This thread was meant to ask the people who does pvp, to say hey, let's all start logging our pvp chars more and have some fun. It was not meant to tell people who doesn't pvp to start doing so. It was totally innocent until a few negative replies were made from people who got into their feelings.
You Are asking to get trolled. Many people have tried to bring up PvP discussions but they do not get read by telamon. As you can see most people that browse this forum do NOT PvP and will just simply add stupid comments like nearly all the replies in this thread, or any PvP thread for that matter. You are asking the wrong people, trust me, if this server was destined to flourish with pvpers, more of them would play/recommend this server.
Only point I was making is that you're asking a server with 95% pve'ers who have recall on macro to step outside their trammie zone. It's going to be a lot more difficult than that
The most successful pvpers on this server are also the most successful pve-ers. I mean if you really want to get real about what drives our PVE crowd away, all you have to do is look on our forms. I've seen some sheit posts on other forms before I'm sure we all have, but I've never seen anything they compares to the likes of this one.
I have been engaged in a number of RP-PVP scenes. It was very fun, very challenging, and we all said we would look forward to it again. Is this something you might be interested in? I am sorry there have not been the responses that you want, but like others have said, simply put, this is not a PvP focused server for most people. I personally enjoy seeing pvp in the field, and seeing reds haunting dungeon; keeps me on my toes and is an example of one of the reasons this game is unmatched, but then again I dont take getting PKed personally. I dont want to argue with you, and am putting thought into this response, but some of the things you have said in your first few posts are unfounded and bordering on offensive. "A good server will bring in some number, but a pvp server will bring them by the hundreds. Make no mistake, both good and bad will come, but they come for the pvp. Great pvp word of mouth spreads effortlessly." -----What proof, statistically, do you have for this statement? I feel that the playstyle of most UO players is split down the middle, or so, with PvE/PvP, not to mention crafting/rare hunting and all the other things we can do here. If *you* feel that adding a solid PvP scene to UOR will bring them in by the hundreds thats all good, but stating it like a fact is what will rub folks the wrong way. "This thread is meant to in a somewhat nice way, tell you pansies to get off your boats and do some pvping. I can of course cut out all the niceness and get right to it, if you like. Fish tournaments don't keep new players, pvp action does."------This is unfounded and, again, not backed up by any statistical evidence. Clearly we do more than just "stay on our boats fishing". I understand your use of hyperbole there. However, downplaying Zyler's fishing tourneys is simply out of line. They DO, in fact, keep players here. I 100% can confirm that and can ask other players to back that statement up if needed. *Some* new players will stick around for pvp action, but again, most who join this server know its not focused on PvP, so your statement does not apply to our specific shard. I know I have said some stuff that might upset you man, and I hope you dont flip out. These are just my thoughts on this subject and how you have made select statements. I have been here for a bit over 3 years and these are a few observations. Please take note of my first comment in this paragraph and let me know if its something you would wanna get down on. THanks!
To be quite honest, although there are some flaws with some of the PvP mechanics here (there always will be no matter what server you play), the mechanics that currently exist are more than capable of satisfying large groups of PvPers. There is no reason large groups could not play here, especially with such a rich atmosphere of economical opportunity, in addition to a working faction system, Chaos/Order, PK system, etc. The REAL issue that I honestly believe keeps a lot of the well known, large groups of PVP'ers away is the fact that this server allows Razor only. I've been to many different servers, most of them PvP based, and almost all of the main groups exclusively use Steam/EasyUO/Krrios, etc. The fact that those programs are not allowed here, turns them away. And to be honest, i'm glad for that, because those programs are fucking trash and I have zero respect for any PvPer that needs them to be competent, especially considering Razor is plenty sufficient to be a good PvPer.
The other issue is this: When a new group that is primarily focused on looking for PvP comes here, they get established, and when they hit the field, because there isn't constant action, they are turned off and end up leaving for a place that has constant action. When they leave to other servers, word of mouth spreads that UO Renaissance is a PvM server, and no good for PvP. And I think that's where we stand now. The only real way that would ever change is by one of two scenarios: 1) The groups that did come here decide to stick it out for the long haul, and mix their play style up with the PvE oriented activities this server has to offer, while taking action where they can get it, until more and more groups arrive, or.. 2) Multiple groups come at one time, become established, and just like that you have a thriving PvP community saturated with plenty of activity. I don't see this happening though.