Playing UO Renaissance on a Mac OSX using a download and play package

Discussion in 'Server & Client Support' started by nkr, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. compsays

    compsays Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Feb 20, 2017
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    But IS the server. There's only this one, no other shards like in the old days. It's the server, it's the shard, it's the mothership.
  2. Labeler

    Labeler Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jul 18, 2016
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    i was just gonna say.
    uoR is the only server that kept its originally version of the launch with minor changes.
    i dont know how else to explain. perhaps you should read the UOR home page more before having other expectations.

    needless to say, this server is very alive, many public & non public events. high responsive community (in irc) and a very playable marketspace (forums and irc). i like this even more than UO on OSI in 2002.

    give it a go before judging; you might find it amazing like many players do.

    compsays likes this.
  3. enfieldTA

    enfieldTA Member

    Feb 29, 2016
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    Hello all,

    I just got a new computer (MacBook Air), and upgraded to the latest OSX ( "High Sierra" -- 10.13.3) and now I can't seem to open the UOR package downloaded from

    Is anyone else having this issue with this new OS? Does anyone know anything about computers (Macs particularly) who can point me in the right direction?

    I hope to continue playing! But I did just spend a bunch of money on this new robot, so if that's that then I'm kinda screwed.

    Please help!
  4. Labeler

    Labeler Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jul 18, 2016
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    there is a video a couple post above (previous page)
    try that please
    enfieldTA likes this.
  5. enfieldTA

    enfieldTA Member

    Feb 29, 2016
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  6. OldSchool

    OldSchool New Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    Hey fellow UO friends. I followed the video instructions and was able to get UOHybrid running on my Macbook Pro. However, it tells me my client is out of date and that certain items in my bag show up as metal gates/wicker fences. How do I remedy this? How can I update my client?

    I tried copying my UO game folder from my PC and replacing the one withing the mac version, but the game crashes right after character selection.
  7. Labeler

    Labeler Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jul 18, 2016
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    i dont wanna sound picky but you should download the MAC package from uor download page. this package works without flaw. only need to tweak IF your running a laptop mac without dedidated VGA RAM(4GB+) for this tweak follow the youtube posted a few times in this tread.

    if that still doesnt work... please provide some more details and screenshots.

    good luck sir
    compsays likes this.
  8. OldSchool

    OldSchool New Member

    Feb 16, 2018
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    I have the mac package from the website, I have the 2016 package version. But when I login to play on uogamers hybrid. Items in my bag appear as something completely different on my mac vs my pc , because I cannot update my game client within that package. I'm stuck with an out dated game client from that doesn't have uogamers hybrid supported content. I'm just looking for a solution to fix that.

    Example: The easter candy in my bag, shows up as a little piece of candy on my PC. When I play on my mac with the downloaded mac package, the easter candy is a giant metal wall/fence piece.... like what you'd see when building a custom house. (no joke)
  9. Labeler

    Labeler Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jul 18, 2016
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    i dont play hybrid, i play UO Renaissance
  10. compsays

    compsays Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Feb 20, 2017
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    I didn't think it was possible to play anything other than UO Renaissance on a Mac. I wasn't aware of an alternative.
  11. Chadarius

    Chadarius Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Sure you can play on any shard as long as you are using the correct UO client and patches. You can easily setup different Wineskin packages for them. But UO Renaissance is my favorite shard by far so why play anywhere else? :)

    You can manually install all the software into a custom Wineskin and it will generally work just fine. UO Auto mapper doesn't work well in Wine on a Mac, so I just throw in the older 8.3 version and run that, which works perfectly. Happily, I've now ditched my last Macbook in our household so I won't be messing with this stuff much longer. But I'm pretty sure I'll be setting this up in Linux on WINE soon. :)
    compsays likes this.
  12. Cretoma

    Cretoma Active Member

    Feb 23, 2018
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    First off, THANK YOU for this thread!! It has solved so many issues I was having trying to get UO up and running!

    I'm reading through all of these pages. There are a few issues I am still having after trying the fixes suggested here (and in the video). I have seen most of them in the previous posts, but I am still having the problems. Uninstall & re-installed. It helps a little, then issues return.

    Now, sometimes (I am not able to consistently reproduce it), pushing the return button tries to put UO into full-screen. When this happens, I am unable to type, as well. Things keep opening up. I am assuming it is connected to the command button getting stuck, like @Chris mentioned. It mostly happens when I have been macro'ing all night or during extended playing sessions.

    Frequently, the window ceases to the the "active" window, and I am suddenly unable to type or anything else until I click again on the playing window. This happens even when I'm typing mid-sentence! It is kinda frustrating, but I am dealing with it by constantly clicking with my mouse.

