Hi all! Trying out to make an auction for the first time in UO carrier. I'm not sure about what this stuff is worth so I just put out an SB on each and go from there, if something isn't bid on in a few days I lower the SB for that item. I also want to say that I'm a europén player with limited gametime, I will do my best to be online as much as possible if this stuff gets sold to make a trade. I can only be online 4-6pm est during weekdays and 4-8pm est during weekends so pls bear with me... pls do not bid if you can't make it to any of this times because I can't be any other time atm. Plat is accepted @10k https://imgur.com/a/BImxD Auction 48/24 SB A: 50k, BI Resonable, No BO @Creager 450k Done SB B: 50k, BI Resonable, No BO @shad 500k Done SB C: 50k, BI Resonable, No BO @GeneK 400k Done SB D: 50k, BI Resonable, No BO @GeneK 600k Done Thanks @Creager for a smooth trade, enjoy your new clothes and jewels. Thanks @shad for a smooth trade, enjoy your new clothes and jewels. Thanks @GeneK for a smooth trade, enjoy your new clothes and jewels.
Thank you all, the auction is over and we have some winners. Congrats! I will contact you later when Im home from work so we arrange a meeting Great day to you all!