Due to community outreach regarding the affordability of bond slots we have discussed this thoroughly and decided to lower our cost to 150K per bond slot. We have also scheduled our next run. http://uorforum.com/threads/wts-tamers-quest-bonding-slots-12-18-7pm-est.29527/
Just assisted someone do their scroll and sell some slots. It went very well and the scroll owner got some good drops.
I help @John_Doe run his quests and collect animals when I can be assed enough to look for them. I asked him to help run a tamer's scroll tonight as a spur of the moment kind of thing. During the quest @John_Doe got the shadow hue mask drop and handed it over very quickly. Thanks again bro. +1 for this service
Wow what a great service thou has done thy community! Welfare bond slots, come one come all! You guys accept EBT?
Would also like to give my +1 to @John_Doe 's service! I have slowly filled my very first scroll over the years I have been here, and asked him to run it for me. To my complete amazement the SHADOW mask dropped and it was promptly handed over. I could not be more pleased. I will also mention that I help fight with these guys, and they are a great crew. We have really tight solid runs, and have this thing down to a science. Never a risk of not succeeding, now the goal is just how fast can we do it! Solid crew, solid service, great people!
I met @John_Doe very early In his time on the game. I pointed him to PS and I've seen he's kept his place there and does business with that group. I trust PS. Free bump.
My grandmother fell off a cliff while trying to get her cat out of a hawks nest. John Doe came saved her and the cat. Great guy!