Hello! Thank you for providing this service to my fellow new guys and gals! Would this be something that would behoove me to take part in if I, say, want to GM magery and healing safely? I'm not really familiar with the mechanics of this game yet, so any knowledge helps. Thank you!
Hi, sounds like a great service for newbies! I would like to apply for housing to do some safe sparring. Thank you in advance!
I'm currently in one of the houses. Finally got forum priv after an email glitch, so I'm posting to help ReZon with tracking.
I've vacated this house (ptkvsk is me), you can let another new player in. Thanks a lot for this service!
Hey my name is Jason and I would absolutely love to have one of these for awhile, I'm not new to UO so I develop characters real fast, meaning I could give it back soon, just need to get back on my feet =)