    Here is the machine I am running on:
    High Sierra 10.13.3
    Macbook Pro (Retina, 13-in, early 2015)
    2.7 GHz Intel core i5
    8GB 1867 MHz DDR3
    Intel Iris Graphics 6100 1536 MB
    Kiryana and Valrick like this.
  13. Sheepdog

    Sheepdog Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2017
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    @Cretoma I used to have this issue where I'd need to click in game with the mouse to remove the cursor and be able to type again, there seemed to be no rhyme or reason to it. Very frustrating if you're doing PVP and hitting macro keys.

    Couldn't find any answers or solutions to it at but then read something about a tick box for running mouse in a separate thread, it's an option somewhere, I cannot remember where exactly, but that seemed to do the trick, I only came across it when I installed a Razor mouse and was having issues with the side buttons.

    I have no clue wether that fixed it or the addition of not using the track pad.

    If you find a solid solution please post it as I know other Mac users who suffer this annoying problem too!
    Cretoma and Kiryana like this.
  14. Cretoma

    Cretoma Active Member

    Feb 23, 2018
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    The cursor is irritating, I agree. I will dig around and look for a mouse toggle.

    I often cmd-tab back and forth between UO and the web-based IRC client. No big deal. The trouble is that my mac does not register that I am back on UO. The top of the screen (I forgot the name of it) still shows that I am in Safari! Every time I go back to UO, I have to actually click the UO icon in the dock in order to get UO to be able to toggle between my UO accounts and razor.

    While I am far from competent with my Mac, especially when it comes to gaming and Wine, I'll fiddle around a bit more to try to get things smoothed out.

    At least I no longer have to wait 5 minutes for Razor to try to update!
  15. Labeler

    Labeler Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jul 18, 2016
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    i dont have issues with cursor, im curious to find out what exactly it is.

    the full screen can be manually fixed should you mess up. it activates if you hit CMD or CRTL Enter by accident.

    pm me and we can organize a teamviewer sessions, so i know waht issues your facing.

    i myself use an imac 27 retina and i use the client built with Wineskin (downloaded form the UOR page)
  16. gdlm

    gdlm New Member

    Mar 23, 2018
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    i had an old mac with macos sierra that the package worked fine. Now, i got a newer one with high sierra and when i try to run the client it shows on the docker bar but no window shows up on the screen. does anybody had the same problem?
  17. peacetype

    peacetype New Member

    Mar 26, 2018
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    I just tried UO Ren today 20 years after I stopped playing the original... I can't believe I'm playing this again on my Mac in 2018! Really incredible folks who brought this together.

    It seems pretty close to the original experience. A few kinks I'm trying to iron out...

    1) When I setup hotkeys/macros/whatever on the UO configuration menu, they work normally in the game... until you exit the game and relaunch it. Then the game forgets all of them. Kind of a big issue since it takes lots of customization to get the hotkeys set up. It's kind of a cost-prohibitive time investment to go through that setup every time. Has anyone found a way around this issue? I tried setting the hotkeys up in the Razor app instead. That works... but many of the UO hotkeys are not available in the Razor app, so that's not much of a solution.

    2) No music! :( I read that others have experienced this as well and that there is no known work-around. It's kind of sad that we don't get to hear the classic music. This game had such a great soundtrack for it's time and honestly it feels a bit empty without the music. Hopefully someone figures this out. For now, my workaround is to have my iPad next to my computer and occasionally play some tracks from the UO soundtrack which I have uploaded to iTunes :) Not the same, but it's something.
  18. Labeler

    Labeler Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jul 18, 2016
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    1: close the app and try delete the DESKTOP folder within UO folder.
    2: best so ifar i could have make is the login intro music. once in game it stop :(
  19. peacetype

    peacetype New Member

    Mar 26, 2018
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    That's helpful. Deleting the folder successfully "reset" my configuration files. I tested it again but still having the same issue. I looked a bit closer and it looks like the macros2d.txt file is accurately preserved between game sessions. But for some reason the game seems like it's not loading the macros from that file. The file is there as it should be, but the macros it contains are not showing up on Ultima's configuration screen. I guess no one else is having this problem? I'm running with the default configuration so I wonder why the game won't load the macros on my installation.

    Hey, that's something! How did you manage to get it to play the intro music on the login screen? That would be nice to achieve :)
  20. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    A tip from a use who recently updated to the High Sierra version.

    <AUB> I figured it out. I found a video. High Sierra disrupts wineskin, the application that runs windows games on a mac. You have to access wineskin and change two options manuallyn and everything goes back to normal
    Cretoma likes this.

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