Is GM veterinary worth it?

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by musicano, Dec 12, 2017.

  1. musicano

    musicano Member

    Mar 23, 2016
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    I'm thinking of building this template, a bard/tamer/mag

    1. GM Magery
    2. GM Meditation
    3, GM Musicianship
    4. GM Provoke
    5. GM Discordance
    6. GM Animal Taming
    7. GM Animal Lore

    I GM'd veterinary on a pre-renaissance shard it barely did more than a greater heal, so I chose to user greater heals instead. I could res my bonded pet (I think) with the resurrection spell. Hoping I can go without Vet.
  2. Larloch

    Larloch Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    You need to pick either discord or provo and add vet. As you may be right, that a cross heal is equivalent to a cast gheal. I can cross heal my dragon every 4 seconds till I run outta bandages. Spamming gheal will last for about.....30 seconds and your shit dies while you are meditating. Not to mention rezing your bonded pets has to be done by someone else.
    Pirul likes this.
  3. SativaGreen

    SativaGreen Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2017
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    As a suggestion, if you don't want to lose the barding skills, you could get away with having no med and just rely on Vet to keep pets alive. Also, pretty sure Magery cannot res pets, unless I'm wrong.
    Larloch and Pirul like this.
  4. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
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  5. musicano

    musicano Member

    Mar 23, 2016
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    Maybe I will just tame new ones after the old ones die. I should look at a video of someone fighting Ogre Lords/Ogre Mage's to see how much the drags get healed.
  6. musicano

    musicano Member

    Mar 23, 2016
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    What is a cross heal? You mean a heal with bandages? in my case if I chose vet, with GM Vet and GM animal lore. As for someone else, doesn't have to be another player could be one of my toons.
  7. Larloch

    Larloch Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    yes healing a pet with bandages, is what I was referring to.
  8. Por Corp Wis

    Por Corp Wis Well-Known Member
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    Sep 1, 2015
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    If you are a tamer you absolutely 100% NEED veterinary to heal you ur pets for farming. Mage won't cut it. You will run out of mana very quickly and your pets will die or u will need to pull out of the spawn.

    Additionally you need veterinary to resurrect dead pets. The only ways to res pets are veterinary or npc animal tamers.

  9. Por Corp Wis

    Por Corp Wis Well-Known Member
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    Sep 1, 2015
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    You want to bond your pets so that when they die they can be resurrected and they last longer and can be trained. Trained pets are tanker and do more damage. You won't be able to farm any of the higher end spawns with untrained pets.

    Plus some pets with really good stats you won't want to replace. Also nightmares are typically not throwaway pets and are worth bonding or even selling since they are a minimal spawn that people compete over.
  10. Althorn

    Althorn Well-Known Member
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    Mar 5, 2017
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    What does vet do per skill level? Does it increase healing dealt and decrease bandage timer at GM?
  11. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    If you want to actually heal something more than just the few hundred points you can do with greater heal and a full mana bar, then yes.

    Just like heal skill, vet relies on your dex. Refer here

    From a 100/25/100 stat template, if you just drop str by 1, and get 1 dex so it's 26, you will use a bandaid a whole half second faster.

    But tamers don't really need to use magery... at all really. You may want to heal yourself, gate/recall from pks, but you don't really need to do more than that. If you can sacrifice some int to get to a stat like 99/51/75 then you can heal a pet in 4 seconds and still have plenty of mana. Also you will take reduced damage from mindblast ((99-51)/2 = 24 damage) and still have a big number of health (it will still be at 100 due to how rounding works).

    One bandage is close enough to a greater heal. You could do about 60 hp in healing every 4 seconds. This is more than enough to heal a dragon that is tanking basically any monster in the game except for very special holiday event bosses that GMs might summon or something. But you don't want to be the tank there anyway.

    If you are more daring, you can scoot that up to 3.5 seconds and let me tell you, that half second makes a big difference. If a bandaid does about 60 healing on average, a 4 second heal gets you 900 hp per minute, and 3.5s heals get you 1029 hp per minute. That's another ~3 huge hits from a balron per minute. A minute isn't very long.

    A tamer basically trades time for money, and in order to maintain that exchange process, they simply need to outheal the damage done by the thing they are fighting.

    In contract, let look at greater heal. It takes 11 mana to cast I think. With a full 100 mana, you can cast it about 10 times (you can med quickly for 1-2 points between some of the casts. It takes about 2-3 seconds to cast and wait off the recast delay to cast again. Then that's it, after this, if you active meditate (means you cant be using vet anymore too), you can greater heal once every 5 seconds max.

    This means your healing power is 1200 hp per minute for the first 30 seconds or so, then drops off to 720 per minute MAX after that.

    How many hard to fight monsters do you know that are anywhere near death in first 30 seconds? Yeah basically none.

    Consider the reagent cost. Greater heal costs a bit more than 12gp per cast if you are getting the cheapest regs possible (which you probably aren't because who has time for that). With magery you are casting 16 times the first minute, then 12 times per minute after that. Your cost for the first minute of healing is 192 gp, and then 144gp per minute after that.

    1 heal is 1 bandaid. That's about 1.5gp on average. At 51 dex you can heal 15 times every minute. It's 22.5gp per minute.

    Over in elhornos thread about average cost per hour in certain farming areas, I think a solid average for constantly grinding away on monsters is about 60k per hour. These are usually high spawns, so we will assume you are nonstop keeping your pet healed. (You want to, because a healed fire breathing pet has a higher DPS than non healed one). It means you will earn 60k in the hour with magery, but spend about 8640gp per hour on regs!

