UO:Renaissance - Thieving perfected (ongoing thread)

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by BlackEye, Dec 5, 2014.

  1. Crunk Juice

    Crunk Juice Well-Known Member
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    Dec 19, 2016
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    Could you send me this screenshot without the backpacks on it?
  2. Seba

    Seba Well-Known Member
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    Apr 17, 2017
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    Sure. Check your PM
    Crunk Juice likes this.
  3. Seba

    Seba Well-Known Member
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    Apr 17, 2017
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    These happened today. Sorry for the poor quality. Playback video was darker than usual.

    First is from Hythloth:


    and this is something I haven't seen happen before in a dungeon. Pet abandons owner and kills them. I just happen to be around to collect. :D


    Last edited: Dec 9, 2017
  4. Seba

    Seba Well-Known Member
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    Apr 17, 2017
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    Just doing my part in preventing people from collecting and completing BoDs while AFK:





    and a notorious AFK buyer and probable BoD collector too. Stays hidden at this tile of Minoc bank


    Hidden entire time until he makes this walk while stealthed to the blacksmith to buy iron ingots and maybe picks up a BoD (most likely, just haven't witnessed it)


    And now to stop that AFK walk to the Blacksmith:

    Last edited: Dec 9, 2017
  5. Seba

    Seba Well-Known Member
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    Apr 17, 2017
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    This happened about a week ago at Destard

    Got into an epic battle over a ItemID wand! Luckily I escaped with just 7% HP.




    Followed me through my gate and ran right into me. What are the odds?!







    After a conversation on IRC, decided to give the wand back and let them hunt in peace :)


    Witchcraft, eherruh, Zylphie and 6 others like this.
  6. Seba

    Seba Well-Known Member
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    Apr 17, 2017
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    Nothing great, but just some footage I wanted to share.



    Always fun to find hidden players in dungeons and have a little fun :) Sorry, I just had to do it


    The Crooked Warden and Kiryana like this.
  7. JimmyTheHand

    JimmyTheHand Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Jimmy's vision began to clear. Shaking his head the blurry world around him slowly came in to focus, "What the hell was that...." he wondered to himself, trying to make sense of his situation.

    The last thing Jimmy remembered was that he was standing in Pug's library on Sorceror's Isle. He had been inspecting a small sliver of a curious gemstone. He was always careful to not touch strange magical artifacts, but... had he gotten too close? "Bah!" Jimmy's memory was returning, he had touched it. A student entering the library had distracted him and Jimmy's hand drifted ever so slightly as he turned his head to see who had entered. A sharp humming noise followed by a bright flash and a great bang was what came next, now, he was in a new world, unlike any he had seen or heard of before.

    Jimmy felt first for his dagger, it was there, then his pouch. Puzzled for a moment he weighed his pouch in hand, "What the...", peering inside he saw that his gold coins appeared to have multiplied! Looking around himself quickly, he tucked the pouch inside his tunic and ducked in to the shadows.

    "That's... near on 1,000 gold pieces! I'm rich!" he thought, grinning to himself. As he strolled down the street with a bounce in his step Jimmy saw person after person covered from head to toe in fine silks, colourful armours and many shiny trinkets. With his new found wealth Jimmy decided that he should immediately acquire new clothes, the old tunic and pants he had on didn't seem like they would suffice in this new world. He quickly found a tailors shop, though late in the evening with the sun almost set the shopkeeper inside was more than happy to assist him.

    "My good tailor, show me your finest goods, for I come with coin enough to dress a king!"

    The tailor looked at him quizzically, before leading Jimmy first to his fine selection of fancy shirts. Jimmy picked out this and that, tried a sash and a few different hats before making his final selection, a fine white shirt, grey cloak and grey hat. These, paired with his grey long pants and trusty soft leather boots would be fantastic. He grinned at himself in the mirror provided and grabbed a second set of the same.

    "That will be 347 gold pieces, m'lord." The shopkeep spoke the last with an obvious sarcasm.

