Give UP about this Shard!

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Daniel Cardoso, Nov 30, 2017.

  1. Enslaved

    Enslaved Active Member

    Aug 31, 2015
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    Honestly... it isn't.

    I've read many complains about that in the forums and also seen this in my fights/duels. It just gets ignored.

    Otherwise ill agree with everything.
    Cheapsuit likes this.
  2. NerK

    NerK Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 4, 2016
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    I'd like to nominate this thread for Thread of the Year 2017.

    Impressive work for a 3 day old account!

    This dude is a straight savage!
    Mozz Hexor, Vandalin and Cullinarn like this.
  3. Cullinarn

    Cullinarn Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 13, 2014
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    Gee, you're quitting, mate? Certainly hope it had nothing to do with this:

    So now after ticking off a great number of the players, you've decided to go after the staff? Bold play.

    The idea that someone who has played here for two weeks is willing to criticize @Chris, who has invested the past 6 years of his life building the best shard any of us have ever seen, and tirelessly ministering to us when we have tech issues, questions, etc. demonstrates a class of arrogance beyond the merely delusional. But it's of a piece with the rest. Still, if "just saying that wjat u can do its leave... like some others done!" there isn't much I can do to stop you, though I shall cover myself in sackcloth and ashes and cry tears of bitter loss. And so, there is but one thing left to say:

    Buh bye.

    The entire shard shall pour forth tears of mourning for years on end at this great loss! The heavens shall shake and the serpent throne shall crack! Armageddon is upon us, and all the mages in the world shall not possess the power to prevent it! Truly, I fear we shall not survive...

    Last edited: Dec 1, 2017
  4. Eugen

    Eugen Active Member

    Apr 11, 2014
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    Reminds me of the sphere kids coming into irc every now and then only to cry about not being able to run while casting.
  5. Vandalin

    Vandalin Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Nov 5, 2016
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    PaddyOBrien, Sheepdog and Cullinarn like this.
  6. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Specifically 120 tactics, or hits of no damage? We are always happy to investigate issues. However, with combat at least, we rarely get a detailed complaint or problem to research other than "Its Broke, fix it" or the classic "Why did you nerf ______".

    If there is a valid issue, feel free to report it and provide some testing data for the situation and we can look into it, and add some code to run actual testing (10,000 swings) to determine if it is an actual issue or RNG abnormality. The combat code just for damage is over 5000 lines, so there are always new places to look for issues.

    As for the player who started the thread, a reference to 120 tactics is usually a clear indication that they are comparing the mechanics here to mechanics on 5x120 servers like Hybrid and the other place.

    Back in patch 58 this code was added to address zero damage hits after armor absorbtion was factored in as there were situations when you could hit someone, successfully, and see all of the trappings of a hit but do zero damage. This was because the roll was so low that the armor would absorb 100% of the damage.

    if (AbsorbArmor == 0)
    	if (this is Fists)
    		damage = 1;
    		damage = this.MinDamage / 2;
    	damage = AbsorbArmor;
    This is the final check in the damage code to ensure that on a successful hit, you at least do some damage.

    AbsorbArmor = damage after absorb is factored in.
    this = current weapon.
    damage = damage passed to target on a successful hit.
  7. Erlkonig

    Erlkonig Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2015
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    Last edited: Dec 1, 2017
  8. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    The RunUO code for combat, with AOS disabled is roughly a disaster. So it is hard to judge that as any valid base.

    Test center as well combat wise is slowly getting a bit outdated. I don't remember the logic exactly but I do not believe you can set custom weapon damage on test center. I ran some tests and forcing the max damage to 5 has no effect.

    So the test there was just a normal store bought katana test.
    Which produces the expected results.

    As for the minimum damage issue, yes 1 damage is correct. However when we tried that the players did not appreciate it and wanted it to be based on the weapon itself. Ergo the logic to use 50% of the minimum damage of the weapon in this situation.

    Also there is no automatic chance to block on UOR. The system checks for the greater of two values (wrestling or defensive wrestling) As your stats give you anatomy, wrestling, eval, etc even with zero training. It is possible that you get a base innate defense from the shown skill values. But a naked person with minimal skills can be hit almost 100% of the time.

