So, having not read the rest I shall answer your query good sir. earth shatter > vanquishing > power > might You may leave payment with my squire whom I shall send rightly. Good day to thee! W Non smarmy answer though sir is going to be the slayer on top. Slayer is double the roll whilst vanquishing is +9 factored into the weapon's (one) roll. If the weapon did 1-6 or something crazy like that, then we'd have a longer discussion at hand.
Correct. Given that slayers multiply the damage by 2, harder hitting weapons are more desirable slayers. This means that an earth shatter halberd may perform better than a vanq halberd, but an earth shatter cleaver will not necessarily be better than a vanq cleaver. Of course, if you want the nitty gritty I would summon @Dalavar or @snap dragon.
@wylwrk do you happen to know what the order-of-operations with all of these modifiers? Base Damage of weapon STR Bonus Anatomy Bonus Tactics Bonus Lumberjacking bonus Exceptional bonus Damage bonus (might, force, etc) Slayer bonus What gets added when, what gets multiplied, etc.
Of course @wylwrk (and others) can also provide you with the nitty gritty. I just don’t have it myself.
Thanks @One, I was wondering this too. To think I've been taking a Vanq bow on amibs instead of a crap silver bow.... I'll have to go home now and check all the crap weaps I kept just because they were slayers. So because the slayer bonus is double the dmg, a naturally harder hitting slayer weapon is going to have a bigger dmg modifier than a naturally weaker weapon. Have I got that right?
If this is the case, is it a compounding damage modifier? For instance: Base(str(AB(TB(LB(EB(DB(SB)))))))= actual damage
I don't know the case, that's why I asked I think historically the Tactics, Anatomy, and Strength modifiers were additive. Like if you had respectively 50%, 20% and 20% bonuses, you'd get a 90% bonus on damage, not 116%. Not that that guarantees even that part works like that here... but just trying to recall some old Stratics pages I used to pore over.
Yeah, Tela handed out a few crumbs awhile back with the tactics tweaks patch... you may be aware but just for information's sake here is what I believe is accurate and true today. But first, your question.... I wish I knew for sure but my accounts aren't set up for proper testing like I used to be (see: infatuated with) to do so. Per my experience simply training up a few characters and making non-sciency-control-group observations, there's no secret sauce as far as the modifiers are concerned. You have your damage potential number, it's a total of all your modifiers, random roll for your weapon varience, and it's calculated prior to and used with your "swing" results. I don't want to get into armor absorb... there's something not quite right with it but I can't empirically prove it. ... and now for the sh_ post, Strength @ 100 = 20%, Strength @ 110 = 22%, Strength @ 120 = 24% Tactics @ 50 = 37.5% , Tactics @ 75 = 43.75%, Tactics @ 100 = 50%, Tactics @ 110 = 52.5%, Tactics @ 125 = 56.25% Anatomy is unchanged (0-30%) (I do not know the exact stop gap totals) some of the patch was amended when it was noticed that damage wasn't necessarily stable for players with 25-75 tactics sorry for the derail one, slayers rule.. vanqs drool unless it's a magic wand... if you find a vanq magic wand PST
LOL..You just stick to the videos and guides, those videos are the bestest! Speaking of which, I've been wondering how you bring up a cursor to loot? I've always just double clicked.