    Jimmy almost choked. "That much!? For..." Jimmy posed in the mirror, "Well, I suppose... they are quite nice clothes!".

    The tailor smiled broadly as Jimmy carefully counted out the gold pieces, "They are indeed Sir."

    "Maybe I'm not as rich as I thought" Jimmy sighed, walking back in to the streets. "But I bet he is!" Jimmy spied a particularly well off looking citizen who was seemingly in some type of trance. Jimmy ducked around a nearby corner and watched his mark further. The man, dressed in a bright red robe and covered in some type of pink jewelry was chanting to himself over and over. The only other person around seemed to be a town crier who was clearly distracted by his job.

    Jimmy concluded this was a man who could afford to lose a few things, "He probably won't even notice!" he grinned to himself and threw the spare set of clothes in to a nearby barrel and prepared to approach his mark. Carefully, Jimmy flicked open the man's pack. He hadn't been noticed, quickly Jimmy took stock of its contents. Gold, gems, herbs and spices of varieties Jimmy had never seen before. "Coins it is." Jimmy deftly reached in to the pack and grabbed at the pile of loose coins.

    "Was that lightning?" Jimmy awoke in the gutter, naked but for his undergarments. Bruised, bloody and even more confused Jimmy crawled in to an alley and took stock of himself. "Bloody hell." He looked around noticed what appeared to be a healers not too far off and made a break for it.

    "Thou art a criminal!" Was the greeting as he entered. "How do you... so... you can't help me?" Jimmy limped over to a stool and slumped in to it. The healer ignoring his question returned to his own chair and stared blankly at the door. Minutes passed, with Jimmy bleeding all over the floor, what could he do? This new world seemed insane.

    Suddenly sparkling magics swirled around Jimmy, he felt invigorated! Jimmy looked over himself, the bruises, the blood, all of it was gone. "I thought you said..."
    "Thoust deserve another chance!"
    Announced the healer. "Riiiight...." Jimmy much preferred the priests and healers of Krondor, less all knowing and far friendlier.

    Jimmy picked himself up and immediately noticed that his pouch, with all the gold he hadn't spent was right there, looped on to his belt. "What the... Ban'ath!? Are you playing tricks on me!?" He cried out. Jimmy ducked and dodged his way back through the city to the barrel where he had left his spare clothes and soon enough was well dressed and standing on a street corner near to what he deduced was a bank.

    "Careful, careful" Jimmy talked himself through his approach, "No one can see you, you'll be fine."

    "Whoa!" He pulled his head back in to the alley just in time as two great dragons came crashing through the street past him. "Dragons! Draaaagooonns!" He cried, and broke for the nearest building to hide. Heaving, he wondered "Why is no one screaming... running...", just outside the window he saw another Dragon, this one clearly led by its master! "Dragon Lords! Is this the bloody realm of the Dragon Lords? Have I been sucked in to the Lifestone!?" Jimmy hunkered down and settled in to rest and to think about what he had gotten himself in to.

    * * *​

    "I wonder if Pug has been here?" Jimmy pondered as he watched the guards wander around the bank. This new world, unlike his native Midkemia was filled with a magic of ancient power. It seemed every second person was a master magician, or a warrior with arms and armour the likes he had never dreamed of.

    He had learned many things in the weeks after his incident at the bank. The land he was in was known as Sosaria, Governing Seats in both Britain and a place far to the south named Trinsic. Town guards, he knew now could be summoned with a word, appearing instantaneously as though well versed in the Tsurani Great One's magic. Zero tolerance, he knew this phrase well and the magical sense of most of the population - everyone knew when was up to no good! Lastly, The Valheru, or Dragon Lords; they rode and flew all over - never contested or questioned, they were true masters of this realm.

    Despite this, Jimmy was slowly becoming aware that whilst his beloved life of a thief was a much more difficult undertaking here than back home, it wasn't an impossible position he was in. He had learned tricks. He had seen other thieves. He had remembered some tricks Pug once taught him about magic.