    The problem with a lot of these things is I could literally cease running the server, and do nothing but once a month spend 100 hours defending the combat mechanics here with testing data, extensive results, 1000 hit tests, pieces of code, etc. And that would buy me a few weeks of belief. It is just impossible to spend the amount of time required to prove to the players that the code works as written. And it has been tested extensively to get to the point we are at now. Are there still some random edge cases that give a strange result . . sure.

    The best example of this is the chance to hit someone. That code is identical to distro RunUO 2.2. Yet you are making a claim that there is a 30-40% difference in chance to hit. The chance to hit a player is basically a sacred piece of code that has never been adjusted or modified as it is the one understood law of UO. Equally matched characters have a 50% chance to connect on a combat attack. Yet you are reporting a 40% difference in results from your own tests. Honestly I am not sure how to defend two identical pieces of code, providing results that drastically different.

    These issues should really be moved to their own thread. My focus was on the one specific issue where players were reporting a zero damage swing. Which I cannot re-create in a test environment and am looking for more information.
  9. Enslaved

    Enslaved Active Member

    Aug 31, 2015
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    Its hits with no damage, doesnt matter what dmg modifier (tactics) one has.
    It happens against players and monsters aswell.

    I've also seen hits with a new silver spear of force against a liche that did almost no dmg... not 0 but 4...5..6 dmg

    Non-slayer weapons against players/monster did 0, ive unfortunately seen it while fighting..
    PaddyOBrien and wylwrk like this.
  10. Pill

    Pill Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2014
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    While I haven't seen a zero hit from a weapon on a player or monster, that I can recall. I think reading between the lines of the OP's post - "Weapons damage, never seen a new two handed weapon give no damage on hit with 120 tactics!!!" - he is probably saying that the damage is very low. There does seem to be a pretty high delta between swing rolls, despite the weapon being used. I was hitting between 5hp and ~40hp on a brand new Verite spear. Then again, it's been too long and I can't exactly remember specifically how weapon swings were on OSI.

    I can attest to the fact that the issue reported years ago in regards to Wrestling/disrupt still exists -

    • Wrestling, when successfully landed does not always disrupt a player spell, despite the animation showing it lands on the opponent. This goes for wrestling in general, as well as a stun punch. If a player gets stunned while attempting to cast a spell, that spell should be disrupted.
    I remember Chris looking into and addressing this and it was thought to be fixed, but the issue seems to remain. This may just need to be reanalyzed.

    This is frustrating, but not as frustrating as getting guard whacked in a town that has guards disabled (Bucs Den, Moonglow during the town invasion..) after attacking a blue and he/she hops a gate or recalls to another town and calls guards. This happened post guard zone change recently and is still happening.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2017
    Orion GM BD and Althorn like this.
  11. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 16, 2013
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    I have also never seen a 0 pop up when I hit.
  12. Enslaved

    Enslaved Active Member

    Aug 31, 2015
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    It does not show a 0 ... theres just nothing happens / no dmg shows up...
  13. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    I have experienced that too. You hear the hitting noise, but no dmg and no red number show up. Maybe it's simply a miss, but with hitting noise?
    Hoominaga likes this.
  14. Unknown_Hero

    Unknown_Hero Active Member

    Jan 25, 2014
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    I vouch for this, I'd hear the sound for my spear but the other person could still heal themselves using spells.
  15. Zapp Brannigan

    Zapp Brannigan New Member

    Oct 6, 2017
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    I can attest to this aswell. But I just always thought it was like BlackEye describes it, a miss but with the sound of hitting, or some other nifty old-game-way of making combat more interesting =)

    It does however happen kind of alot.
    Rall Mekin and BlackEye like this.
  16. Rall Mekin

    Rall Mekin New Member

    Dec 8, 2017
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    When I played UO in high school, even with GM tactics and swords, I remember this happening. Seems correct for the Era we are. Weird, annoying, but correct.
  17. Mexplosivo

    Mexplosivo Active Member

    Jun 12, 2017
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    As Chris has noted before, that's not the era accuracy they're going for lol.

