Hello, My friend Leopold suggested this would be a good guild to join. I wont pk blues and i wont steal. I have a 6xgm crafter that would help your guild. Crow Armslore, Blacksmithy, Bowcrafting,Carpentry, Tailoring and Tinkering. all gm I am not the most experiences player but i can make almost anything if i am supplied materials.
Wanting to discuss the guild further! Haven't used mIRC since the 90's, might need a bit of assistance getting on the right server to join ps chat.
Hi, I'm a beginner and interested in joining the guild. Since I started playing, I received help from two members of the P'S, Triss and Leopold. I want to be part of the guild, want to collaborate with the growth of the guild and help for beginners, as they did with me. I read and accepted the rules.
Hey there! The rules where down when you posted this, so did someone send them to you? If not, please read them now (I posted them just now) and make sure you 100% agree, Thanks!
Hi, I am a returning playing and am interested in joining P'S and growing with the guild. I am still working on my chars but would like to get involved in the player run events as well as the champs. I read over the guidelines and rules and accept them.
Heeey. Pretty fresh new player looking for a guild to fill in the blanks where i have no idea what to do :3
I hereby agree to the terms of conduct and participation rules, and would like to submit my request/application to join ^.^ I currently only have 1 usable account but like every one I plan to have many, my bard mage will be 7xGM by tomorrow! Looking to make friends both experienced and New, highly interested in making an Anti-PK to help if the need arises. Thanks for all of the help given thus far and I hope to return the kindness and assistance
@Keyser Soze has expressed an interesting joining the guild. I pointed them here and to @Lord Krake but I don't know if they have pursued this. I also don't know them from Adam apart from bidding opposite them on an auction.
Hey there. I'm a returning player, and am interested in checking out the guild. I've read the terms and agree to all of them.
Hi everyone, My name is Lillo, I was playing years ago and I almost forgot everything but I am fascinated by UO and this seems to be the right server. I am looking to have fun with PS if there is a slot for a new player P.S.: I, of course, agree to the terms. Lillo
Hi! I started playing on this server just before Christmas and I'm now looking for a guild to join with my provocation mage. I really enjoy helping others whenever I can and the rules all seem great to me. I would of course abide by them all.
Ey fellers. I guess this is an update too. I use to be a member of the guild when I played years ago. I got pointed this direction by some lovely players from irc. I accept the TOS (Guild rules, but let's be realistic and name it what it is! ;p) My primary character is :Kushlov Astier. Feel free to pm me if I've missed/skipped anything that needs addressed!
I have read the code of conduct and agree to the terms. Have only been playing a couple weeks, so a real newbie to gaming on line. Hoping that you can help me.
I have read and agree'd to your TOS. Character name............forum name...........IRC name....................Discord stian..............................stian......................stian.............................tealnight#2749