    "Everything has a weakness, even magic." He remembered this lesson well as he grew accustomed to this new land and finally, Jimmy began to build a life for himself.

    Weeks went by and Jimmy became more skilled and more aware. He learned of popular markets and shady alleyways, where to sell goods and where to stash them.
    Magical items, gold pieces, platinum, strange green coins and gems of all colours. He had stolen them all.

    Slowly Jimmy built a stockpile of resources and eventually had enough wealth to purchase and maintain a small building that he could rest safely in. He mingled with citizens and learned of others like himself, thieves of great renown and thieves with none. "The Mockers would do well here..." he reflected on the guild from back in Krondor, they owned that city.

    Alas, with numerous contacts and allies, both thieves and honest citizens, Jimmy could find no hint of how he might return to Krondor, if it was possible at all.
    Jimmy resigned to the fact that he may be stuck here indefinitely, but that certainly didn't mean his life of thieving was over.

    Jimmy returned from his reverie, his gaze still following the pacing guard. "Now!" He confirmed to himself as he grabbed the spear of the warrior leaning against the wall and dashed around the corner and out in to the woods. "GUARDS!" He heard the cry in the distance behind him, "Too slow my friend." Jimmy grinned to himself and took a peek at the spear. It was exceptionally well crafted, and made of gold!

    Taking his time, he moved stealthily to a nearby moongate and stepped through, musing to himself "It certainly isn't Krondor... but it's starting to feel a lot more like home."

    * * *​

    Greetings UOR!

    I hope you enjoyed Jimmy's tale! I could've kept going, but really did need to end it there. It's been about 10 years since I've written anything, so be kind!
    For your viewing (dis)pleasure please find below Jimmy the Hand's "Profits From Theivery!".


    While I do have a few screenshots of steals here and there, I really don't have anything like the great images I see scrawled in here from other thieves. So, after reaching my latest milestone of 300,000 GP of thievery profits, I decided to finally write this up and post my little spreadsheet. There are things I haven't listed in here (I might make a 'sundries' row in the future), but it's close enough!

    Jimmy the Hand
    Night Master, The Mockers.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2017
  8. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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    Last edited: Feb 3, 2023
  9. JimmyTheHand

    JimmyTheHand Well-Known Member
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    Nov 27, 2017
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    @One - Thanks very much. The character is inspired from a fantasy series, so this is part fan-fiction, part RP. When I RP'd on Lake Superior, we always played character death as a near-death experience and injuries to the character afterwards, so, I'll do the same here.

    Re: Successes, thanks! There's been a learning curve, but I've settled in well now! Really enjoying both on Jimmy and alts built from his profits! :)
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2017
    One likes this.
  10. compsays

    compsays Active Member
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    Feb 20, 2017
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    Lovely story, Jimmy.
    JimmyTheHand likes this.
  11. Aragorn - OCT

    Aragorn - OCT Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2016
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    Wonderful writing! I really enjoyed this.

    I hope I, and my alter ego, Norben Droverson, have the lucky opportunity to be stolen from by a story teller like you!

    JimmyTheHand likes this.
  12. JimmyTheHand

    JimmyTheHand Well-Known Member
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    Nov 27, 2017
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  13. Aragorn - OCT

    Aragorn - OCT Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2016
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    Indeed! Be forewarned, the defenses have been rebolstered of late.
    JimmyTheHand likes this.
  14. Kiryana

    Kiryana Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2016
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    Last edited: Mar 20, 2019
  15. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
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    Nov 24, 2014
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  16. OptimisticSam

    OptimisticSam Well-Known Member
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    Dec 17, 2016
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    Oh, it is good to be back in the saddle... where adventure is around every corner. And tonight, the good lords shined upon ol' Gestas.

    I was busy stealing h-coin after h-coin after h-coin off my good friend @Smash, when I decided to check out Skara for a tick. And what did I find... but a gate.