    This was my take as well except not "make things more interesting" but a glitch
  18. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 16, 2013
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    Did you see the white flash animation for parry?
  19. Cheapsuit

    Cheapsuit Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jun 12, 2013
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    I'm shocked at these responses. He may not have been totally accurate about some things, but his concerns are definitely warranted.
    The young pup have some big paws on em and I commend him for speaking up. I don't know why we choose to ignore the many issues with dexxers here, but they do exist.
    Don't get me wrong, I still believe in this server, and try to keep my characters logged to help support it, but I also just gave up on playing for the moment.
    I don't know how to play a mage, and I don't want to be forced to do so, but it's the only way you can compete here. But like I said, I'm keeping hope alive. I have patience.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2017
    Unknown_Hero and BlackEye like this.
  20. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    I'm still insist that the problem with weapon hits (among other things) comes down to the way random numbers are handled on the server. If I can swing from a min 10 to max 30 damage, it would be a common (but incorrect) assumption that checking the DPS over time to find the average damage per swing is 20 would prove the system is working correctly. This is not the case.

    Let's say on swing the server generates a random number that leads to a random damage from 10 to 30. The distribution for this will be a straight line. There is an equal chance of swinging for 10 as there is for 30 (or 14, or 27, or any number from 10 to 30). This is certainly not how you remember the game to work. If you had played UO in 2000, or even UO today, I am sure you know that the chance of hitting at, OR NEAR, the minimum was extremely low, and the chance of hitting at, OR NEAR, the max was equally low.

    One way to combat this and make the outcome more consistent while keeping an exactly equal average is to use multiple random checks. This is the reason table top game use many dice. UO is no exception, and each weapon has it's damage expressed in terms of "3d10+3" (for an axe doing base damage of 6 to 33). it simply means you roll 3 10 sided dice, then add it up, and divide that by 3 (taking the average), then adding 3 to that.

    The more dice you add to the equation here, the less linear the distribution curve for the weapon's damage output. In other words, less dice = wilder, more unpredictable weapon damage "range". Take the war fork for example. It's known to be able to put out HUGE damage, but also known to hit for weak damage. It's because the proper dice roll for it is 1d29+3. 1 single 29 sided dice, + 3, so it's a linear distribution from 4 to 32 base damage. You could hit for max, min, or anywhere in between with equal chance.

    This chart shows how multiple dice effect distribution curve. The higher the bar the more likely that number is to come up in any given roll:


    The problem with dexer's weapon damage has been debated here since the server opened. It's even an ongoing problem on multiple UO servers active right now. RunUO's default code for this is simply incorrect. The only server I have seen to have managed a solution for this is <that shard that was popular before UOR>, and they did it through emulating how the T2A demo calculates damage for each weapon, and also by using a different method of random number generation.

    I suspect one of two problem is happening on UOR. Either the dice rolls are incorrect, or using less dice than they should, OR the individual dice rolls themselves, coming from the Random class in C# is the problem (as it was with that t2a shard).

    Dice rolls effect a lot of things. It might not be very apparent here for player that mostly play a mage. But there is clear evidence that, although dice rolls may be a problem here, there IS a problem with the random number generation. Anyone who has casted Gate Travel as a GM mage and fizzled 5 times in a row has experience this. There should be a 50% chance to cast the spell. The chance to fizzle 5 in a row should be 0.5^5 (about 3%). The chance for it even happens 2 times in a row should be .5^2 (25%) and 3 in a row 0.5^3 (Just 12%). If you have casted the spell before, you have surely "felt" like it happens all the freaking time right.

    This can be tested.

    int limit = 10000; //Or whatever max number of tests to perform.
    int total = 0;
    int completeFail = 0;
    for (i=0, i<limit, i++){
    int count = 0;
    for (j=0, j < 5, j++){
    //UOR's actual in-use gate code here
    if !(gate is success){
    if (count >=5){
    double percentage = (completeFail / total);
    //pring out the percentage variable here

    This will do the test for you 10,000 times. I believe you will find that the chance of 5 fails in a row is NOT 0.5^5, and even increasing the limit to 100,000 or 1 million will not show a tendency toward it as well.
    Lan Ji, Aragorn - OCT, Seba and 4 others like this.

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