverns and be farming 50k an hour right away, while gaining magery. There are red Executioner and a drake called smaug. Just bounce back and forth, especially if your still young (then your blade spirits can't attack others). If you need help getting started on that, pm me on IRC under Rav3n. if you don't yet have a full spellbook ill buy you one.
    Kiryana, nobigdeal27 and Spankrox like this.
  12. Sheepdog

    Sheepdog Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2017
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    Use that character as the base of your peace dexxer.

    30 magery (enough to use scrolls to recall about dungeons)
    70 whatever else

    That's a good 15/20k per hour character in Occllo, more once you've left the young program.

    Do not leave the young program prematurely.

    Spend a few days macroing that - at the bank - all of which can be done AFK or overnight and you'll have a 6xGM in a few days.

    50k in the bank by Sunday evening.
  13. Lemac

    Lemac Active Member

    Feb 25, 2016
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    I definitely think that a peace/provo dexer is the cheapest, easiest way to start off especially in the young program. I personally feel that Peace is the better option as its less hassle to train, and you don't need more then one monster to fight, which wont auto aggro on you while young anyway. They can make the money while you train the other characters up. And they can easily be altered to fit different play styles when you are out of the young program and on your own. Things like the holiday events and AMIBs and such. Remember you can have 3 accounts with 5 characters each, BUT only the first character of each account can be young.

    My question, and not to derail the thread at all, would be on the advice to buy a full spellbook. All of my characters that started with some magery got a newbied spellbook, which I have just kept and added spells as I needed them. Things like recall, magic unlock and telekenisis, and blade spirits are great to have while young. But now all of my characters have Blessed spellbooks, and it makes it so much easier when you die. Is this the normal progression for the newbied speelbook to become blessed at some point in its life? I never was able to identify the exact change time frame from one to the next.

    Anywho, best of luck in your journey and feel free to give me a yell, or jump on IRC (best option as my knowledge is not as good as the hives), if you have any questions, or need anything, especially scrolls for your spellbook.
  14. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    ... all spellbooks are blessed be it your starter, bought from an NPC shop, or made by a player.
  15. Lemac

    Lemac Active Member

    Feb 25, 2016
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    I did not know that. Thank you. Could have made life easier, but I still like my way better.

    And for the gold while young, don't forget the red shirt ratmen, the orc scouts, the lich under the water, and I have seen blood elem in the mage tower and gamayun in the harpy area. My favorite was the camp spawn. Get a good route for everything and end with saving the lost person back to town, and you will make some decent gold.
  16. Semaj

    Semaj Member

    Jul 22, 2017
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    You most definitely can. I routinely sailed back and forth from Fire Island while retaining my 'young' status.

    Try it yourself if you don't believe me :)
    Felucca likes this.
  17. Destrian White

    Destrian White New Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 6, 2017
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    I've been here 12 days or so, I made the exact template sheepdog described except I GMed magery as my 7th skill - i have over 100k in the bank, a house and tons of supplies such as slayer weapons, all potion kegs, blah blah. that is the way to go if you want to make money quick and get going on other characters. Project Sanctuary definitely knows how to help young players out! Long live UOR!
    Lord Krake and Sheepdog like this.
  18. elite-

    elite- New Member

    Jul 7, 2017
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    Blade spirits in occlo newb dungeon did me pretty well, can just about cast on a brand new char while raising enough money to fund your other chars macroing the key is not to focus on gold and to look at the other high value items

    Rat archer
    ~300 gold
    8 spined hides worth ~25 each
    10-20 arrows worth 7 gp each
    Total value = 550-700gp per kill

    Smaug the drake
    300 gp
    20 horned hides worth ~25 each
    Total value = 800gp


    Brigand archer
    20 arrows @ 7gp
    Total value = 440gp

    Lizard man

    12 spined hides worth ~25 each

    Simply cast a BS at the lizardmen, as soon as you've cast run round to the executioners and do the same, if the rat archer is near the mage you will need to lure the mage off somewhere as he dispels, leave a blade spirit here, go through the secret passage and cast a blade spirit on smaug, go back to the lizardmen and they should just about be ready to loot, and new mobs should've started spawning. Rinse and repeat, no risk as you are young, easy mage gains from blade spirit, can very easily make £20-30k an hour with a new char without worrying about looting gems, should get some Wands and magic weaps in there too!
    wylwrk and RavenMagi like this.
  19. RIN

    RIN Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jan 4, 2017
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    Lots of good advice here. One thing I'll add is Provocation is usually better than Peacemaking for a new player, especially a Provo Mage. If you see my guide below, it is easy to GM as a young player.

    Lastly, as a young player, don't be afraid to leave Ocllo to do some farming. You can always rejoin through the [young command. I believe there is a limit for leaving and rejoining, so don't abuse it.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2017
    Destrian White, RavenMagi and MikeK like this.
  20. Zaphian

    Zaphian Active Member

    Apr 11, 2017
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