    Gates are like blazing beacons of excitement to any self-respecting thief... so I did what any self-respecting thief would do. Jumped it!

    We ended up outside a small tower, two tamers with dragons waiting idly while a dexxer darted out of the tower. Alas, my skills are rusty, and I missed stealthing inside. A blessing in disguise if I've ever seen one, because what happened next? Why a gate to a holiday instance! Again, see my previous comment. I jumped that gate so fast you would think I was @shad or @Regina flipping BODs.


    Immediately, panic set in. Since I am no Trammel loving hype snorting tamer, I have never been in a holiday instance. I had no idea where to go. Thankfully, @Hoominaga was on Guild chat there to guide me along. After wandering and wandering, I ended up at the door to Santa's lair!



    And into the lair I went, once the door opened! Here, I waited, and waited, while the fearless adventurers dispatched Santa and his poor bear.


    Finally, they arrived. I had, in my spare time, stretched and loosened my fingers to be properly prepared to quickly grab anything interesting from the chests. And indeed I did. They popped them open, I grabbed 20 h-coins, 2 plat, an ancient chest, and 10k in gold. And best of all... I stayed hidden. Much confusion ensued.

    I decided, given that I am a thief of great honor, to reveal myself! Made my way to the bank, and logged another good night in the books. The adventurers were not too upset, and described themselves as "disconcerted". Stay safe out there friends!

  17. Witchcraft

    Witchcraft Well-Known Member
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    Mar 27, 2017
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    My heart goes out to the victims.
  18. OptimisticSam

    OptimisticSam Well-Known Member
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    Dec 17, 2016
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    And the adventure rolls on...

    Tonight, while haunting my usual haunts, I came across a few individuals staring blankly off into space... eyes glossed over... and one had a hole in her pack! Poor Shiloh... her guild uniform of the most beautiful and majestic colors fell right out into my own hands!


    Sensing an opportunity for some mischief, I quickly donned the uniform and set out and about to the H*O guild hall!


    At the guild house... GM Cullinarn was slightly confused...


    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    All in all! A fun adventure, and as always, great fun w. @Cullinarn

    Later that evening another adventure was afoot... details coming soon...
    Imbol, Vandalin, eherruh and 8 others like this.
  19. Cullinarn

    Cullinarn Well-Known Member
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    May 13, 2014
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    Wonderful story, as always, @OptimisticSam. Methinks there are more opportunities for mischief here! :)

    And to my guildies... Bank, or, even better, WEAR those uniforms! You've no idea who might be searching your packs. With only your security in mind, of course.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2018
    Zylphie, BlackEye and JimmyTheHand like this.
  20. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
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    Nov 24, 2014
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    Short story, but big heist: I followed some gates here, stealthed some people there... and ended up in @Althorn 's Keep (that he shares with a stat-loss red named Rambo). :confused:

    After entering the keep, I first thought: "Ah damn, table walls everywhere." :mad:

    Well, lucky for me it switched quite fast to a "OOOH DAMN, tables walls not locked down!" :eek:


    Looking through the mess took me quite some time. Additionally, it didn't help to chat while looting a house. Also Althorn was quite active during my stealthy attempts, and that Rambo looked pretty mean too. :cool:

    Because of the activity, I had to limit myself to a max of 125 items and the ~360 stones I could lift. :rolleyes:


    I ended up with a pretty sight of valuable pixels in my bag, but unfortunately had to leave the stat-loss red in peace and not in pieces, and wasn't able to mark the CY too. Well, one can't have everything, but I got revealed in the act of picking the jewels out of the mass. :oops:

    The result: :D


    Althorn was pretty cool about it and decided to buy most items back for a good discount (3.75 mil in the end minus some of the obtained items). Thumbs up for being so chill and grown-up. ;) Would definitely house loot again. :p

    Tl:dr version: :confused::mad::eek::cool::rolleyes::oops::D;):p. The end.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2018
    Witchcraft, Vandalin, Althorn and 7 others like this.

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