Not to poopoo on this colorful parade but the topic clearly states daily events and yet there have been many days where we just sat staring at the screen in agony refreshing the active posts link longing for the next story by the clever and definitely honest Franz Pfniffel but nothing has been coming and to make this run on sentence even longer I will suggest to you dear sir that you ought to purchase a 'forum false-advertisement' permit before someone with some powers bring down the justice hammer and changes the name of this thread to something with more congruence to the actual body. Cheers
I do get a kick out of how you show up to places and the first thing people say is "please don't". Also, I like to call the default UO text color 'Vomit Yellow'. You should use a different color!
Wise: But Wise, it's daily in the sense of something like "ordinary" rather than the literal understanding. As my dictionary states: "PHRASES daily life the activities and experiences that constitute a person's normal existence." For anyone experiencing worries, illness or nightmares due to the formulation of the thread title, the first post specifies: Basoosh: What! Vomit yellow is the best UO speech color!
Daily life and daily events have a seriously dissimilar connotation. But I am just sad because I want to see more new and old players alike experience the joy that is UO, and your actions are an integral part of that joy. Much like the gadfly in Plato's Apology, you keep the people of UO alert and vigilant lest they suffer the fate of docility and complacency. Of course you sting people and whip them into a fury, all in the service of entertainment and not truth and obviously no one actually minds :mrgreen:
Ah wisely spoken master Wise! Because of your words I'll release the next event this moment. This was just last night.
One word: Sherelle! The beautifully dressed Sherelle is a member of the Village of Paws community. During the evening their great leader shows up!
*loads double barrels with sulferous ash and shards of broken glass* To the mischievous lad known as Pnifferdilly your affections towards our dear daughter of Paws have come to my attention and emphatically do not give you my blessing to pursue this courtship! To help emphasize my position I've written a special verse, Roses are red, cattle prods are hot, If you come near her again I'll blast you're charming face so far beyond recognition that Belok's own mother would have you! I wish you well in pursuit of your heart's calling just don't have it call back here! *fires shot*
Jupiter, but they are in love, and it's been decided, there will be a wedding. You know, whats done is done
Reading these makes me want to get something stolen by you, it would be an honour to have go through my belongings and let you take what you want. You should go into politics !!!
Poor Spencer. LOL I nearly spit my drink out when I saw the inside of his backpack. It's a lot what I imagined it would. (Spencer is a 6 year old kid) hehe