A bad thread about PvP/Reds

Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by Skydancer, Mar 10, 2018.

  1. Skydancer

    Skydancer Active Member

    Feb 12, 2018
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    Good, maybe if you consider me a sucka troll you'll stop posting in my thread. And as for char info, the people who ultimately make the changes have access to that info if they want to investigate my death counts. In the meantime, I see no reason to give you a charname so that you can make a point of hunting it.

    I have a macro, and it still has no bearing or effect on always being chased out of decent spawns.

    So, since I have a repeated problem with being chased out of spawns, you'll simply have to forgive or forget that I'm not simply quitting the server until the Dev's tell me that they support killing off their PvM playerbase. At that point, I'll gladly accept that UO:R has no interest in acquiring PvM players, and I will leave.
    Until then, I'm going to continue advocating that Reds need punishments that are on par with the punishments they are dealing out; Or, that the mechanics of PvM vs PvP need looked at; Or, that reds need to be offered some kind of gameplay that promotes them doing something other than rotating through every decent spawn in the game and chasing me out.

    OSI dished out some pretty heavy stuff for these exact reasons, and this server seems to have a knack for making advancements with these old systems. I've in no way petitioned for Trammel, but the murder system does warrants updating and perhaps even change.

    A red is a criminal. They should be treated as criminals. Short/Long term counts need to be revised. And the punishments for having gone red need looked at. More risk = more reward, and a playstyle dedicated to killing people playing a non-afk playstyle should be a high risk business. however, current public opinion is that reds are currently running a near risk-free business.

    So stop telling me to shut up because I'm a threat your candy stealing. In Earsnots words, I want to make you work for your rubies as hard as I do. (Earsnot can keep his, I prefer my rubies snotless.) Maybe in you were supporting the effort instead of dogging it, you would come up with something that you also wanted but are having a hard time getting right now. -- Real PvP.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2018
  2. Killian

    Killian Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 15, 2017
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    • Examples of understood felucca game play:
    • • Killing a player in a dungeon, looting their items
    • • Stealing from players
    • • Looting other players houses.
    From the compendium. People is a broad category in this case, but I believe that it does include PvM characters.

    For the record, I do not have a red.
  3. Skydancer

    Skydancer Active Member

    Feb 12, 2018
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    These are all mechanics I support having in game.

    This thread advocates that reds are criminals and should be treated as such.
    That short/long term counts needs revised.
    And that the current punishments for being red need revisions.
  4. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 4, 2014
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    You know this is a PVM leaning server right? You know the mechanics are in YOUR favor, not the pks right? You know that current public opinion is that you are off your rocker if you think UOR is mechanically favoring Pks over pvmers. If anything, this thread should be moving in the exact opposite direction that you are trying to push it. If anything, pks and pvpers should be complaining that pvmers run the show and get all the advantages while they are left in the dust. If you need expansion or clarification on any of these thoughts LMK and I can go into more detail.
  5. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 4, 2014
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    As I've mentioned before, based on your statements, I am under the impression that there is a HUGE gap between your understanding of UOR mechanics and most other players. There is no other way to explain the defeatist approach you are taking other then that you just simply are not aware. Please find a guild and some friends and learn from them how they manage to overcome the hurdles that you are hitting, because we all are managing to overcome them but you so clearly something is amiss.
    Puck, Balian and Ahirman like this.
  6. Skydancer

