I paid a mill for a Cupid book a few months ago, and it took me a while to find someone who would consider selling. Not sure on the Santa books, but I would imagine more.
yeah I'd do 2.5-3 on the cupids and maybe 4 for the naughty nice list. (for 10 mil, I want a bloody tome or the santa master list!)
I've got Santa's Nice list in the bank. Treasureman gave it to me as a parting gift along with some plants and shit. You can have it or throw me some plat for it if you want.
What a coincidence, I just so happen to have both books! I'll put them up for auction, but if anyone has any anniversary items they're willing to trade with, I'll happily work out a deal! I also have the Cupid book!
You know there's 4 bushido books on the server? What's up with that? I want one of those too. And one of those little bonsai trees.