This auction is for 5 houses a short run from Skara Brae, check the UOAM pink circle in the first picture below to see where they are: 1 Large keep 3 small stone towers 1 brick patio Low spawn area with mostly animals (check yourself), and at least one of the small stone towers can have a teleporter to the keep (once implemented.) As well, you're only 2-3 screens from Wispfelt village (rune library tower!) At this time I'm not interested in anything other than plat (@10k) and gold (added blessed book), and all houses are included in the sale, if you don't want them I can drop them. SB: 7 mil (Sold to @Orome for 10 mil) BO: 12 mil Will accept a 10 charge blessed runebook at 2.5 mil standard 24/48 auction. Compound will come empty, save for some ladders already in place! Edits: clarifying it's a large keep and will take a blessed 10 charge book at 2.5 mil.
Hah, got really confused. Compelled to change to something reflecting current status more accurately.
B/O is 12mil... some fort was sold for that last year I hope one day @Chris set it to 1 house per account