    Skydancer Active Member

    Feb 12, 2018
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    Please do, because my current experience is that any decent overworld spawn is impossibly iinaccessible, and that any successful PvM'r must be treasure/trammel mapping. (This is stricly opinion, but nothing else seems apparent.)
  7. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 4, 2014
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    Deciet Lich Lords: This spot is truly nasty for pks. For starters, know that all pks will be coming in from the north off screen, loading a spell and then running down. 2 boxes at the door make that approach impossible. Super cheap, super easy. Now if you look where the farmer is standing in this pic, its genius. With your back against that wall, the pks have to literally be ON THE GREEN LINE to even be able to cast a spell on you. That is, even if they picked up your boxes and your still not gating out somehow, they have to come waay further in even to have their first spell go off. Now, you need to know that a pk has a target by innocent humanoid button, and unless they know the exact tile that LOS opens up on, they are more then likely misfire their first loaded spell to get a "target cannot be seen" msg as soon as they get within range. Lets say they have good control and know about the LOS wall there and run completely off the edge before dropping their first spell. The second set of boxes at the base of the stairs just put them in the danger zone. The pk just went from hunter to hunted. Fuck them up, chop their head, dry loot them and laugh as you sit there with your bonded pets carrying a 2k loadout on a pvm char. They are BUILT for pvp, carrying full pvp loadouts. You have no resist, imbalanced stats, and still click on spell icons and you just merked them. Welcome to UOR.

    Let's say they try to adapt and mark a rune for inside the lich lord pit since you kept getting away due to your boxes. Even better, now they are gating INTO a death trap. Make sure to lock that staircase down and go chop some heads!

    Shame EGs: This spot is the grand-daddy of high level yet stupid safe spawns. A few boxes and a single client can hold this spawn no problem.
    Furthermore, if the pks adapt and start marking inside your perimeter, they are not only likely screwed due to the low space, you can always make the space even smaller by walking inside one of the rooms. The key is understanding line of sight and positioning. If you stand against the wall, the pks literally have to ENTER the room and get to the green circle to even have line of sight on you. 1 wall of stone from you and they are going to die.

    Khaldun: Not able to recall inside, which means the pks will be coming via 1 of 2 possible entrances. You have 3 accounts so farm on 1, and either trap each entrance to kill the pks, or at the very least stick a naked alt there to warn you of a pks approach.

    Fire Temple: 1 entrance, 2 dragons spawn inside. great GPH, lots of barbed leather, lots of good dragons to tame and bond or sell. Block off the entrance and you create a safe space.

    More to come.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2018
    Jethro, Althorn, Dr Satan and 10 others like this.
  8. Skydancer

    Skydancer Active Member

    Feb 12, 2018
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    I also believe that reds feel they are playing at a disadvantage because, from my perspective, they have no gameplay but to hunt PvM - which, based off character weight cap and the general consensus to gtfoutta dodge, is likely not a very profitable business.
    So, I totally understand why red players are defending the current mechanics - because it's all they have - but I've also been trying to approach how to bring in more red gameplay, and more lucrative gameplay at that. I was kind of hoping that red players would pick up on that and have something to say about it, but... well... ~gestures to thread~
  9. OreHound

    OreHound Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2016
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    What would you call "decent overworld spawn" which is considered "impossibly inaccessible" though, and what is your measure of success?
    JimmyTheHand likes this.
  10. JimmyTheHand

    JimmyTheHand Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 27, 2017
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    This is part of UO. It is competitive. It is hard. I think your tactics are flawed. Possibly try a less than "decent" spawn? Although I fear you'll consider that below your lofty opinion of yourself.

    I couldn't care less if you quit the server or not, nothing to forgive, although I'll probably forget, admittedly.
    UO:R has a massive PvM player base. New players come here all the time, I'm one of them. A success story at that.

    There is punishment, you just need to kill them for it to take effect. There could be more punishment, make it harder, I'd be down for that (as already stated many posts back). I think there might already be a thread for this though?
    "Red's" gameplay IS hunting down innocents and slaughtering them, this is the entire purpose of the murderer system. They're doing it kill you.
    This is what is called "Classic UO gameplay". Which, if you were aware of how development of this shard has gone, and why, you would know that this is dear to both dev's and players alike. This information is freely available by browsing these very forums.

    Again, development of this server has gone along the route of: What would the dev's have done if they never implemented Trammel and kept developing.
    A revision of how count's work isn't a horrible idea, but that is a small part of what you've been whining about.
    Yes, you have been whining, like a little bitch.

    They ARE treated as criminals, this is why they cannot enter a town without being mercilessly guard whacked in to oblivion.
    Risk free? Well, if there were more players who were prepared to fight them, it wouldn't be so risk free. Again though, this relates back to count mechanics being tweaked to suit the multi account world we're in. I think you should possibly start a non whinging bitch style thread about this, you might be pleasantly surprised with the support.