    Bandaids meanwhile perform better, earn you 60k in the hour, and cost you only 1350gp.

    My suggestion to anyone making a tamer that is not specifically for PVPing people, is to 100% definitely have the vet skill. I would start with the 51 dex stat template I listed above, then adjust it as you see the need. Getting mindblasted alot? Lose a bit more HP and balance the stats more.

    Not healing enough damage because you only farm boss monsters in the tamer quest? Try bumping the dex up to 61, so you heal as though you have 51 dex normally, but you are just 1 greater agility potion away from a few minutes of healing like you have 81 dex.

    Still having trouble? (unlikely but..) you can jump up the dex to 81 for great healing normally, and pot up to 101 dex for 3 second healing! (1200/minute).

    Heck, if you find you dont really fight at champ spawns while you are farming, or you aren't at some area like the terrathan keep battleground, getting a 5-12 monsters provoked at once, I would wager that it's a better alternative to just go straight dexer.

    With Weapon/Tactics/Anatomy/Tame/Lore/Vet (6xgm) and 85/100/40 (you will take 30 damage from MB... but not many people really use it) but also be able to heal the max hp/second on a pet that is physically possible in game 1200+ hp/min and bring your damage per second up from about 42 damage per second (what a typical assortment of pets will do) up to another 11 to 53 damage per second. That's a big jump. The faster you kill, the faster respawns happen, the more money you make.

    I listed 6xgm skills there for that dexer, because maybe you want healing for yourself. But if you're brave and can deal with greater heal and 40 int, you can take up lumberjacking and increase that damage quite a bit. This would easily be the highest DPS character in the game.

    People want discord/provoke, because it's easier to stand there like an idiot and run a macro to provoke a few nearest greys while vetting a pet. It's easy, and discord helps to speed things up. But you can make a lot more if you are actually playing the game.

    Of course maybe you don't want to navigate the spawn and control it using all kill to remove aggro from yourself, and you don't want to deal with risking getting cursed and not being able to gate out due to 40 mana. Then maybe the discord/provo template is right for you. It's more casual and easy, which can be good.

    Of course I think if you are a skilled UO player, there is no reason you should die on a LJer with pets to one PK. Especially if you do healing skill and take fencing, one para blow could mean certain death for any PK that runs in. If there are more than 1 pk, why would you even try to fight them anyway, you are just asking to die at that point on a non pvp character without resist or wrestling.

    Yes vet is better than magery. Try to get 51 dex by dropping STR to 99 and dropping the rest in INT as a good starting stat template.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2017
  12. Descartes

    Descartes Well-Known Member
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    Jun 9, 2012
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    Vet is definitely worth it. I've always been a fan of the wrestling & resist route on a tamer, as I like to indulge would be pkers and other miscreants. But that only applies to Felucca - if you're going to spend most of your time farming in Trammel (instances and events etc), then provo or discord is definitely the way.
  13. musicano

    musicano Member

    Mar 23, 2016
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    Also, do you know how long it takes to GM a tamer from 40, if you know all the right spots and do it non-stop (I probably won't do that) but maybe 24 hours or more?
  14. Por Corp Wis

    Por Corp Wis Well-Known Member
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    Sep 1, 2015
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    If you no life it and poopsock will take 2-3 days.

    If you do it more casually id guess 7-10 days.

    Follow this thread for details. Its quite helpful.
    Althorn likes this.
  15. Althorn

    Althorn Well-Known Member
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    Mar 5, 2017
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  16. Willy

    Willy Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2017
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    I'm confused by this. I was under the impression there is no trammel rules areas? Can you explain a bit?
  17. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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  18. Willy

    Willy Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2017
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    Oh ok. So those events are under trammel rules?
  19. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    Some of them are, like the christmas scrolls, some of them aren't, like the Tamer Quest and AMIBs. However, you can decide where the gate to these instances open, and it's 99% of the time in a secure house. So you and all your pals are totally safe unless one of your friends is a vile traitor.

    The annoying part about this is the sheer number of instances out there. Tamer Quest isn't such a big deal, but there are players that do nothing but run AMIBs and you will never see them in the actual game world except MAYBE to fish. Fishing is also totally secure. You can be pked on a boat, but if it's locked and you are standing in the middle, there is no way for anyone to loot you or anything. Tracking is nerfed so finding a fisherman to PK is a waste of time as well. Consequently, fishing is how you get AMIBS... it's the circle of trammel.

    The holiday scrolls were "rare" drops from monsters over the holidays. They too open special instances that literally have trammel rules inside them. You cannot PK anyone in there. People farm a billion of these over the holidays or buy them, and then they too disappear from the actual game world. You will see countless irc spam each day "so and so finished the frozen continent event with 2 pets and some other nonsense". This is reporting that someone just did it. Keep an eye on that message, you will see it's the same people over and over and over, people you have never seen in game. People do nothing but these instances from the end of the holiday straight until the next holiday, and NEVER appear in game except to farm scrolls if they aren't buying them. To make matters worse, MORE scrolls can drop inside the instances that the scrolls create... so it's an endless cycle of trammel.

    If you are ok with the instances, there is never any reason you would need to actually play the normal game. You can perpetually do them.

    Lame if you ask me.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2017
    Isabel likes this.
  20. Willy

    Willy Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2017
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    Thank you for the explanation. Yeah seems like to a takes money to make money running these types of deals.

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