Honey Boo Boo sat down for a healthy bowl of sketti and pizza and go go juice while reading the evening patrol report. For the past few days, Zeke, Teutonica and Valinor had been rampaging through the dungeons to send a message that the brigands are back. Murdering here, doing business with stolen goods there. Today, Zeke and Teutonica decided to make a foray into P'S lands in search of where those dastardly Sanctuary people are hidingtheir fearless leader @Bayara . They came across some dragons, and found Who Is John Doe asleep on his doorstep. Nothing says wake up quite like some purple potions, so they tossed a few then bashed his head in! Per instruction from Honey Boo Boo, they carved him up quick and stuffed him into a sack. They delivered their kill to interim brigand badass bitch Honey Boo Boo. "That's mighty fine killin' ya'll. But where's the pizza and cheesey poofs ya'll were supposed to bring me? I'm starving! I'm so hungry I could eat an ogre lord! Oh, and write @Lord Krake a letter ya'll tellin him that the brigand - sanctuary war is on like Donkey Kong! We're gonna drop them quicker than I drop a turd after eating Mama June's cooking ya'll! Toss that there bag on his doorstep!" Zeke rode out to project sanctuary town, and encountered a lone tamer who skidaddled away like a coward when Zeke was gonna ask directions to Krake's abode. He ended up tossing the bloody bag on to the floor of the rune library, as a warning to those Sanctuary folks that none are safe as long as they refuse to release Bayara! [First screenshot didn't work, but it was basically "This be a warning, we're gonna do it again, yadda yadda brigands taking over yadda yadda no one in this town is safe!!"]
The patrol reports don't use no big fancy words or none of that queen's english, and have lots of pictures!