    I didn't tell you to shut up, I specifically and repeatedly told you to adapt to the game that you're playing. Do you do this in every game you play? Are you one of those people that immediately whinges on forums when developers make a minor change to your beloved class in other games? Your mindset seems to suggest this is the case.

    You want to make me work for my rubies? Silly boy. I work very hard for my rubies.

    This last one is laughable. Me... Jimmy the Hand... come up with something that I wanted? Oh boy :)
    Browse around the forums a little. Engage with the community. You really are sounding like an absolute twatbag at this point.

    In closing: Adapt to the game you're playing and the rules within it. If you have a problem with comprehending them, ask around, if you have a suggestion, make a real thread. This one is nothing more than a giant "woe is me" thread.
  11. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    You all are being trolled.
    Cromwell, Jill Stihl and Hollywood like this.
  12. JimmyTheHand

    JimmyTheHand Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 27, 2017
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    If only. I'm convinced there's literal pants on head.
    Killian likes this.
  13. Skydancer

    Skydancer Active Member

    Feb 12, 2018
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    @JimmyTheHand In your last post, you agreed with two of the three points I've been trying to make in this thread. Almost everyone to actually make an intelligent response here has also agreed with the same two points that you have.
    @El Horno I'll bookmarked the post you are working on. Thanks in advance.
    @OreHound I'll pm you in hopes your not Earsnot in disguise lol
  14. Jill Stihl

    Jill Stihl Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 10, 2017
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    Just posting because he's announced "Thread Closed" and I'm a rebel.
    eherruh, DaTamer, Hollywood and 4 others like this.
  15. JimmyTheHand

    JimmyTheHand Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Yet you say silly things, make horrible assumptions and put words in to people's mouths. Then when called out on those things, it's just thread closed.
    Hope to see you in game, I shall take all your rubies!
  16. Earsnot

    Earsnot Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Not if I get there first home boy!
    JimmyTheHand likes this.
  17. Mayor McCheese

    Mayor McCheese Active Member

    Jun 8, 2014
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    I like how anyone who is defendng the mechanics gets lumped into this "murderer" category. I have 0 murder counts between 15 characters, I consider myself very much a PvM guy. I used to pvp on osi, but haven't really touched it here and definetly not as a red. I have absolutely no problem going to certain popular farming locations at certain times of the day without ever seeing a red. Othertimes a quick gate or recall away, drop stuff at bank and head back and they are already gone.

    Again your argument isn't about reds being unfair or that you can't run away in time from reds. You have been arguing for the ability to be not only even, but on better grounds then someone who is a murderer and has the jump on you. Someone who had the advantage of suprise and isnt worried about consequences of their actions is going to be the better ambusher. Period.
    JimmyTheHand and wylwrk like this.
  18. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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  19. compsays

    compsays Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Feb 20, 2017
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    Oooh, a "closed thread". Goody.

    I'm mostly a PvM player, never ever PvP. I would rate my PvM abilities as "modest at best" and my anti-PK skills "terrible at best".

    Been PK'd here WAY fewer times per hour played than I ever was way back when.
    JimmyTheHand, DaTamer and Jill Stihl like this.
  20. Skydancer

    Skydancer Active Member

    Feb 12, 2018
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    When I said silly things, I tried to apologize for saying stupid things and immediately dropped them, and Is the assumption that most players here have a red a horrible assumption? And is my initial assumption that reds are wandering spawn to spawn killing whoever they can a horrible assumption? Where are my horrible assumptions?

    I did not put words in anybody's mouth, I was talking to multiple speakers all at once.

    And I closed the thread because I seem to be the only one who is repeatedly ending up dead or chased out of a spawn within 5 minutes of entering it. Wtf else am I supposed to do with this thread at this point? You yourself advised making a different one.

    @Mayor McCheese
    If I'm talking about reds. Why wouldn't I call them murderers? And what I argued was a two-second timer on taking actions out of a gate.

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