Last 2955 horned tribal mask sold for 10m
Can I see it modeled with a 2955 tome by chance? I think that would help me make a more informed decision.
1. Just one. Oh I see the confusion. I haven't said this is my one and only forum account in my UO resume.
The real confusion is you think your opinions and statements have any worth. Run along no name. Come back after a few more ice cream seasons.
Notoriety in a free server of a 20 year old game. This is an accomplishment to you? I guess we value different things in life. Now let's keep it on topic. (Air has had some free bumps keeping this on top. )
I like how you two come in pairs in almost every attack. It makes me lol. Esp with trying to frame me in such a manner as to get me in trouble when 99% of this thread is off topic. And both of your replies are. Your repeated comments through multiple threads almost imply stalking. Good try though champ. Another no name constantly seeking attention. You guys are so predictable and mimic each other in style and syntax, it's what made me ponder about the one person 2+ account thing. Where's the other 2-3 that usually dog pile on with you? Doesn't matter, they're just as irrelevant as you two (or*cue scooby doo music*) are.